Category Archives: Ian Somerhalder

Coed Naked Damon Salvatore – A Look at the TV Vampire’s Best Undressed Moments

“Well, hello ladies.  I’m BAAAAAAACKKK!”

WARNING:  There are certain posts on this blog that are intelligent, erudite, and highly analytical evaluations of pop culture . . . . This ISN’T one  of those posts. 


Christmas has come early for TVD fans, in the form of two tantalizing new trailers that are jam-packed with Ripper insanity, Delena tenderness, Coed Naked Forwood BED HUMPING, Salvatore Brother Wall Slam Madness, and a raging party at La Casa de Rich and Awesome .  . .

(Rafter Dancing not necessarily included . . .) 

Did I mention SHIRTLESSNESS?  Oh, yes, boys and girls.  This season’s new trailer delivered not one, but TWO “less than dressed” moments from our favorite TVD males.  And ONE of those moments, featured a teensy tiny bit of soap where UNDERWEAR was supposed to be  . . .  Any guesses as to who that lathered-up lad was?


(Well, read the title of this post, DUH!)

So, in honor of our new pal, Mr. Sudsy Weiner, I’ve decided to take a look back at some of Damon Salvatore’s most mesmerizing less-than-dressed moments.  Because we all know how much Damon likes to please the ladies (and the men) with his unique . . . um . . . assets . . .


So, grab that rubber duckie, and leave your clothing at the door, because it’s time to get NAKED with the sexiest 170-year old I know . . .

He Makes Bathtime Lots of Fun!

Rub, a, dub, dub, Fangbangers!  Damon Salvatore is not only the sexiest vampire in Mystic Falls, he may also be the CLEANEST.  After a long hard day of ripping out hearts, dancing like a maniac, flirting, and doing “that eye thing he always does,” the Elder Salvatore brother would like nothing more than to rip off those pesky clothes, and barrel into that pristine bathroom of his, for some “one-on-one time” with the tub.


“Go away SOAPDISH!  Bathtub and I need our privacy!”

When most of us think of Bathtub Damon, THIS is the image that comes to mind . . .

Having made his wet and wild debut, in the opening moments of Season 2’s “Daddy Issues,” before the title card for the show even appeared, this version of Bathtub Damon offered EVERYTHING a connoisseur of shirtlessness could possibly want:  pectoral closeups, abdominal appreciation, the long lingering upward crawl of a camera lens, and the brood and smoulder of a pensive, wet-haired Salvatore brother.

Admittedly, Damon had a whole lot of angst to wash off at the time (which may explain why he thankfully bathed AGAIN at the end of the episode).  After all, in the past twenty four hours, Damon had been forced to (1) euthanize a were-rabies addled Rose; (2) come to grips with his unquenchable desire to regain his humanity; and (3) eat a lonely young female traveler on the road, so as to avoid dealing with his FEELINGS.

Not only is the above scene undeniably sexy, it also silently and beautifully conveys the pain, guilt, longing and uncertainty Damon is experiencing at this point in the series.

But what’s a shower scene without a companion Wrapped in Towel Moment to swaddle your recent naked memories in the warmth and cuddliness of a fluffy white towel (easily removeable, of course)?

Oh Damon, you big ole fangy TEASE. . . with your unwrapped towel, which you woefully knotted, just moments before you sauntered across my television screen on those long lean muscular legs of yours.  I was so busy staring at your . . . ahem . . . better half that I barely noticed Future Sex Toy Andie on the TV within a TV, reporting on all those people Were Rabies Rose ate, last week.

“Who the f*&k is Rose?”

Fortunately (or, unfortunately, depending on your thoughts about Sex Toy Andie) both Bathtub Damon and his four-episode “girlfriend” graced the show with their respective presences, less than an hour later . . .

“This tub is so very small . . . and I am so very . . . large, hence, the pouting.” 

This bathtub scene served as a nice parallel to the one at the beginning of the episode, in that, here, in the comfort of his bathtub, Damon was finally able to convey in words all the pain we saw him silently endure, while in the shower.  Damon’s confession — which he felt comfortable giving to Andie, only because she was under compulsion at the time — was an extremely cathartic moment for our antihero.

Of course, it was fitting that he did this in a bathtub, as he was not only cleansing his body, but his soul as well.  Did I mention that it ended with one of the most captivating, transparently sexual, BITES in TVD history?

Of course, Delena fans, like myself, most remember this scene as being the one in which Damon admitted just how much he loved Elena, and that his biggest fear, was that he would never be good enough to deserve her love, in return.  This is a theme that echoes throughout the second half of Season 2.  And, as we well know, it comes full circle during Season Finale, when Elena finally admits to Damon that he IS good enough to deserve her, and that she likes him just the way he is . . .

(click on the internal link to view)

And hey, for those of you who prefer your Naked Damon silent, but deadly . . .

 . . . you can catch ALL THREE shirtless scenes from “Daddy Issues,” without all the pesky wordplay, RIGHT HERE:

Damon’s desire to use water to symbolically purge his inner demons is nothing new.  In fact, he’s been doing it since 1864 . . .

Back in the episode “Blood Brothers,” Damon had just learned that Vampire Katherine, the then-love of his life, may have been burned to death in church fire.  OH, and he also has three days to decide whether to feed on human blood, or DIE.  No pressure!  So, what does our Damon decide to do in the midst of all this stress?  Bathe in the river, of course!

(Clicky!  Clicky!)

 Open-Shirted Shenanigans!

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I love me some COMPLETELY NAKED Damon.  But sometimes, the delectable allure of just the slightest sliver of bare chest can be precisely what the Love Doctor ordered.  Perhaps, the most notable of Open-Shirted Salvatore Moments occurs during Season 1’s “The Lost Girls,” in which Damon engages soon-to-be vampire Vicki in what has become the SECOND most iconic dance in TVD history.  (The most iconic, being the “Miss Mystic Falls” dance, obviously.)

Given all the angst and heartache we’ve watched him endure throughout Season 2, it’s easy to forget that Damon Salvatore is a FUN GUY!  And when he’s not busy pining for love, or trying to save Elena from the Villain of the Week, he’d like nothing more than to pop open a few beers (or his trademark bottle of bourbon) pop up his shirt collar, and dance from the rafters to the groovy sounds of a Depeche Mode cover band .  . .

(Come on!  Press the link!  You know you want to!)

 Yet, even during Damon’s most carefree and liquored-up moments, there is an inner core of sadness that lurks beneath the surface.

So, no matter how much he tries to use drinking and good humor to dull The Pain, it still peeks out, exposing its raw and vulnerable “skin” through the thin fabric of his unbuttoned cotton shirt . . . And we all know, there’s really only one person who could properly button that “pain” back up: Elena.

(You can’t NOT click the link!  It’s, as Damon says, “irresistabbbllle.”)

But, lest we get too maudlin, we should remember, that drinking and partying, isn’t ALWAYS about dulling the pain.  Sometimes, its just a way to reconnect with old friends through a nice neighborly game of strip poker.

It also could be a sexy way to kill the messenger.

You know . . . because it “sends a message.”

(Hit THAT!)

Sleepy Time for Sexy Vamp . . .

You know, in SOME vampire shows, bloodsuckers don’t sleep . . . or they DO sleep, but they do it in coffins, ick!

Rough sleeper? 

Fortunately, in The Vampire Diaries, vampires sleep just as much (or as little) as us humans do.  And Damon Salvatore is no exception.  You know what else is great about TVD vampires?  They tend to sleep without their shirts on!

Of course, as we know, beds aren’t always for sleeping.  Sometimes, they are for pondering your next move, because you just learned that the woman you love has ONCE AGAIN put her life in the hands of the dubiously trustworthy Vampire Elijah (and his fabulous hair), as we see in the above shot, taken from Season 2’s “Klaus.”

But don’t worry.  Damon does WAY more than pout and sleep in his bed.  He also uses it for HOT SEX. . .

Yes, boys and girls.  Contrary to popular belief, people (and vampires) did, in fact, engage in hot raunchy LOVIN’, back in 1864.  They just had a lot more clothing to remove, before they could get to the good stuff. . .

(Click the link!  Get some)

After a long exhausting night of hot loving . . .

Nothing beats some good old-fashioned breakfast in bed . . .

Just don’t play with your food, OK?

(Munch!  Munch!)

Of course, the problem with eating breakfast in bed, is that it tends to muss up your sheets with crumbs (or blood, as the case may be).  When that happens, you may find yourself having to improvise.  One way to do that is by moving your bedtime activities to THE FLOOR, as Katherine and Damon do in Season 2’s “The Return”

Wow!  Damon’s a DAMN GOOD LOVER, isn’t he?

No wonder Elena is having sexy dreams about him!


Earlier, we discussed how Damon sometimes uses his shirtlessness to express his sadness and vulnerability.  But sometimes, the Elder Salvatore has been known to rip off his shirt to channel his ANGER!  Take for example these two parallel scenes, in which Damon takes out his anger, over being outsmarted by a fellow vampire, on his SHIRT, his PHONE, and, of course, a Very Special Soapdish . . .

Speaking of Soap . . .

It always comes back to cleanliness with Damon, doesn’t it?  And this post is no exception.  I leave you with the much beloved Shirtless and Soapy Damon clip from The Vampire Diaries’ BRAND NEW upcoming season, set to premiere September 15th.

(Lather up!)

Sweet dreams! 

[][Fangirls Forever]


Filed under Damon Salvatore, Ian Somerhalder, Shirtless TV Stars, The Vampire Diaries

Damon Salvatore’s GIFT to YOU – Animated GIFs for Every Occasion!

Don’t say I never gave you anything!

A few months back, Dawson’s Creek’s James Van Der Beek took a running joke that fans of the show had about his Ugly Cry Face . . .

 . . . and turned it into comedic GOLD (not to mention, a major marketing opportunity)!  Sure, The Beek may never be hired to act in a movie where has character has to cry, ever again . . .

But, with all the cash he’s raking in from those Dawson’s Creek syndication rights . . . (and all the good karma he’s building up, by helping bloggers like me find The Perfect GIF, when we’re too lazy to actually express our feelings in actual WORDS), James “don’t need NO STINKIN'” CRYBABY MOVIE!  He’s set for LIFE!

(But, seriously, if you haven’t checked out JamesVanDerMemes yet, do it NOW.  It truly is a Blogger’s Best Friend!)

OK . . . OK . . . I know what you are thinking.  You are probably saying to yourself right now, “I clicked on this post, because I thought I was going to get to read about DAMON SALVATORE!  So, what’s with all this James Van Der CRAP?”

Patience, my Fangbanging Friend!  All will become clear, in just a moment . . .

You see, this morning, I was reading an awesome, Damon Salvatore centric blog post, written by my fabulous pal from Down Under, Cherie, when I came upon one of my favorite Damon Salvatore GIFs . . .

THIS got me to thinking about ALL the fantastic Damon Salvatore GIFS I’ve managed to collect, since I started recapping The Vampire Diaries, about a year ago.  And thinking about THAT, got me to thinking about how Ian Somerhalder (who plays Damon on the show, DUH!) could probably learn a thing or two from Mr. Van Der Beek, about how to convert his natural GIF-making ability into Cold Hard Cash . . .

(Cash that can be used to benefit the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, perhaps?)

So, without further adieu, TV Recappers Anonymous proudly presents: Damon Salvatore Memes, a series of Damon-y GIFS that will be sure to satisfy all of your sexual emotional and blogging needs . . .

Happy GIF-ing!

Greetings from Damon Salvatore

Often times, when you are blogging, there are instances where you want to offer up a little “Howdy” to your loyal readers.  After all, sharing your thoughts with like-minded folks is what blogging is all about, right?  Fortunately, we have Damon Salvatore to help you do just that . .  .

Now, there are many ways to say “hello” to your friends.  You can wave . . .

You can give them the oh so cool, “Nod and Point” . . .

Or, for those “close” friends, you can blow them a kiss . . .

Not bad, right?  But saying hello to your blogging buddies, is just the tip of the iceberg.  Damon can help you out with so much MORE!

Damon Salvatore Helps You Get Laid . ..


Flirting through blogs and e-mails can be a tricky business.  Since the person you are trying to put the moves on can’t actually SEE you, there’s a good chance some of the subtleties of your language might get lost in translation.  When this happens, the best case scenario is that your overtures of affection are misunderstood or ignored.  Worst case scenario?  You end up looking like a TOTAL Creepy Perv. 

Thankfully, with the help of Damon Salvatore, flirting is easy . . .

After all, no self-respecting love interest would be able to resist the Eye Thing . . .

. . . or the Compelling Stare . . .

Want to tell your crush how dreamy they look?  Katherine and Damon can do it for you!


Perhaps, you want your crush to CALL you, so that you can continue your flirtation over the phone . . .


Or, maybe, you want to give your lover an electronic kiss on the cheek . . .

Not at the Cheek Kissing stage of your relationship, yet?  Try a chaste Forehead Kiss . . .

Awww, you know what?  Screw chastity!  Go in for the Tongue Kiss!  You only live once, right?  (Or, if you happen to be a vampire, you only live, FOREVER!)


But, perhaps, this isn’t just your crush.  Maybe, it’s your significant other . . . someone you’ve already kissed, many times.  Perhaps, you’ve recently come to the realization that you don’t want to kiss anyone else, ever again.  This person is the one who’s lips you want to remain locked with, for the rest of your life.  (Well, except for when you are eating . . .).

You LOVE this person!  And what better way to tell someone you love them then with a not-particularly-large pixelated computer image!


Who am I kidding?  This portion of the post isn’t about LOVE?  It’s about SEX, right?   So, here are some “Let’s Have Sex” GIFs for you, courtesy of Damon Salvatore.  (Some of them are pretty literal.   For others, you will have to use your imagination.)

And, my personal favorite . . .


Phew, that got me all hot and bothered!  Please excuse me, while I take another shower . . .

OK . . . I’m back . . .

You know, love isn’t all Hearts and Roses.  It can be pretty painful too.  Fortunately, Damon is here to help you express your Relationship Angst . . .

Damon Salvatore Can Help You Heal a Broken Heart . . .

Have you just been rejected?

Do you feel like your heart has just been ripped out of your chest?

Damon Salvatore feels your pain!  And he can help you express it, too!  Whether your sadness is of the quiet, brooding and soulful variety . . .

 . . . or you consider yourself more a student of the “Let It All Out” School of Emotional Outbursts . . .

Damon has just the GIF for you!

Worry not, with Damon feeling your miserable emotions FOR YOU, you’ll be dancing in NO TIME!

And if not . . . well . . . getting totally and completely wasted, and numbing your mind with booze, is always an option!

Damon Can Help You Cyber Bully  (Not that I advocate cyber bullying, because I don’t, Parent Teacher Council! ;))

You know that moment when a despised television character, who you THOUGHT was gone for good, suddenly makes a re-appearance on your favorite show?

And they start mucking things up for ALL your favorite characters and Ships?

Well, sometimes, that happens in REAL life too! 

Below are some healthy ways to vent your frustration, which, hopefully, will prevent you from going into a rage and ending up in jail.  Might I suggest some idle threats . . .


How about getting some vicarious thrills, by watching Damon hurt someone on television, and PRETENDING that it’s YOU doing the hurting, with the Person You Hate as the unsuspecting victim. . .

And, hey, if anyone ever accuses you of Cyber Bullying, because you just so happened to use a few of these images to . . . get your message across?  My recommendation?  LIE!

Here are some other Damon Salvatore GIFs that you may find helpful in your blogging future . . .

The Eye Roll . . .

The Expression of Awesomeness

The Expression of Thoughtfulness / Quiet Contemplation of Deep Issues


The Strong Desire for a Certain Someone to Shut the Hell UP!


And finally . . .

The Desire to See Ian Somerhalder Naked, and Fresh out of The Shower

Three times in one post!  I’m pretty sure this is a record for me!

There you have it, my fellow Fangbangers, a comprehensive series of Damon Salvatore GIFs that are sure to meet all of your blogging and fangirling needs. 


So, what’s YOUR favorite Damon GIF?

[][Fangirls Forever]



Filed under Damon Salvatore, Ian Somerhalder, The Vampire Diaries

Battle of the Bad Boy Vampires: Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries) versus Eric Northman (True Blood)

Those of you who know me and/or have read this blog before, probably suspected that the time would come when I would write a post that pit my two favorite television vampires (both of whom are based on characters fromnovels) against one another . . .

But WAIT!  Before you stake me, or snap my neck like a twig, please know that this is REALLY not a competition, in the traditional sense of the term.  I merely aim to illustrate some similarities between these two extremely unique and dynamic fangsters . . .

(But, before I begin, I’d like to give a shout out to the Always Brilliant Amy, over at imaginarymen, who remains the reigning queen and founder of the TV Boyfriend Olympics.  Without her, this post would never have been written.  Additional thanks go out to the Fabulous Cherie, over at myspideysenseistingling, and the Remarkable Madeleine, both of whom have a depth of vampiric fangirl capacity that knows no bounds.)

Above all else, Viking Vampire, Eric Northman, and Fangy Rebel Without a Cause, Damon Salvatore, are both EXTREMELY SEXY!  In fact, they are unequivocally sexy, no matter what they happen to be doing, at any given moment.  Whether they are . . .

 .  . . preparing for war . . .

 . . . or lounging around in bed . . .

. . . or driving around in hot super expensive sports cars, with the top down . . .

 . . . or having a little “snack” . . .

 . . . or forgetting how to button their shirts . . .

 . . . or getting dressed up for a night on the town . . .

 . . . or breaking in their new leather jackets . . .

. . . or wearing certain BLUE PANTY DROPPER articles of clothing 😉 . . .

 . . . rest assured these immortal beings are going to be looking hot, while they are doing it.

And yet, being an INSANELY AWESOME Television Vampires isn’t just about looking good.  (That’s most of it . . . of course . . . but not all of it. ;)) To be truly insanely awesome, you’ve also got to have the personality to match the looks.    And for both Eric and Damon, a fun and snarky sense of humor functions as the perfect accessory to any item of clothing (or, no clothing at all, for that matter)!

Behold . . . the funny .  . .

(Don’t worry!  I’m not playing favorites, by using a longer video for Eric than for Damon.  I just take them, as I find them!)

So, now we’ve got a handle on their looks, and their respective senses of humor.  But if you want to learn what REALLY make Damon Salvatore and Eric Northman tick, you’ve really got to watch them in action.  What follows is a comparison study of fourteen (seven a piece) arguably similar Damon and Eric scenes from their respective shows .  . .

(Note: For clips that are non-embedded, just click the internal links for your viewing pleasure!)

Let’s BITE into it, shall we?

Romantic Manipulation

In the REAL WORLD, when you look like Ian Somerhalder or Alexander Skarsgard, NO fancy hypnotic magic, or blood bonds are necessary to ensure romance.  When you want to get laid . . . all you’ve got to do is ASK!  But in TV Land, virtually EVERYONE is beautiful, and girls can be (no offense to Elena and Sookie) kind of dense, sometimes.  For this reason, both of our Bad Boy Vamps, at least initially, used vampire magic to add a little OOMPH to their respective courtship rituals .  . . with varying results.

First up is Damon, and his attempt to mesmerize Elena — the number one object of his affections — to make out with him.  The “mesmerizing” part seems to work . . . (She’s not BLIND, after all!).  But the “making out” part . . . well . . . not so much.  Because what Damon doesn’t know is that Elena is wearing a vervain necklace, which makes her impervious to vampire mind control.  He gets an “A” for effort, though!

Eric Northman had slightly better luck with Sookie, when he tricked her into drinking his blood, thereby establishing a Blood Bond between the pair.  As a result of the Blood Bond, Sookie will have uncontrolled sexual dreams about Eric (I have those ALL THE TIME!).  He will also always be able to sense her feelings (like, when she’s horny, for example ;)), and instinctively know when she’s in danger (so he can rescue her).  Well played, Viking Vamp!


Dream Walking (a.k.a. Inception – Vampire Style)

So, by now, we’ve all probably seen, or at least heard about the film, Inception, and its erudite discussions about one’s ability to manipulate the dreams of another. 

In TVD world, vampires are capable of controlling other’s dreams, Inception style, as Damon does in this next clip.  (Hint: We know it was Damon making Elena’s dream, based on his creepy crow mascot hanging out by her bedroom window, near the end of the scene.  By the way, I’m SO GLAD the writers nixed that lame plot device!)

In True Blood, sexual vampire dreams tend to stem from the blood bonds between human and vampire.  Never do the writers of True Blood ever explicitly mention dream manipulation.  And yet, in this next clip, Sookie clearly KNOWS that she’s dreaming, and Eric does appear to be purposefully using the dream to send her an important message.  This particular dream scene may also give you a little sense of deja vu, when you watch a similar REAL LIFE (well . . . real TV life . . . at least) scene that takes place between the two characters, later on in this post.

(Note:  This is actually just one of THREE dreams Sookie has about Eric, and it’s not even the HOTTEST one.  I simply chose it to make a point about Damon and Eric both using Dream Manipulation Tactics on Sookie and Elena.  You can watch Sookie’s other dreams about Eric here.)


Murder By Seduction

Of course, Damon and Eric would never WILLINGLY hurt the women they love.  But they don’t seem to mind hurting others all that much . . .

In this next clip, Damon lures the unsuspecting Vicki Donovan into his lair, plies her with liquor, sexy dancing, and promises of genuine understanding and affection.  And then . . . well . . . I’ll just let you watch, and see for yourselves.

Though Damon’s motives for “murdering” Vicki Donovan were never made entirely clear, during the series, one suspects they had something to do with Damon wanting to wreak havoc on his little brother’s life.  (Damon promised to make Stefan’s life an unliving hell, after the latter coerced him into becoming a vampire, seemingly against his will).  Damon eventually “revived” Vicki from death, by turning her into a vampire, shortly after initially killing her.  Ironically enough, it was at the hands of STEFAN that Vicki met her True Death.

This picture SHOULDN’T be funny . . .  but it kind of is!

Likewise, Eric seduces and ultimately murders Vampire Talbot, to wreak havoc on Vampire King Russell Edgington’s life.  Eric seeks vengeance against Russell, for murdering his parents, centuries ago.  You see, Talbot is Russell’s “soulmate.”  Though, as you will clearly see in the next clip, vampires and monogamy don’t exactly mix . . .

(Note:  This clip is DIRTY with a capital “D.”  Parental discretion is advised, KIDDIES!  Don’t say I didn’t warn you!)


Hot Bod Taunting

“When you’ve got it, flaunt it!”  These are words to live by . . . even if you’re undead!  And Damon and Eric have NO qualms about displaying their “wares” to the women they love, in order to show them EXACTLY what they are missing . . .

In this next scene, Damon might be drunk, but he’s NO dummy!  He knows that, once Elena gets close enough to him to button up his strategically opened shirt, she will get a peek at those abs, a whiff of that vampire man musk, and be his forever.  Even if she doesn’t know it yet . . .

As for Eric, he takes Hot Bod Taunting to a whole other level!  Unlike Damon, who tactfully alludes to the fact that he’s a Lion in the Sack, Eric wears his HOURS and HOURS of nonstop Sexual Conquesting like a badge of honor . . . one located right below his belly button . . .


Vulnerability Due to Loss of “Maker”

Damon may be head over heels in love with Elena now, but for about 140 years, he loved her doppelganger Katherine, the woman who initially turned him into a vampire.  Damon loved Katherine so much, in fact that he risked everything to “rescue” her from the tomb in which he thought she was buried undead.  So, when the tomb was opened, and Katherine was still nowhere to be found, Damon was heartbroken.  It was the first time in the series, where we really saw this tough-as-nails vampire break down emotionally.  And when he needed a shoulder to cry on, Elena’s was the first one he sought . . .

Unlike Damon, Eric may have never done the horizontal mambo with his maker, Godric (at least, not that we know of).  But he did love him, in the way that a father loves his son.  And when Godric “met the sun” (i.e. committed suicide by burning to death) Eric felt completely lost.  For the first time in the series, the Viking Vamp cried tears of blood.  Eric was inconsolate over the True Death of Godric.  Without Sookie there to support him, who knows what self-destructive acts he might have committed?

Romantic Gestures with BITE!

Who said bloodsuckers couldn’t be romantic?  Let’s face it! When guys have been on this earth for as long as Damon and Eric have been, they KNOW when they are in love.  And they are NOT afraid to show it.

In the episode Rose, Damon has just rescued Elena from an Evil Old Vampire who kidnapped her.  He also retrieved from said Evil Old Vampire her precious vervain necklace, which protects her from vampiric compulsion.  When Damon visits to Elena’s home to return the necklace, he decides that this is the perfect moment to let Elena know exactly how he feels about her. 

Sounds simple, right?  It isn’t . . . Because Damon knows better than anyone, that True Love sometimes requires us to make the most painful of sacrifices.

Eric Northman knows a thing or two about sacrifices, himself!  After all, he’s willing to DIE the True Death, in order to rid the world of the PURE EVIL that is Russell Edgington.   When you are about to die, the things that are most important to you, suddenly become crystal clear.  And nothing else matters. 

Remember when I showed you that Dream Scene between Sookie and Eric?  Well . . . IT’S BACK . . . for real, this time!

Rescuing the Woman He Loves . . . For Her OWN GOOD . . . Whether She Wants It Or NOT!

As a member of the fairer sex, I can admit, that us ladies can be pretty stubborn when we want to be — especially when we feel strong enough about something, that we are willing to fight to the death for it.  And while, most of the time, we are ABSOLUTELY right . . . there are sometimes (very rarely, of course ;)) when we are wrong.  Enter the Hot Vampires with Hero Complexes to rescue us . . . even if they have to drag us away, kicking and screaming, in order to do it . . .

In this next clip, Elena has set off on a Suicide Mission.  She plans to turn herself over to an EVIL HOMICIDAL VAMPIRE, in order to save the lives of the people she loves.  But Damon loves HER . . . and he’s not having it . . . AT ALL!

Like Elena Gilbert, Sookie Stackhouse always seems to be throwing herself into harms way.  But she doesn’t have to go far from home to find trouble.  It usually just knocks on the door, and comes right in!  In this particular instance, Sookie is unwittingly being stalked by some Killer Werewolves.  It’s a good thing her Friendly Neighborhood Vampire  is available to help her in her time of need (even if she would rather talk about Boring Vampire Beeeel, than do important things . . . like NOT GET EATEN)!

So, there you have it: seven situations and fourteen sexy scenes to compare and contrast.  Not bad, for a pair of undead bloodsuckers, right?



Filed under Alexander Skarsgard, Ian Somerhalder, The Vampire Diaries, True Blood

GO IAN! It’s your birthday! – A (Small) Tribute to Ian Somerhalder on his 32nd Birthday

It’s Ian Somerhalder’s birthday.  So let’s CELEBRATE!  First, change into something a little more comfortable . . .

Make sure you’ve got your favorite tunes playing . . .

You are DEFINITELY going to want to DANCE!

Pour yourself a drink . . . or twenty!

And don’t worry about those pesky calories.  INDULGE YOURSELF!

Put your feet up, and relax . . .

And don’t forget to pucker up for those birthday kisses!

Who knows?  You may even end up getting LAID!

You may have noticed that I spend a lot of time on this blog going on (and on . . . and on) about Ian Somerhalder – the actor.  I’ll write posts about the various roles he’s played, throughout his career, or his acting techniques, or the deft with which he’s established himself as a complex and intriguing male romantic lead.  Yet, through all of this, I very rarely take the opportunity to talk about Ian Somerhalder – The Man. 

Well, now “The Man” has just turned 32.  So, what better time than NOW, to peek into Ian Somerhalder’s life:  where he has been, and, perhaps, even more importantly, where is he GOING . . .

Ian Somerhalder was born December 8, 1978 in Covington, Louisianna.  His gregarious nature, and natural good looks led him to begin a career in modeling at a very early age . . .

But, at the age of 17, Ian found himself craving something more.  And so, he began to pursue a career in acting.

Though Ian made a name for himself playing roles like the bisexual schemer Paul Denton in the film The Rules of Attraction, and sexually confused private school student Hamilton Fleming, in the short-lived television series, Young Americans, his big break came in 2004, when he auditioned for the role of Boone Carlye, in what would become ABC’s most successful television series, Lost.

But then the writers had to go and kill off his character, during the show’s first season.  (Yeah . . . THAT SUCKED!)

So, Ian took his talents to the stage, starring as a teenaged version of Pig Pen in the Off-Broadway Peanuts tribute play, Dog Sees God, alongside other up-and-coming actors, America Ferrara (Ugly Betty, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants), Eliza Dushku (Bring it On, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse), Ari Graynor (Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist), Logan Marshall Green (The O.C.), and Eddie Kaye Thomas (American Pie).

(Believe it or not, I actually got to see this show live.  I loved it to pieces.)

And . . .  then came The Vampire Diaries, and a little Brooding Bad Boy Bloodsucker, we like to call Damon Salvatore . . .

The show was an instant success, and quickly built up a rabid fanbase.  This can largely be attributed (in addition to great writing) to the stellar acting skills and amazing chemistry of its talented cast members . . .

The success of The Vampire Diaries helped Ian gain recognition both as Entertainment Weekly’s Sexy Beast, and as one of People Magazine’s Sexiest Men Alive in 2010.

But Ian is more than a pretty face, talented actor, and charming interviewee, he’s also a pretty darn good person, who cares about the environment and wants to better his community.  A staunch animal lover, and owner of three cats . . .

 . . . Ian has worked closely with the St. Tammany Humane Society to raise money for animals in need.  His involvement in this organization increased manyfold, following the Gulf Oil Spill, back in April of 2010.  Ian was one of the first celebrities to speak out publicly against BP, and the lackadasical way in which the spill was being handled by its executives.  Concerned about the welfare of the animals living in the gulf, Ian put out a series of public service announcements requesting public donations to help care for them.

In fact, Ian was one of the main voices behind the Gulf Oil Spill Telethon hosted by Larry King this year. 

Today, in honor of his 32nd birthday, Ian will launch his own foundation geared toward positively impacting the planet and its creatures.  You can learn more about the Ian Somerhalder foundation (and how to make a donation) by clicking here.  To learn more about what’s going on in the Fabulous Life of Ian Somerhalder, go ahead and follow him on Twitter.

But, however, you decide to celebrate Ian’s birthday, be sure to watch The Vampire Diaries this Thursday at 8 p.m . . .

I promise you, it won’t SUCK . . .

Happy Birthday, Ian.  YOU’RE THE MAN! 🙂



Filed under Happy Birthday, Ian Somerhalder, Ian Somerhalder Foundation, The Vampire Diaries

The Many Faces of The Vampire Diaries’ Damon Salvatore

Now, I’m not going to name any names, but there are a number of actors out there, who appear to be capable of expressing only ONE emotion, using ONE facial expression.  Freddie Prince Jr., Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, that Creepy guy from the Erectile Dysfunction commercials . . .

“Bueller?  Bueller?”

Fortunately for us TVD fans, Ian Somerhalder is NOT one of those actors!  In fact, as Damon Salvatore, Ian Somerhalder has portrayed a wider range of emotions in 1.5 seasons of The Vampire Diaries,  than some actors twice his age have exhibited throughout their ENTIRE CAREERS!  I think that deserves a round of applause.  Don’t you?

In celebration of his work, I thought it might be fun to pay a little tribute to some of my favorite “Faces of Damon Salvatore.” 

OK, I know it’s supposed to be a “FACE” post, but how could I possibly write a blog entry about Damon Salvatore, without including AT LEAST one BODY SHOT?

[By the way, inspiration for this post came to me by way of two FABULOUS posts, courtesy of my blogging pal, Cherie.  Fellow TVD fans should be sure to check out her Damon Salvatore Mixtape, as well as her kickass post regarding the Sartorial Stylings of Stefan Salvatore (a term trademarked by the Always Brilliant Amy, over at Imaginary Men).]

So, what do you say, we stop yapping, and start getting some serious “face time” with our favorite vampire? 

Face #1 – Flirty Damon, a.k.a. “Eye-Thing” Damon

No HUMAN girl could resist the charms of Damon Salvatore, when he’s working his Flirt Magic on you.  And if his smile alone, hasn’t already melted your heart, his “Eye Thing” most certainly will . . .

When we get to see him:  Flirty Damon usually makes an appearance, when he’s trying to get something he wants out of someone of the “female persuasion.” 

Early on in Season 1, Flirty Damon came out to play ALL THE TIME, with practically EVERY lovely lady on the show, from Elena to Caroline to Bonnie to Vicki to Aunt Jenna to Matt’s Slutty Mom.  Heck, I think he may have even come on to Alaric a few times . . .

And yet, ever since Damon has come to realize his true feelings for Elena, we can’t help but notice that Playboy Damon has been a bit less playful, of late.  Love can do that to a vamp, sometimes . . .

Why we love him:  Isn’t it obvious?  We love Flirty Damon because he’s FUN and SEXY AS HELL!  Besides, a guy who will flirt with anything that moves, will surely flirt with us!  Right?  *nods head, hopefully*

What it says about his character:  Damon’s flirty nature definitely gives him an air of confidence.  This is a guy who’s hot, and KNOWS IT!  Damon is not afraid to use his charm and good looks to get what he wants.  Aside from purely strategic reasons, Damon likes to flirt, because it’s FUN!  He enjoys spending time with women.  And he loves the attention they give him.

However, as we’ve come to learn in Season 2, there is a bit of falseness to Damon’s flirting.  When Damon REALLY loves and cares about someone, he finds it much more difficult to flirt with her.  Because, while lust may be a game for Damon, LOVE is serious business for him . . . 

Flirty Damon Video Tribute:

Thanks sxylilrckstar!

Face #2 – Drinking Damon

When Damon says he likes to drink “Bloody Marys,” he means that quite literally.  Nice knowing ya, girls named Mary!

When we get to see him:   ALL THE TIME!  (Have you ever noticed how Damon drinks both BLOOD and ALCOHOL, in just about every episode?)

Why we love him:  Just because Damon is a vampire, doesn’t mean he can’t get wasted, just like everybody else.

And when Damon gets drunk (like most of us), it lowers his inhibitions . . .

Sure, sometimes that loss of inhibitions makes Damon do BAD things (like kill Vicki, and almost kill Jeremy).  But it also makes him do GOOD things, like bond with Alaric, or have heart-to-hearts with his brother, or slur out hilarious drunken jokes, or let Elena know how much he really cares for her.

What it says about his character:  Damon has always been one to try and “turn off” his feelings — something that being a vampire allows him to at least pretend to do, on certain occasions.  Don’t forget that this is a vampire with 140 some-odd years of pain and heartbreak to overcome!  He would LOVE to “turn off” his feelings of hurt and anger, over having pined over the same woman for a century-and-a-half, only to find out that she never loved him.  He would LOVE to “turn off” his feelings of betrayal over his brother’s decision to force him to become a vampire, so he wouldn’t have to go through eternity alone.  And he would LOVE to “turn off” his  love for Elena, a woman for whom he cares so deeply, and yet feels he does not deserve.

Damon drinks in hopes of dulling his pain, in a way that just “being a vampire” no longer can.  Ironically, however, Damon’s drinking has the opposite effect of what he intends.   It actually seems to make him MORE emotional, and, therefore, more likely to reveal his feelings to the very same people he wishes to hide them from.

Drinking Damon Video Tribute:

(click on the embedded link)

Face #3 – Compelling Damon

Yes, Master!

When we get to see him:  The power to compel is pretty much the BEST SUPERPOWER EVER!  Just imagine the possibilities.  Throughout the show, we have seen Damon use his compulsion power for a number of reasons . . .

To be naughty (and get laid) .  . .

As part of a Master Plan to vanquish enemies . . . and . . . most recently . . .

To make the ultimate sacrifice for the woman he loves.

Why we love him:  This is going to sound totally shallow Then again, most of this post is totally shallow, but did you ever notice how, every time Damon compels someone on TVD, we get to see this AWESOME CLOSE-UP of his EYES?


On a (slightly) more intellectual level, there is something very frightening, yet, at the same time, intriguing, about falling into someone’s eyes, and allowing them to have total control over you.  I think the “compulsion” aspect of vampires is part of what fascinates so many people about them.  They also tend to be REALLY hot. 

What it says about his character:  Damon’s compulsion ability adds an extra layer of danger to a character that’s already pretty darn dangerous.  (I mean, this guy snaps necks, with the same ease that most people break twigs.)  Human beings are in danger around Damon — not only because he can literally kill them with his bare hands, but because he has the power to basically make them do his bidding, at a moment’s notice.

Damon’s compulsion of Elena was a really turning point in our understanding of his character, because it was the first time, Damon compelled another human being, for completely selfless reasons.  He truly believed that making Elena forget that he loves her would be in her best interest.  Delena fans obviously VEHEMENTLY disagree . . .

Naughty Compelling Damon Video Tribute:

(click the embedded link)

Nice (and heartbreaking) Compelling Damon Video Tribute:

(You know the drill!)

Face #4- Enraged Damon, a.k.a. “Crazy-Eyes Damon”

“You wouldn’t like me, when I’m angry!”

When we get to see him:  In early Season 1, Damon reserved his Crazy-Eyes for his brother, Stefan.  Once Stefan and Damon put their differences aside, however, Crazy-Eyed Damon came out to play, whenever someone (generally a supernatural being) threatened him, or the people he cares about.  This includes the Hidey Hole Vamps of Season 1, as well as Uncle John, Mason and Tyler Lockwood, Katherine, and the Originals, so far in Season 2.

“Mason, you’re looking a little tired.  Why don’t you lay down, and take a load off?”

Why we love him:  Anger can be REALLY sexy, sometimes!  Even at his calmest, Damon is a force to be reckoned with.  But when he’s MAD?  That man is unstoppable!  He’s strong, virile, masculine, and SUPER hot.  In short, he’s best damn bodyguard a girl could ever ask for!

“I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll BLOW YOUR HOUSE DOWN!”

What it says about his character:  On one hand, Damon’s rage, is a source of strength for him.  It allows him to defeat his enemies rather easily.  Yet, untenable anger can also be a liability.  When Damon “Hulks Ou,t” he tends to lose all sense of logical reasoning and control.  A perfect example of this can be found in Episode 1 of Season 2, when Damon lashed out at Jeremy, after being rejected by Elena.  If not kept under control, Damon’s rage can cause him to hurt the ones he loves.  It also might allow those who are more in control of their emotions (like, for example, The Originals) to get the best of him.

Enraged Damon Video Tribute:


Thanks Musicgal777!

Face #5 – Brood and Smoulder Damon

When we get to see him:  Lately?  Quite often, actually.  Damon first started showing signs of Brood and Smoulder around Mid Season 1, when he first learned that Katherine was NEVER locked in that tomb, he sacrificed so much of himself to open.  As it turned out, Katherine had been alive all along!  She just never cared to see Damon, despite the fact that she was the ONLY person he ever loved . . . well, at least until Elena came along.

This season, Damon’s brooding and smouldering has mostly been over Elena.  Despite his being head-over-heels in love with the girl, for the first few episodes of Season 2, she wouldn’t even give him the time of day, due to the whole “Jeremy Incident.”  Recently, Elena seems to have, at least partially, forgiven him, thanks to his saving her live NUMEROUS TIMES, and to his performing quite a number of selfless acts for her friends.  However, that arguably makes things even more difficult for Damon, who is now frequently treated to a “front-row” seat to the Endless Love Saga that is “Elena and Stefan.”

Why we love him:  Nothing in the world is more relatable than a man suffering the slings and arrows of unrequited love.  There’s something about a guy who suffers heartbreak in silence that is just so endearing.  It makes us want to heal him.  Sexual healing?

What it says about his character:  What Stefan says about his brother is the absolute truth.  Damon’s ability to love, first Katherine, and now, Elena, is the link to his humanity.  His love for Elena, in particular, has caused him to do many brave and selfless things.  Damon’s ability to love and suffer in silence, on one hand, shows tremendous courage and strength, and on the other, a bit of fear.  Remember, Damon has already been rejected by Elena once, and by Katherine multiple times.  Clearly these girls are NUTS!   Although, much of Damon’s decision not to let Elena know his true feelings has to do with his belief that Stefan is “better for her,” a bit of it might also have to do with his unconscious fear of being rejected again.

Brood and Smoulder Damon Video Tribute:

Thanks again schochokeks1189!  (I’ve used your awesome video twice already!)

Face #6 – Smug and Snarky Damon

“Enough with the depressing love stuff, Recapper.  You’re boring me!”

When we get to see him:  Damon Salvatore has the best one-liners on the ENTIRE SHOW!  Never one to spare a friend or family member’s feelings, Damon is always ready with a quick and insulting comeback for even the most banal of remarks.  No matter how sweet or broody Damon gets, that awesome mean streak will (hopefully) never go away!

Why we love him:  Damon is our ID!  He says all the stuff we would LOVE to say to people, but would never dare.  Did I mention the dude is FRIGGIN HILARIOUS?

What it says about his character:  You can’t be snarky, without being smart.  And if his snarkiness is any measure at all, Damon is a GENIUS!  He’s also someone who’s got a genuine passion for life (and undeath).  Damon has a great sense of humor.  He’s not afraid to laugh at himself.  And he’s certainly not afraid to laugh at others!  Sure, some of that mean-spirited bravado is a defense mechanism to hide his pain and heartbreak (see Brood and Smoulder explanation above).  But, in the words of Damon himself, “Ughhh!  Who cares?”

Snarky Damon Video Tribute:

(Don’t let the intro fool you, it’s a Damon video, all the way!)

Thanks dafnoille!

And finally . . . (drumroll please) . . .

Face #7  – Hero Damon

“We’re off to save Elena . . . again.”

When we get to see him:  For a vamp who started the show off as a Big Bad Villain, Damon sure does spend a lot of time being heroic, doesn’t he?  Damon saved Stefan from the Hidey Hole Vamps.   He’s saved Elena from .  . . well . . . everyone.  And without Damon’s blood, Caroline would literally be dead (as opposed to undead).  Now, with the Originals after Elena, and at least one new werewolf in town, I’m guessing  Hero Damon will be sticking around for quite some time.

Why we love him:  Well, geez!  Do I even have to answer that?  Who WOULDN’T want to be rescued by a big manly vampire, who looks like Ian Somerhalder?

What it says about his character:  If Damon’s love for Elena is his link to humanity, than his heroism is evidence of it.  Sure, Damon can do some REALLY bad things to people, but he knows how to protect the ones he loves.  When the people he cares about are in danger, Damon is intensely determined to do whatever it takes to get them out of harms way.  This vampire is definitely not afraid to take some risks and kick some ass, when such things are required of him.  Did I mention, he’s also pretty handy with a stake?

“Is that a big stick in your hand, or are you just happy to see me?”

Hero Damon Video Tribute:

(OK . . . admittedly, this is a Team Badass, a.k.a. Damon and Alaric video.  But it definitely gives off the hard core hero vibe I was seeking.  So enjoy!  – Thanks MoraineEllisande!)

Thank you for your faces, Damon Salvatore!  We love them ALL!



Filed under Ian Somerhalder, The Vampire Diaries

When Bad Dancing Happens to Good TV Stars . . .

When you’ve resorted to “ass-slapping,” it’s never a good sign . . .

Ahhhh, dancing.  We all do it on occasion.  But only a few of us can actually do it well.  But, even if you aren’t exactly the “Life of the Dance Party,” perhaps, you can sleep better tonight, knowing that you are not ALONE.  In fact, there are many, otherwise, very cool, talented, and debonair television stars out there, who undoubtedly dance just as bad as you do! 

Anyone who watched television during the 90’s, undoubtedly remembers The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

If you ever watched The Fresh Prince, you probably know that, regardless of what an AWFUL dresser he was (see picture above), Will Smith, who played the titular character on the show, was a VERY GOOD DANCER!  His cousin, Carlton (played by Alfonso Ribeiro), however?  Not so much . . .

Around the same time Carlton was “getting jiggy,” on The Fresh Prince, another, very different, comedy sitcom was also gaining popularity . . .

Seinfeld had always been a show known for its crazy characters, and ridiculous occurrences.   Of all the characters on that show, Elaine (played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus) was probably the most “normal.”  That is . . . until she stepped out on the dance floor . . .

But that all happened during the 90’s.  And we can’t really blame television stars for dancing badly during the 90’s, right?  After all, in the 90’s, our idea of “good dancing” was this . . .

So, in order to make YOU feel better about YOUR bad dancing, we need to show you some television stars who dance badly, in this decade!

Josh Holloway, a.k.a. Sawyer from Lost

*Sigh*  How I miss Sawyer, let me count the ways.  Not only did he have the best body EVER, he was also the quintessential “Bad Boy,” and a closet romantic, who was pretty gosh darn hilarious, to boot.  Honestly, who wouldn’t want to get a slightly insulting / highly stereotypical nickname from Sawyer, after joining him a rousing round of Bear Cage Sex?

And yet, Sawyer, as much as I adore you, your dancing skills leave a bit to be desired.  Allow me to draw your attention to Bad Dancing Example 1:

And Example 2:

Then again, can you really blame a guy who’ s been stuck on a deserted island with Psychotic Others and Killer Polar Bears for six years for never learning how to “Dougie?”

Ryan Kwanten, a.k.a. Jason Stackhouse from True Blood

Jason Stackhouse’s half-naked body is a sight to behold, FOR SURE!  And yet, just because you look good half-naked, doesn’t mean you dance well half-naked too.  Then again, perhaps, Jason instinctively understood this.  Why else would he be wearing that Creepy Ex-President Mask?

Speaking of True Blood stars . . .

Alexander Skarsgard, a.k.a. Vampire Eric Northman on True Blood

Eric Northman.  Now THAT GUY is the epitome of COOL!  Not only is his body flawless . . .

. . . but he always seems to know exactly what to say to make the girls’  hearts melt . . .

That vamp is like a Human Panty Dropper!

That being said, I’m not quite sure what exactly he was trying to do here:

Speaking of Super Cool and Sexy Vampires doing ambiguously gay things . . .

Ian Somerhalder, a.k.a. Vampire Damon Salvatore on The Vampire Diaries

If you’ve read this blog before, you already know that I am OBSESSED with Ian Somerhalder, in general, and his character Damon Salvatore, on The Vampire Diaries, specifically.  Not only is Damon Salvatore, a Brooding Bad Boy . . .

 . . . the Life of the Party . . .

 . . . and a Hopeless Romantic . . .

 . . . he’s also a FABULOUS DANCER.

So, why, you ask, is HE on this list?  Remember what I said earlier about “Half-Naked Dancing,” not necessarily being “Good Dancing?”  Well . . .

 . . . I rest my case.

In other Bad Dancing Vampire news . . .

David Boreanaz, a.k.a. Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and Angel), and Booth on Bones

David Boreanaz . . . he’s a pretty cool guy, right?  I mean, this is someone who KNOWS how to wear a suit!  And yet, he also looks fairly amazing wearing NOTHING AT ALL . . .

Perhaps, we know him best now as the smart, loveable, and adorably snarky Booth on Bones.  But, like Ian and Alexander after him, David Boreanaz is no stranger to donning THE FANGS.  On both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spinoff, Angel, David played the sometimes sweet, sometimes evil “Angel”  (although, when he was evil they usually called him “Angelus,” weird right?). 

Whether Angel was trying to kiss Buffy, or KILL HER, he always looked like a true gentleman doing it . . . except, of course, when he was dancing . . .

GIF provided courtesy of my AWESOME blogging pal Cherie, over at myspideysenseistingling.

Ummm . . . Booth?  Perhaps, you better stick to your Day Job of playing with skeletons.  Because I’m guessing Dancing with the Stars is not in your future.

Hey, you know who used to be on Angel with David Boreanaz?  Vincent Kartheiser!

What a coincidence!  Because he made this list too!

Vincent Kartheiser, a.k.a. Pete Campbell on Mad Men

A lot of people don’t like Pete Campbell on Mad Men.  They find him slimy, manipulative, whiny and insecure.   Well,  they are RIGHT!  He’s all of those things! 

 (Although, in his defense, he’s gotten A LOT kinder and gentler, this past season.) 

I, for one, have always LOVED Pete.  And a lot of that has to do with Vincent Kartheiser‘s  amazing acting ability.  I just find him so intriguing, and fascinating to watch.  Whenever, he’s on screen, I just can’t keep my EYES OFF OF HIM!  Unless, of course, he’s dancing.  Then, I have to look away . . .

Speaking of Mad Men stars who can’t dance . . .

Jon Hamm, a.k.a. Don Draper of Mad Men

Don Draper, I am very disappointed in you!  You just got engaged to Megan

What the heck are you doing, getting jiggy with Betty White?

I hope you don’t plan on dancing like that at the wedding . . .

Elsewhere in Manhattan . . .

Chace Crawford, a.k.a. Nate Archibald on Gossip Girl

Spotted:  A gorgeous rich white boy, teaching us that, just because you were born with a “silver spoon in your mouth,” doesn’t mean your parents ever paid for you to have dance lessons . . .

And, of course, who could forget . . .

John Krasinski, a.k.a. Jim Halpert on The Office

If John Krasinski wasn’t already married to Emily Blunt and if I looked anywhere near as pretty as Emily Blunt, I’d totally marry him.  This guy is the WHOLE PACKAGE!  He’s smart, sweet, funny, caring, and, perhaps, most importantly, a bit of a goofball.  Did I mention that he makes this face ALL THE TIME?


In fact, John Krasinski is almost TOO perfect.  I mean, what would I bring to the relationship? 

Aha, now I know what I would bring!  Two right feet, for his dual left ones . . .

So, you see Fellow Bad Dancers, you are in VERY GOOD COMPANY!  There are plenty of successful, attractive, and powerful people, who don’t know there mambos from their cha-chas.  Heck, our very own President might be one of them!

But even if your the Worst Dancer in the World, that’s NO EXCUSE not to be dancing!  Dancing brings people together.  It makes them happy.  It gets their hearts racing, in a good way.  In short, dancing makes the world go round. 

So, don’t worry about looking silly.  Just strap on your party shoes, hit the dance floor, and EVERYBODY CUT FOOTLOSE!

(Grrr!  Pesky Copyright Requirements 😦 . . . Click on the embedded link, if you want to DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY!)



Filed under 90s television, Alexander Skarsgard, Awesome 80s movies, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dancing Television Stars, Dirty Dancing, Gossip Girl, Ian Somerhalder, Jason Stackhouse, Lost, Mad Men, Ryan Kwanten, The Vampire Diaries, True Blood

Ian Somerhalder – Ladies’ Man, Man’s Man, Shirtless Man, Dancing Man (A YouTube Extravaganza!)


Here at TV Recappers Anonymous, we love ALL of our sexy television and movie men.  But, admittedly, some of them get more love than others.  Lately, Ian Somerhalder has been getting the MOST love of them all!  Right now, you probably know him best as Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries

On that show, he is the “big bad,” quite possibly sociopathic, definitely vampiric, 160 plus-year old, older brother to Paul Wesley’s Stefan Salvatore.

In his role as Damon Salvatore, Ian plays a man with a serious thirst for blood, a penchant for the ladies, and a soft spot for one Elena Gilbert.

Did I mention he owns a mansion, and enjoys dancing around it half naked?

  (Click the internal link below, to view the video)

Now while all of this is FABULOUS for us fans,  The Vampire Diaries only airs once a week.  In fact, there are only TWO more episodes in the season.  Very soon, Somerhalder fans will be faced with a summer-long draught of open-shirted, brow-furrowed, snarky commenting, fabulous dancing goodness.  After all, there are only SO MANY Damon Salvatore fan videos you can watch on YouTube!

This is where I come in . . . You see, believe it or not, before The Vampire Diaries, Ian Somerhalder was actually in OTHER STUFF!

Shocking, I know!  The purpose of this blog entry today, is to help guide YOU toward Ian Somerhalder YouTube Nirvana.  This way, once The Vampire Diaries is on hiatus (after you’ve broken the virtual “Play” button on your “Damon and Vicki Dancing Webclip,” and after you have watched every single Damon Salvatore fan video known to man), you have some other places to look, in order to satisfy your Somerhalder-sized cravings . . .

Young Americans (2000)

This short-lived WB series (pre-CW) about an all-boys boarding school wasn’t around that long.  In fact, the show (a spinoff of the popular teen drama Dawson’s Creek), only lasted about eight episodes.  And yet, in that brief amount of time, it managed to REALLY push the envelope with some surprisingly risque storylines.  Most notably (of course, otherwise why would I include it here?) was the plotline involving Ian Somerhalder’s character, Hamilton Fleming, the All-American son of the school’s dean.  In the pilot episode, he meets a “boy” named Jake Pratt.  The two quickly bond and become friends.

The problem?  Heretofore straight Hamilton soon finds himself attracted to Jake, who Hamilton thinks is gay (Jake tried to kiss him near the end of the first episode).  So, of course, Hamilton begins to wonder whether he is gay too. 

Hamilton may very well be gay.  But here’s the thing: Jake is a GIRL!  For reasons that I never quite understood (something about getting revenge against her absentee mother) “Jake” a.k.a. Jacqueline posed as a boy to attend the all-boy school.  In the below scene, which was highly reminiscent of the prom scene in that old 80’s flick, Just One of the Guys . . .

(This film is VERY dated.  But it’s a good Netflix rental, if you’re ever in the mood for a gender-bending good time . . .)

 . . . Jacqueline finally comes clean to Hamilton about her . . . um . . . sex.

This exchange actually occurs during the fourth episode of the show.  So I really haven’t spoiled all that much for you.  What’s nice is that, on YouTube, someone was kind enough to distill the entire series into ONLY the Jake and Hamilton parts from each episode, and post them online.   So you can see the couple’s ENTIRE story in under a half-hour’s time.  Somerhalder’s excellent acting skills and the “Jake” character’s androgeny makes these clips WAY more erotic than they should be .  . . It’s definitely worth a look-see, in my opinion.

The Rules of Attraction (2002)

This film, which was based on a very jaded and dark, but oddly insightful, novel about college life, written by Bret Easton Ellis (Less than Zero, American Psycho), featured a fairly impressive cast of hot up-and-coming early twenty-something actors, most notably: Dawson’s Creek‘s James van der Beek, playing a decidedly un-Dawson like role . . .

(Joey Potter would not approve.)

 . . . Jessica Biel . . .

 . . . and Kate Bosworth (who, coincidentally, also starred in Young Americans with Ian Somerhalder)

Here, Ian plays the bisexual and sexually frustrated Paul Denton, a man who seemingly has only two favorite pasttimes: sex and dancing.  Lucky for him (and us), he gets to do both throughout the movie .  . .

Unfortunately, for my purposes at least, the creators of The Rules of Attraction don’t allow embedding on ANY of their original webclips on YouTube.  However, there are literally a TON of them out there.  Just type “Ian Somerhalder” or “Paul Denton”  and “Rules of Attraction,” and you are bound to find them all.  Not surprisingly, most of my favorites of these  involve a shirtless Somerhalder dancing and jumping on a hotel bed in his boxer briefs.

Remind you of anything?

Lost (2004 -)

Those of you who have read this blog before, know that I am a big fan of early Lost episodes, particularly those from the show’s first season.  Of course, THIS GUY had a lot to do with that . . .

Boone Carlyle was everything you’d want in a guy.  Kind-hearted, loyal, intelligent, brave, resourceful,well-to-do, athletic, and dead sexy.  So, of course, the Lost writers had to crush him with a plane and kill him near the end of Season 1.  But before that happened, we got to watch him, through flashbacks, engage in a VERY inappropriate sexual relationship with his younger stepsister, Shannon.

And, you know what?  As much as you REALLY didn’t want to like these two together (Aside from being his relative, Shannon was a manipulative bitch, who basically treated Boone like crap his whole life, and used his feelings for her to con him out of $50 grand.), you just couldn’t get away from the fact that they were both so DAMN HOT!  The chemistry between Maggie Grace and Ian Somerhalder was so smoldering, they practically burnt a hole in your television, every time they were on screen together.  Watch this clip, if you don’t believe me . . .

Need more?  Type “Boone and Shannon” and “Lost” into your YouTube search bar, and you will find plenty more where that came from . . .

That’s all for now, Somerhalder fans.  Just a little something to whet your appetite during those long HOT Vampire Diaries – less months. 

Happy YouTubing!


Filed under Ian Somerhalder, Lost, Rules of Attraction, The Vampire Diaries, Young Americans