Category Archives: love

Anatomy of a Trailer: Eat, Pray, Love

I read Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir Eat, Pray, Love a couple of years ago, when I was going through a particularly rough patch in my own life.  (I think it is the closest I will EVER come to reading a self-help book.)  Without going into too much detail, I liked it.  Sure, the narrator was a tad whiny and self-absorbed at times.  I also thought that the heavy-handed, kind of preachy (no pun intended), “Pray” section could have been downsized a bit.  However, it was a fast, at-times humorous, and life-affirming read.  And, yes, it did help me a bit with what I was going through at the time.

When I heard they were making the memoir into a movie, and that Julia Roberts had been cast in the “Liz” role,  I was a bit surprised.  The author’s inner struggles just didn’t seem as though they would translate that well to the big screen.  Plus, Julia Roberts seemed too strong, and a bit too long in the tooth, to play the story’s vulnerable and fragile early 30-something protagonist.  I’d always pictured someone more like Kate Winslet in the role.

But, of course, I could be wrong.  It’s not a bad trailer.  The location shots are gorgeous.  Plus, the makeup artists and film stylists did a fairly decent job making Julia Roberts look younger, wispier, and blonder than I have seen her in a while.   And . . . well . . . maybe I should just shut up, and show you the trailer  . . .

:12 – It’s Mr. Miyagi from those old Karate Kid movies!

 . . . oh, wait . . . that’s not him.

:35 –  “When some guy who . . . yes . . . looks a little like Yoda, hands you a prophecy, you have to respond.”

“May the force of big box office bucks be with you, Julia.”

:40 – The wise and sassy best friend . . . a requirement for all Chick Flicks, since the dawn of time.

Because chicks LOVE sassy and wise friends.

:43 – Interesting sidenote:  Did you know that the writer of Eat, Pray, Love was the free-spirited table-dancing bartender who penned the GQ article that inspired this movie?

To be honest, after reading this book, I wouldn’t have thought she had it in her . . . I guess people can change . . .

:58 – “Your underwear, my queen.”

Granny panties

Oh, James Franco, always looking perpetually stoned, no matter what movie you’re in!

I still love you, though . . .

1:19 – This “Julia in a bathtub” scene totally reminds me of that scene from Pretty Woman.

You know, the one where she sings  “Kiss” by Prince, amidst a sea of bubbles . . .

Coincidentally, the film Pretty Woman turned 20 this week.

Another year, and it will be old enough for me to take it bar hopping, without a fake ID . . .

1:42 – Since I was a little girl, I always had a thing for elephants, and secretly wanted one for a pet.

So cute!

It’s probably never going to work out for me, though.  For one thing, I don’t think I could find a pooper scooper big enough (or toilet, for that matter . . .)

2:06 – Who knew Javier Bardem was such a hottie, underneath all that bad No Country for Old Men hair?

But wait, wasn’t Liz’s Bali lover (and now husband) supposed to be older than her?  Like in his 50’s?

Eat, Pray, Love hits theaters August 13, 2010.  Will YOU see it?


Filed under Book, love, Movie Trailer Recaplets