Category Archives: Photo Still Speculation

The Vampire Diaries Episode 2.12 “The Descent” – Let’s Spoil and Speculate!

Well, hey there, Damon!  Long time, no see!  No really . . . it’s been too long . . . WAY . . . TOO . . . LONG!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  I hope that’s true.  Because, with The Vampire Diaries on hiatus for another two weeks, that’s all us fang-banging fangirls have got to tide us over until Thursday, January 27th, at 8 p.m . . . some pictures (along with an awesome extended promo and some pretty juicy spoilers, of course).

“Oh Rose, darling!  You must tell me where you get your makeup.  That shade of lipstick you are wearing is simply TO DIE FOR!”

By now, many of you have probably already seen the photo stills that released for its midseason premiere episode of The Vampire Diaries entitled “The Descent.”  Now, normally, when the CW releases these photos, I tend to flip through them relatively quickly, and then save them to my laptop (in an electronic folder entitled “Delena,” no less — my personal biases are a secret to NO ONE, least of all my personal computer), so that I can use them later in my recaps.  This time, however, I thought I’d do something a bit more fun with these photo stills than simply file them away . . .

If anyone understands the allure of a good photograph, it’s Vampire Katherine.

Here’s how our little game is going to work.  I’m going to post each of the photo stills CW released to promote “The Descent.”  Then, I’m going to speculate a bit about what each photo might mean to the episode, including relevant episode spoilers, to the extent that I have them. 


Fear not, Spoilerphobes!  I’ll always try to give you fair warning, before I start “spilling the beans” . . . or, perhaps I should say, “the fangs” on a particular episode plot point.  Though, in all honesty, if you ARE a Serious Spoilerphobe, and you noticed the title of this post, before starting to read it, in the words of Damon Salvatore . . .

I mean no offense, of course . . . I’m just trying to avoid having my head bitten off, later. 🙂

You understand . . . right?

Now, that we’ve gotten that part out of the way, this is the fun part.  After each picture, I’m going to include a poll that allows YOU to speculate about what YOU think will happen in the upcoming episode.  (Further, more detailed, speculation on your part in the comment section is encouraged, and much appreciated, of course.)  Then, when the episode actually airs, we can look back fondly on our speculations.  And depending on how we did, we can either boast about our obvious psychic abilities . . .

 . . . or hang our heads in embarrassment and shame, for how incredibly off our predictions actually ended up being . . .

So, strap on your vampirically-compelled thinking cap, and let the GAMES BEGIN!

I am actually going to group these first three pictures together, since they all seem to be related (and likely come from the same scene) .  . .

The stylish new gal with the bangs, and the skinny jeans, and the heels that seem way too dressy to be worn late at night on a deserted street in Mystic Falls is Ahna O’Reilly.  (At least, that’s her real name, her character’s name is Jessica.)  If you recognize Ahna, it’s probably for one of two reasons: (1) you saw her in the film Forgetting Sarah Marshall; (2) you read one of the MANY articles, in which she told anybody and everybody who would listen, that her boyfriend, James Franco, is most certainly NOT GAY!  (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

Though some articles seemed to suggest that these two were “getting cuddly” in the above pictures, I think the fact that Damon’s compelling Jessica in this picture seems pretty obvious, based on the way he’s holding her shoulders . . .

Connor from “Brave New World” would likely agree with my analysis . . . if he was still ALIVE. 

. . . the intense Svengali-esque expression on Damon’s face . . .

 . . . and the vacant obedient expression that Jessica seems to be wearing . . .

Now, that’s what I saw, when I looked at these pictures, here’s what I know.  WARNING!  MAJOR SPOILERS TO FOLLOW.  (Avert your eyes, and scroll down to the words END SPOILER, if you don’t want to know.) had these VERY SPOILERY things to say about the Jessica character, and what may very well be her ENTIRE story arc!

Jessica: 22 year old girl. Driving along road when she almost hits a guy laying in the road. She runs out to make sure he’s okay, she’s scared and can’t see his face. After guy pulls a bottle out, she comes to the conclusion that he’s drunk. She gets smart and starts to return to her car. Guy vamps out and compels her not to move. He then starts talking outloud to himself, wondering if he should kill her or not. She pleads with him not to. He says, “I have to”, and rips into her throat.

By “Guy”, I’m pretty sure they mean “Damon.”  After all, Damon learned to hunt from Katherine.  And, if you recall, this was precisely the way Vampire Katherine obtained her “meals,” back in 1864.  The difference here, of course, is that unlike 1864-era Katherine, Damon doesn’t NEED to kill in order to drink blood.  In fact, he’s got a freezer full of conveniently packaged, Blood Juice Boxes, back at La Casa de Rich and Awesome . . .

You also might have noticed, that since he’s gone all lovey dovey about Elena, Damon’s been laying off the thrill-killing human sauce quite a bit these days.  The above-synopsis suggests as much, when it notes that Damon is actually debating with a compelled Jessica (and his conscience) about whether he should kill her (much like Stefan did with HIS compelled Potential Female Meal in “Miss Mystic Falls.”)

So, why Jessica?  And why now?  My guess is that Damon’s dilemma has a lot to do with Rose and the Werewolf Rabid Zombie disease  that Jules inflicted on her last week, by biting her, while in werewolf form.  I’m thinking mere Blood Bags aren’t enough to salvage the sick Rose’s thirst.  So, a very guilt-ridden Damon (After all, Jules only bit Rose to get back at HIM, for what she’s pretty sure he did to HER friend, Mason), has likely been forced to head out, and do a little human “grocery shopping.”

But, here’s my question for YOU:

And here’s one more:


On to the next set of stills . . .

Poor Damon!  It seems like every few weeks he gets a new recurring character enemy, who’s out to make his life a living hell.  (No pun intended.)  Not that the guy doesn’t bring it on himself sometimes, but, you’ve got to admit, it happens pretty darn often.  In the pre-hiatus episode, “By the Light of the Moon,” Michaela McManus’ Jules proved herself to be the next member of the TVD Villain of the Month Club.

First, she stalked into town, asking the WRONG types of questions about a certain missing Lone Wolf Lockwood . . .

Meet October’s Now-Dead Villain of the Month!

Then, she had the audacity to OPENLY threaten TEAM BADASS, in the Only Bar / Social Establishment of Mystic Falls of ALL PLACES!


Then, she gave Damon’s new f&*k buddy, Rose, Were-Rabies!  (See “Ugly Rose” picture up top, as evidence.)  If the episode synopsis for “The Descent,” and the rumors surrounding the episode, are any indication, the showdown between Damon and Jules will get MIGHTY heated, in the upcoming episode . . .

Of the three pictures of Jules in the forest shown above, the first one seems to be the most telling, at least in terms of plot points to come.  Jules is seen setting fire to SOMETHING (a body?  evidence? something of particular value to Damon?)  Behind her in the picture, is what appears to be a crudely-designed cross, fashioned out of some tree bark, a wooden stake, and what appears to be a ripped t-shirt.  Perhaps, Jules built the cross, because she belived it would provide her with some kind of protection against the town vampires.  It also might have been used in some weird werewolf fire ritual.

Whatever it is, Jules is doing, she doesn’t look particularly happy to be doing it.  In the first picture (the only one featuring the fire) she appears solemn.  In the second (in which she is simply standing, and looking into the distance, she looks serious, and determined.  The third picture is interesting, in terms of Jules’ expression.  On first glance, she seems frightened, as if she is being pursued by a deadly predator (Damon?).  But when I looked at the picture again, I saw something else . . . grief, and sadness.  Perhaps, Jules has just learned for certain that Mason is dead, and is mourning the loss of her dear friend . . .

That’s what I saw in those pictures.  Now, it’s YOUR turn . . .

Here we have a very sick-looking, and extremely depressed Rose, seated on a leather Ottoman in the library of La Casa de Rich and Awesome, presumably right in front of the fire.  (Jules did mention in the promo that “chills” was one of the first signs of Were Rabies).  She’s got a near-empty highball glass of blood in her hand, but it doesn’t seem to be offering her any solace or comfort.  Standing above Rose, is a very concerned looking Damon, holding a Bag-of-Blood.

I’m thinking that this scene takes place earlier in “The Descent.”  After all, Rose definitely looks ill, but she doesn’t yet resemble the Bat Sh&t Crazy Zombie Vampire we saw stalking Elena toward the end of the promo for this episode.  We know from the past few episodes, that Damon has developed a sexual relationship with Rose, but also a friendship.  He likes her, and feels incredibly guilty for being the indirect cause of her pain, and quite possibly, the end of her VERY long life.

The promo poster for this season that teased Damon about his “emotions showing,” seems highly applicable to this scene.  After all, the Damon we knew, back in early Season 1, cared more or less only for himself, and the two women he loved (Katherine and Elena).  Now we see Damon caring deeply about a friend.  This is new territory for him.  Slight spoilers have teased that Elena and Rose will have a discussion this week, that will bring to the forefront Elena’s true feelings for BOTH Stefan and Damon (YIPPEE!). 

Rose already knows how Damon feels about Elena.  However, it is highly likely that Rose and Damon will discuss their feelings for one another, and ELENA’S feelings for Damon together, during this episode.  A wise commenter once suggested to me that the only cure for a Werewolf Bite should end up being the Blood of a Petrova Doppelganger.  I love the idea!  There’s a certain poetic justice to it.   And it would definitely be a catalyst for all these “feelings” discussions, the castmates are supposed to have during this episode.

And yet, such a solution to Rose’s Werewolf Bite would suggest that Rose could survive this episode.  And based on another released photo still that I will post below, I’m not quite sure she will . . .

Here come those polls again . . .

Ahhh . . . There’s nothing like a heated argument to get the collective Delena blood boiling, and their passions for one another, overflowing, ready to erupt, at a moment’s notice!  These two LOVE to fight with one another, and always seem to have something NEW to fight about.  In this particular case, I’m thinking this fight between Damon and Elena, is over one of four things:

(1) The deal Elena made with Elijah last week, in which Elijah agreed to free Stefan, and keep all of her friends safe, in exchange for her letting him use her as bait, to draw out Evil Vampire Klaus, and eventually KILL HIM . . .

Something tells me Damon will NOT be happy about THIS at all!  We all remember how he reacted the LAST time Elena voluntarily went on a “Suicide Mission” to protect the Salvatore Brothers, and her friends in Mystic Falls . . .

(2) Damon’s handling of the vengeful Jules.  (Something tells me Damon is going to want to go BALLS TO THE WALL against Jules for what she did to Rose.  And Elena — worrying about DAMON getting bitten too — won’t think that’s a wise idea at all.)

(3) Seeing that a very sick Rose has become a threat to Elena, Damon might suggest killing his former f*&k buddy, before she can cause any more harm than she already has.  The Lately Suicidal Martyr Elena would certainly not approve of this plan . . .

(4) Rose snitches to Damon about Elena’s feelings for him.  Or better yet, Damon confesses to Rose about how he told Elena he loved her, and compelled her to forget about it.  Then, the dying Rose decides to let Elena know the truth.  (Maybe BOTH happen!)  Forced to confront their mutual feelings for one another, Damon and Elena engage in a heated and passionate argument about love, truth, and honesty.

I would LOVE for the fight pictured to be about #4.  But, unfortunately, I suspect the writers feel it is too early in the season for that to happen.  So, my vote’s with #1.  Damon is scolding Elena about the deal she recently made with the not-particularly-trustworthy Elijah . . . 

And you?

Of course, us Delena fans have been jumping for JOY over this picture!  While the earlier “fight” pictures seem to take place inside Damon’s La Casa de Awesome, earlier on in the episode, this picture seems to have been taken at night, during the episode’s final moments (though Damon and Elena are wearing the same clothing in both).

This looks like the same woods were Jules had her bonfire.  Only, that scene was shot during the day.  This is clearly a night time shot.  But look at the light in the background.  That might be another bonfire!  Or is it the same one?  If so, how has the whole forest not gone up in flames by now?  What keeps these fires so contained?

Wait . . . what am I talking about . . . you guys don’t care about the fire!  You care about the HUGGING!  You care about Elena’s sympathetic eyes, and the way she’s consoling a seemingly heartbroken Damon.  You may even be remembering a nearly IDENTICAL scene from last season (which also took place in the woods at night), during which Elena comforted a very emotional Damon with a sweet hug, after he learned that Katherine wasn’t in the tomb.

But WHY is Damon so emotional THIS TIME?  What happens in this episode, to make him react this way?  And why is Elena so quick to hug him, after she just spent quite a bit of time fighting vigorously against him in the previous set of photo stills.  The most obvious answer would be that Rose has died.  Damon, of course, feels responsible, and regrets not being able to save her.  Elena is, once again, touched by his humanity, sees how much he has grown to care for Rose, and wishes to take some of his pain away.

Of course, I could be wrong . . .

Why does everybody always think that pictures have to MEAN something?  Can’t we sometimes just appreciate art for art’s sake?  (OR hot for hot’s sake?)  Above are two stills of Damon from “The Descent.”  In the first, he is in “La Casa de Rich and Awesome.”  It looks like Elena has just arrived.  (If you look at the right hand corner of the picture, you can see the shirt she is wearing in the other stills.)

On the surface, it’s a picture that doesn’t provide you with much information.  But look again.  Look at the expression on Damon’s face, as he sees Elena, for, possibly, the first time in this episode.  The last time they were together, Stefan was locked in a tomb, and Elena was under . . . “house arrest.”

So, Damon might be a bit surprised to see Elena.  You can see an element of that in his face.  He also might be a smidge annoyed, that she undid his plan to keep her safe so easily.  I see a little of that as well.  He also looks a tad impressed, for the same reason.  But mostly, I see love.  Damon’s eyes are dilated.  His lips are pursed.  This is the look of a man who has just laid eyes on the woman he loves unconditionally. This is the picture of tummy butterflies . . .

The second picture is more intense.  It is taken at night, in the forest, possibly just a few moments before that epic embrace Damon and Elena are about to share.   He looks haunted . . . or hunted.  Perhaps, a little bit of both.  That second picture show’s a man  . . . well, a vampire . . . ready for action.  Damon’s adrenaline is pumping.  It’s fight or flight time, and he’s both the predator and the prey.  Your move, Damon Salvatore . . .

So, now we’ve discussed ALL of the photos CWTV released to promote “The Descent.”  But what about the photos that weren’t there.  For starters, having watched the previews, we KNOW that a major portion of the episode will deal with the budding Matt-Caroline-Tyler love triangle, which will culminate in not one but TWO swoon-worthy Ambush Kisses . . .

Now let’s break this down . . .

Here’s Matt . . .

 . . . and here’s Tyler . . .

Now, I’ve made no bones about where I stand on this issue . . . I’m Team Taroline (Forwood / Cyler) all the way . . .  But this post isn’t about me, it’s about YOU . . .

Also rumored to be in this episode:  some Stelena sex . . .

Just to recap, we’ve got TWO kisses for Caroline, and sex and a SEXY hug for Elena.  It looks like our Mystic Falls girls are going to be VERY busy during the Season premiere . . .

Don’t worry, Bonnie!  You’ll get your turn soon too!

Well, there you have it folks.  A smorgasboard of spoilers and speculation to whet your whistle, while you wait for TVD to return to your television screen.  But there’s GOT to be some spoilers out there that I missed, or ideas I failed to consider.  So, I hand the baton over to you, fellow fangirls.  Speculate away!



Filed under Photo Still Speculation, Spoilers and Sneak Peeks, The Descent, The Vampire Diaries