Category Archives: Damon Salvatore

From Being the Eternal Stud to “Taking Care of the Kids” – The Vampire Diaries Season 4 RE-Vamped Part 2: Damon Salvatore



“I’m just stuck here fighting my brother, and taking care of the kids,” gripes Damon Salvatore to a ghostly Alaric in the middle of Season 4.

dalaric 1

dalaric 3

It’s a line that pretty well encapsulates the Elder Salvatore Brother’s role this season, in the same way that “Life sucks, wear a helmet,” another iconic line of his, embodied his role in Seasons 1 through 3.

life sucks get a helmet

teen wolf helmet fyeahmaxtheriot

Like many things about this season, being a Damon fan was a bit of a mixed bag in Season 4.  On one hand, in comparison to other seasons, the self-proclaimed stud had things pretty easy.  I mean, sure, he had his share of beat downs, stakings, and neck snaps, but there seemed to be a lot less of them than in previous seasons.

3 1 damon pours

Even his “Lethal Werewolf Bite,” in the Season Finale seemed less painful and certainly less symptomatic than his similar Brush with Death in Season 2 .. .

delena cuddle

shirt bye

Also on the bright side of things, let’s not forget that DAMON FINALLY GOT THE GIRL . . . not just once, but TWICE in a single season.

kissing delena

got the girl


And even during the episodes when Damon and Elena weren’t together, he was constantly proving his worth by supporting and accepting her, when others turned their backs.

fine with her either way

Sounds good right?

nodding oh yeah

So, why the “mixed bag” you ask?

stefan shrug

Well, this was actually the first season that Damon Salvatore came very close to assuming Sidekick Status on his own show!

dont understand

I mean sure . . . he was being a “Good Guy” and “Taking care of the kids,” but at what cost?

soap dish smash

In previous Seasons, Damon Salvatore always had his own distinct character arc . . . one that was refreshingly separate from, though always tangentially related to, whatever drama he had going on with Stefan and Elena at the time.

damon soulful crying

In Season 1, Damon transformed himself from an angry villain hell bent on vengeance against his brother, and the town that sent him on his path to destruction .  . .

rawr damon

. . . to a hero, willing to risk his life for that very same brother and town.

2 21 - starmovinglove damon elena walking away

my hero

In Season 2, Damon went from a lovesick puppy, who pined over the same woman over a century at the expense of everything in his life, to a man capable of sharing his heart and soul, not just with one woman, but with three: Elena, Rose and Andie, each in different ways.

the love that consumes you passion danger

In Season 3, Damon struggled to find a balance between his loyalty to his absent brother, and his undeniably intensifying relationship with Elena.  As if that wasn’t difficult enough, he also endured two huge losses.  Alaric and Andie were the only two people with whom Damon felt he could truly confide, without judgment or accusation.  When they died, he felt more alone than ever . . .

damon crying color

In Season 4, Damon’s character arc was noticeably less distinct.  He helped Elena deal with her newfound vampirism.  He coped with the implications of the sire bond, and what they meant to his love life.  He mourned the loss of Elena’s humanity.  He struggled with the decision of whether or not to give Elena the Cure to Vampirism.


Elena, Elena, Elena . . .

2 16 damon says stop talking

Can’t a guy get a storyline to himself?

Damon eye roll

That said, Damon did have quite a few defining character moments this season.  And I would be remiss, if I didn’t point them out in this post.

period piece damon 1

The Matt Donovan Dichotomy

dont damon me

I find it interesting that, in the premiere episode of the Season, Damon blames, and wants to kill Matt, for his unwitting role in Elena’s Journey Toward Vampirism.   (Had Stefan allowed Matt to die, Elena would have stayed human.)  And yet, at the end of the Season, Damon is the only character to recognize that Matt is the key to Elena’s regaining her humanity.  Damon’s ability to ultimately accept Matt as an integral part of Elena’s life, shows a huge amount of growth on his part . . .

thats humanity

Ch . .  . ch . . . ch . . . CHANGES

As a staunch and unapologetic Damon Fan, I was deeply offended by the fact that all the kindhearted things that Damon did for Elena during her early days as a vampire, were immediately discounted by TVD characters, and fans, alike, as a result of that pesky sire bond.   Yes, the sire bond was arguably to blame for Elena’s initial inability to drink blood from anywhere other than the human vein.  And yes, the sire bond both initially triggered Elena’s suffering from the Hunter’s Curse (Damon accidentally suggested that Elena should kill Connor), and ultimately cured her of that same curse.

damon to rescue

But that doesn’t make the unconditional love and acceptance Damon showed Elena during those difficult early weeks of her transition any less sincere.

3 11 delena not right now asheleyelizabeth1020

After all, Damon knew nothing about the sire bond, when he took Elena under his wing, and helped her to accept her new life as a vampire.  He helped her, comforted, and supported her, when no one else would, not because he knew she was supernaturally programmed to obey his every command, but because he loved her unconditionally, even during those times when she was at her most vulnerable and least loveable . . .

3 10 don't know what i would do summerroberts

If Damon had his choice, he never would have chosen the Sire Bond for Elena.  So, why should he be punished for its existence?

act not feel big

Punish the writers for that one!

The Humanity Conundrum

Though Damon cannot be held responsible for the Dreaded Sire Bond, he’s a bit more culpable when it comes to the birth (and eventual “death”) of Humanity Free Elena.  Hard to shift blame on THAT one, especially when Damon literally MADE Elena turn it off . . .

turn it off

stone faced elena

Now, in Damon’s defense, his heart was certainly in the right place.  In one sense, Damon understands Elena’s dark side, in a way no one else does.  He knows and respects the part of her that isn’t all hearts and roses.  Damon also hates to see Elena in pain, and instinctively understood, that, in the days, following her last living relative’s untimely demise, Elena needed a vacation from the more self-righteous aspects of herself.

im not enough

What I think Damon SERIOUSLY underestimated, was Elena’s capacity and hidden affinity for BAD.  In a way, it was almost comical how shocked and offended the Salvatore Brothers were, when Elena started being rude and biting strangers, when that’s precisely what EVERY SINGLE VAMPIRE DOES WHEN HIS HUMANITY IS TURNED OFF!

dead waitress 1

Now, don’t get me wrong, I didn’t like Humanity Free Elena either.  But, perhaps, her existence was necessary, in order to get Damon and Stefan to take her down from that pedestal they both kept her on for three seasons.

3 finale happy ponytail elena

The Pedestal . . .   Here was yet another way that Damon proved himself worthy of Elena’s love this season.  While Stefan promptly washed his hands of Elena, the moment she stopped behaving all sweet and cuddly around him . . .

elena free stefan

. . . Damon merely shrugged off Elena’s “evil” antics, and became more determined than ever to get her the Cure . . . even if that meant losing her to her brother for good.  (And let’s not forget, that it was ultimately Damon who discovered the precise route toward FINALLY putting Elena’s humanity on reboot.)

damon help me


Yes, the CURE.  Never has a plot device been such a royal pain in the ass .  . .

cure one more time

take cure with me

the kat thank me brought cure

Damon made no bones about how he felt about the Cure.   He didn’t want it.  And he didn’t really want Elena to take it either.  Because as much as Damon deeply misses being human, and the touching vulnerability that comes with it .  . .

miss being human

3 9 humanity weak xangel63x

. . . he loves being a vampire more.  And I’d like to think that Damon wanted that for Elena too . . . wanted her to learn to accept the odd joys of vampirism, and come to accept her new self, even more than he simply wanted her in his bed at night .  . .

sexy delena 2

delena sex

Yet, nonetheless, when Damon got his hands on the cure, at the end of the season, he was going to give to Elena . . . even though her humanity was on, and she was back to herself.  He was willing to give it to her,  if she desired it, because he valued her happiness above all else . . .

get the damn cure

Well .  . . almost all else . . .

Damon Salvatore is not a black and white character.  He lives in the shades of grey, in between, even in seasons like this one, designed to show off his “softer, more romantic side.”    That’s what I’ve always loved about Damon.  Just when you think he’s going to go and get all mushy on you, he does something surprisingly shallow, like choosing death over taking the Cure, aging, and wrinkling that pretty face of his .  . .

damon eternal stud

I adore the fact that Damon can still be selfish and shallow, because it makes him all that much more real to me.  And I guess, based on Elena’s ultimate choice in the Season 4 finale, Elena Gilbert feels the same way . . .

worst one

not sorry

Even an Eternal Stud Needs an Ego Stroke, Every Once in a While . . .

When every woman in the world is a sly smile, and compulsion-laced stare away from sleeping with you, it’s easy to get a swelled head.


Damon Salvatore always did a pretty stellar job of portraying himself to the world as self-assured, to the point of arrogance . . . about his looks, his strength, and, most importantly, his sexual prowess.

wet damon 2

rocked world

But beneath all that bluster and bravado, was a vulnerable vamp who was surprisingly insecure . . .  one who had been taught, by the first woman he had ever loved, that no one could ever love him, on his own merits.

dont deserve

In past seasons, it was always the external things that kept Damon from finding happiness with Elena.  HER feelings for Stefan . . . HER distrust of Damon’s motives . . .HER fear of the dark influence loving Damon would have on her soul.  But in Season 4, the greatest enemy to Damon’s finding happiness with Elena was Damon himself.    As thrilled as Damon was when Elena FINALLY chose to give herself to him, in early Season 4, he was also cautiously skeptical.

sad damon

And it was this skepticism, that plagued his consciousness with doubt of Elena’s true feelings, the minute that pesky sire bond came into play . . .

After four seasons, Damon had come to accept Elena’s rejection, as a matter of course.   So, when she behaved differently with him, it was difficult for him to lower his guard and just live in the moment.

ready to fight

The look on Damon’s face in the Season finale, when Elena FINALLY chooses him, of entirely her own accord, is one of beautiful ecstasy, but also one of shock . . . almost as if he can’t believe that fortune and true love have finally found him . . .

happy damon

Damon’s happiness in “Graduation” is hard fought, and well deserved.  As Damon fans, we rejoice in the opportunity to share this with him  . . .

3 8 dance

At least until next Season, when the writers will undoubtedly screw it up . . .

damon pissed nian somerhalder

And there you have it . . . Damon Salvatore in Season 4.

love you damon

ian says awesome

Next up?   The Big Bad with an odd penchant for drawing snowflakes, and collecting Caroline-sized dresses in his closet . . . Of course, I’m talking about Klaus Mikaelson .  . .

klaus cheers

See ya then, Fangbangers!

[]  [My Tumblr] [Fangirls Forever]


Filed under Damon and Elena, Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries

Coed Naked Damon Salvatore – A Look at the TV Vampire’s Best Undressed Moments

“Well, hello ladies.  I’m BAAAAAAACKKK!”

WARNING:  There are certain posts on this blog that are intelligent, erudite, and highly analytical evaluations of pop culture . . . . This ISN’T one  of those posts. 


Christmas has come early for TVD fans, in the form of two tantalizing new trailers that are jam-packed with Ripper insanity, Delena tenderness, Coed Naked Forwood BED HUMPING, Salvatore Brother Wall Slam Madness, and a raging party at La Casa de Rich and Awesome .  . .

(Rafter Dancing not necessarily included . . .) 

Did I mention SHIRTLESSNESS?  Oh, yes, boys and girls.  This season’s new trailer delivered not one, but TWO “less than dressed” moments from our favorite TVD males.  And ONE of those moments, featured a teensy tiny bit of soap where UNDERWEAR was supposed to be  . . .  Any guesses as to who that lathered-up lad was?


(Well, read the title of this post, DUH!)

So, in honor of our new pal, Mr. Sudsy Weiner, I’ve decided to take a look back at some of Damon Salvatore’s most mesmerizing less-than-dressed moments.  Because we all know how much Damon likes to please the ladies (and the men) with his unique . . . um . . . assets . . .


So, grab that rubber duckie, and leave your clothing at the door, because it’s time to get NAKED with the sexiest 170-year old I know . . .

He Makes Bathtime Lots of Fun!

Rub, a, dub, dub, Fangbangers!  Damon Salvatore is not only the sexiest vampire in Mystic Falls, he may also be the CLEANEST.  After a long hard day of ripping out hearts, dancing like a maniac, flirting, and doing “that eye thing he always does,” the Elder Salvatore brother would like nothing more than to rip off those pesky clothes, and barrel into that pristine bathroom of his, for some “one-on-one time” with the tub.


“Go away SOAPDISH!  Bathtub and I need our privacy!”

When most of us think of Bathtub Damon, THIS is the image that comes to mind . . .

Having made his wet and wild debut, in the opening moments of Season 2’s “Daddy Issues,” before the title card for the show even appeared, this version of Bathtub Damon offered EVERYTHING a connoisseur of shirtlessness could possibly want:  pectoral closeups, abdominal appreciation, the long lingering upward crawl of a camera lens, and the brood and smoulder of a pensive, wet-haired Salvatore brother.

Admittedly, Damon had a whole lot of angst to wash off at the time (which may explain why he thankfully bathed AGAIN at the end of the episode).  After all, in the past twenty four hours, Damon had been forced to (1) euthanize a were-rabies addled Rose; (2) come to grips with his unquenchable desire to regain his humanity; and (3) eat a lonely young female traveler on the road, so as to avoid dealing with his FEELINGS.

Not only is the above scene undeniably sexy, it also silently and beautifully conveys the pain, guilt, longing and uncertainty Damon is experiencing at this point in the series.

But what’s a shower scene without a companion Wrapped in Towel Moment to swaddle your recent naked memories in the warmth and cuddliness of a fluffy white towel (easily removeable, of course)?

Oh Damon, you big ole fangy TEASE. . . with your unwrapped towel, which you woefully knotted, just moments before you sauntered across my television screen on those long lean muscular legs of yours.  I was so busy staring at your . . . ahem . . . better half that I barely noticed Future Sex Toy Andie on the TV within a TV, reporting on all those people Were Rabies Rose ate, last week.

“Who the f*&k is Rose?”

Fortunately (or, unfortunately, depending on your thoughts about Sex Toy Andie) both Bathtub Damon and his four-episode “girlfriend” graced the show with their respective presences, less than an hour later . . .

“This tub is so very small . . . and I am so very . . . large, hence, the pouting.” 

This bathtub scene served as a nice parallel to the one at the beginning of the episode, in that, here, in the comfort of his bathtub, Damon was finally able to convey in words all the pain we saw him silently endure, while in the shower.  Damon’s confession — which he felt comfortable giving to Andie, only because she was under compulsion at the time — was an extremely cathartic moment for our antihero.

Of course, it was fitting that he did this in a bathtub, as he was not only cleansing his body, but his soul as well.  Did I mention that it ended with one of the most captivating, transparently sexual, BITES in TVD history?

Of course, Delena fans, like myself, most remember this scene as being the one in which Damon admitted just how much he loved Elena, and that his biggest fear, was that he would never be good enough to deserve her love, in return.  This is a theme that echoes throughout the second half of Season 2.  And, as we well know, it comes full circle during Season Finale, when Elena finally admits to Damon that he IS good enough to deserve her, and that she likes him just the way he is . . .

(click on the internal link to view)

And hey, for those of you who prefer your Naked Damon silent, but deadly . . .

 . . . you can catch ALL THREE shirtless scenes from “Daddy Issues,” without all the pesky wordplay, RIGHT HERE:

Damon’s desire to use water to symbolically purge his inner demons is nothing new.  In fact, he’s been doing it since 1864 . . .

Back in the episode “Blood Brothers,” Damon had just learned that Vampire Katherine, the then-love of his life, may have been burned to death in church fire.  OH, and he also has three days to decide whether to feed on human blood, or DIE.  No pressure!  So, what does our Damon decide to do in the midst of all this stress?  Bathe in the river, of course!

(Clicky!  Clicky!)

 Open-Shirted Shenanigans!

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I love me some COMPLETELY NAKED Damon.  But sometimes, the delectable allure of just the slightest sliver of bare chest can be precisely what the Love Doctor ordered.  Perhaps, the most notable of Open-Shirted Salvatore Moments occurs during Season 1’s “The Lost Girls,” in which Damon engages soon-to-be vampire Vicki in what has become the SECOND most iconic dance in TVD history.  (The most iconic, being the “Miss Mystic Falls” dance, obviously.)

Given all the angst and heartache we’ve watched him endure throughout Season 2, it’s easy to forget that Damon Salvatore is a FUN GUY!  And when he’s not busy pining for love, or trying to save Elena from the Villain of the Week, he’d like nothing more than to pop open a few beers (or his trademark bottle of bourbon) pop up his shirt collar, and dance from the rafters to the groovy sounds of a Depeche Mode cover band .  . .

(Come on!  Press the link!  You know you want to!)

 Yet, even during Damon’s most carefree and liquored-up moments, there is an inner core of sadness that lurks beneath the surface.

So, no matter how much he tries to use drinking and good humor to dull The Pain, it still peeks out, exposing its raw and vulnerable “skin” through the thin fabric of his unbuttoned cotton shirt . . . And we all know, there’s really only one person who could properly button that “pain” back up: Elena.

(You can’t NOT click the link!  It’s, as Damon says, “irresistabbbllle.”)

But, lest we get too maudlin, we should remember, that drinking and partying, isn’t ALWAYS about dulling the pain.  Sometimes, its just a way to reconnect with old friends through a nice neighborly game of strip poker.

It also could be a sexy way to kill the messenger.

You know . . . because it “sends a message.”

(Hit THAT!)

Sleepy Time for Sexy Vamp . . .

You know, in SOME vampire shows, bloodsuckers don’t sleep . . . or they DO sleep, but they do it in coffins, ick!

Rough sleeper? 

Fortunately, in The Vampire Diaries, vampires sleep just as much (or as little) as us humans do.  And Damon Salvatore is no exception.  You know what else is great about TVD vampires?  They tend to sleep without their shirts on!

Of course, as we know, beds aren’t always for sleeping.  Sometimes, they are for pondering your next move, because you just learned that the woman you love has ONCE AGAIN put her life in the hands of the dubiously trustworthy Vampire Elijah (and his fabulous hair), as we see in the above shot, taken from Season 2’s “Klaus.”

But don’t worry.  Damon does WAY more than pout and sleep in his bed.  He also uses it for HOT SEX. . .

Yes, boys and girls.  Contrary to popular belief, people (and vampires) did, in fact, engage in hot raunchy LOVIN’, back in 1864.  They just had a lot more clothing to remove, before they could get to the good stuff. . .

(Click the link!  Get some)

After a long exhausting night of hot loving . . .

Nothing beats some good old-fashioned breakfast in bed . . .

Just don’t play with your food, OK?

(Munch!  Munch!)

Of course, the problem with eating breakfast in bed, is that it tends to muss up your sheets with crumbs (or blood, as the case may be).  When that happens, you may find yourself having to improvise.  One way to do that is by moving your bedtime activities to THE FLOOR, as Katherine and Damon do in Season 2’s “The Return”

Wow!  Damon’s a DAMN GOOD LOVER, isn’t he?

No wonder Elena is having sexy dreams about him!


Earlier, we discussed how Damon sometimes uses his shirtlessness to express his sadness and vulnerability.  But sometimes, the Elder Salvatore has been known to rip off his shirt to channel his ANGER!  Take for example these two parallel scenes, in which Damon takes out his anger, over being outsmarted by a fellow vampire, on his SHIRT, his PHONE, and, of course, a Very Special Soapdish . . .

Speaking of Soap . . .

It always comes back to cleanliness with Damon, doesn’t it?  And this post is no exception.  I leave you with the much beloved Shirtless and Soapy Damon clip from The Vampire Diaries’ BRAND NEW upcoming season, set to premiere September 15th.

(Lather up!)

Sweet dreams! 

[][Fangirls Forever]


Filed under Damon Salvatore, Ian Somerhalder, Shirtless TV Stars, The Vampire Diaries

Deconstructing Delena – My Picks for the Top Ten Damon and Elena Moments from the SECOND HALF of The Vampire Diaries’ Second Season

It’s been a good year for us Delena fans on TVD, hasn’t it?  (And, judging by where things left off, next year promises to be EVEN BETTER!  YIPPEE!) 

After an admittedly shaky start (Jeremy Neck Snap Incident, anyone?), us stalwart D&E fans fans were eventually rewarded for our patience, with a Season 2 Smorgasbord of Tasty Delena goodness.  Within just the first 10 episodes of the Season, we were treated to multiple phallic encounters . . .

 . . . passionate exchanges . . .

 .  . . near kisses . . .

 . . . and, of course, one VERY SPECIAL (but equally frustrating) declaration of love . . .

Having experienced the joy of all that, who would have thought that the scenes I just described would ultimately end up being just a precursor to all the FABULOUS Delena Decadence that was to come?

And it is for this reason that, while I had already crafted a list of the Top Ten Delena Moments of Season 1 . . . and followed that up with a SECOND list, featuring the Top Ten Moments of the FIRST half of Season 2 . . . I simply couldn’t resist writing a THIRD article, focusing on the Top Ten Delena Moments of the SECOND half of Season 2.   After all, far be it for me to deny my fellow Delena fans, the opportunity to relive the ecstasy of THE FIRST KISS . . .


What follows are my favorite Damon and Elena scenes from the last eleven episodes of TVD’s second Season, starting from “The Descent,” and ending with “As I Lay Dying.”   So, without further adieu, let Sweet, Sexy, and Swoon-worthy Nostalgia BEGIN!

10. “Be the Better Man, Damon.”

Episode: “Daddy Issues” – 2 X 13

Setting the Scene:

Team Save Elena (a.k.a. The Scooby Gang) has been making some questionable decisions lately.  And it’s been trying Damon’s already-limited patience, BIG TIME.  First, Stefan comes up with the “brilliant idea” of inviting Known Vampire Hater Uncle/Father John, and Elena’s Evil Bio Mom Vampire Isobel back to town, so that they could “join the team.”  Damon and Elena don’t trust either of these two sorry excuses for parents, as far as they can throw them.  However, both recognize that John might have information the two could use to defeat Klaus.  “Be the better man,” Elena cautions Damon for the first time that evening, before Damon meets John at the Only Bar / Social Establishment in Mystic Falls to exchange a few words.

Damon DOES, somehow, manage to hold his tongue, when speaking to John (just barely).  Not long after, however, Elena gets a call from Stefan, informing her that the werewolves (Jules and Wereoaf Brady) are holding Vampire Caroline hostage.  As a condition of Caroline’s safe release, the werewolves wish to “strike up a deal.” They will return Caroline, in exchange for resident werewolf, Tyler Lockwood. 

Upon hearing this, Damon, (who, up to this point, had been completely kept out of the loop, regarding the whole “Tyler is a werewolf” thing) is FURIOUS about this recent turn of events.  And he is not at all shy about sharing these feelings with Elena . .

Potent Quotables:

Damon: (about Tyler) “He’s a werewolf.  He needs to die.  I’m willing to kill.  It’s win/win!”

And later . . .

Damon: “You need to stop doing that . . . assuming I’ll play the good guy, because it’s YOU who’s asking.”

Elena: “Be the Better Man, Damon.”

And still later . . .

Damon:  (to Uncle/Father John) “First Dad Duty?  Ground your daughter . . . keep her here.”

Elena: “I’m coming with you!”

Why it made the list:

“Daddy Issues” was an important episode in the Delena canon, because it, in effectively introduced us to a completely different character, one who we hadn’t seen up to this point.  Ladies and gentleman, meet Ponytail Elena.  (She will appear again in “The Last Dance,” home to TWO MORE of our Top Ten Delena Moments.  Coincidence?  I think not!) 

While Hair Down Elena might not be sure, at this point in the game, of her feelings for Damon, Ponytail Elena already has a pretty good idea she wants him BAD!  (Remember that look of jealously flashing across Ponytail Elena’s eyes, when Andie hit on Damon for the first time?  Or the look of triumph on Ponytail Elena’s face, when Damon initially rejected her?)  Not unlike Katherine, Ponytail Elena knows EXACTLY what she needs to do to get her way . . .

It was interesting seeing THIS scene back -to-back with the earlier one in the episode, in which Elena instructs Damon to be “kinder and gentler” in his discussion with Uncle/Father John.  In both scenes: (1) Elena pleads with Damon to be “good.”  (2) He balks.  (3) She asks him to be the “Better Man.”  (4) He balks AGAIN, but reluctantly agrees. (5) She demands to follow him whereever he is going.

However, the DIFFERENCE between these two scenes is why this one made the list, and the previous one didn’t.  Unlike in the first scene, this time, Ponytail Elena is more brazen with her manipulation of Damon.  Observe how the Petrova Doppelganger gently places both of her hands on Damon’s arms affectionately, and looks up at him with her puppy dog eyes, when she asks him not to kill Tyler. 

Also different from the first scene, is Damon’s reaction.  All Damon has to do is take one look at Elena’s hand positioning, and he knows EXACTLY what she’s trying to do.  “You need to stop doing that,” he demands, eyes blazing.

I love how Elena, naively, acts as if she isn’t aware of her manipulation of Damon “Doing what?”  She asks innocently.

However, the minute he makes mention of it, Elena guiltily removes her hands from his arms.  She’s no dummy, that Ponytail Elena!  Damon’s response to Elena “(Assuming I’ll play the Good Guy, because it’s YOU who’s asking”) is the closest we’ve come to seeing Damon admit his feelings for Elena directly to her, ever since he told her he loved her, and compelled her to forget it, during “Rose,” back in episode 8.

And yet, the fact that Elena is behaving this way, to begin with, illustrates that she probably already has a pretty good idea of Damon’s feelings for her.  When affection doesn’t work, Elena falls back on her catchphrase, “Be the Better Man, Damon,” she tells him, for the second time that evening.  The phrase almost acts as a hypnotic trigger for Damon, working on him instantly.  Damon will always obey this command of Elena’s, no matter how much he may hate doing so.

And why not?  After all, it’s Damon’s incorrect belief that Stefan is a “Better Man” than he is, that keeps him from more actively pursuing Elena, in the first place!  At this point in the series, Damon still believes he doesn’t DESERVE Elena.  We see this at the end of the episode when the “Better Man” line makes it’s third appearance.  “I’m in love with a woman I can’t have,” Damon tells Andie, during the pseudo-couple’s infamous Bathtub Scene.  “I have to stay together (read “in control of my emotions”) to protect her, which means, I can’t be who I AM!”

As the series draws to a close, Damon will gradually come to learn how wrong he is in this assessment.  But, for now, the elder Salvatore Brother will just have to rejoice in the mini victory of having let Ponytail Elena know that he has her number. 

And, hey, she DID want to “come with him” to rescue Tyler, didn’t she?  Only this time, Damon said “NO!”

“Nice try, Sweet Cheeks!  It’s called ‘playing hard to get.’  Get used to it!”

So, you might be wondering why I included this scene at the top of my list, especially since it seems to show more of a manipulation of Damon on Elena’s part, than actual affection.  Well . . . I don’t think that’s ALL it shows. 

In “Daddy Issues,” more than any episode we had seen in Season 2 (at least up to THIS point in the season), Damon and Elena are relating to one another in that same super-close, married couple, type way, we witnessed during KEY Season 1 Delena episodes, like “Bloodlines,” and “Blood Brothers.”  And, don’t forget, this is POST Jeremy Neck Snap Incident!  So, that’s saying a lot!

Yes, they are bickering . . . and arguing . . . and Elena seems to be getting on Damon’s nerves a bit.  But beneath all that, are two people who are on the same page.  They understand how eachother think.   And they subconsciously take comfort in eachother’s company.  Why else would Elena keep following Damon around for the ENTIRE first half of the episode?  Where was STEFAN during all that time?  HMM?

9. Damon asks for Elena’s forgiveness

Episode: “As I Lay Dying” – 2 X 22

Setting the Scene:

Having been bitten by Teen Wolf Tyler, during his werewolf transformation, Damon believes himself to be doomed to die a painful and ugly death by were-rabies.  If Rose’s rapid disease progression is any indication, Damon has a few days to live at most, and just hours, before he begins showing signs of dementia.  Despite all this, Damon has made the selfless, but tragic, decision not to inform Elena of his impending death.  “The last thing [Elena] needs is another grave to mourn,” Damon tells Stefan, when his younger brother first learns of the fatal bite.

And yet Damon has one dying wish: that Elena forgive him for going against her wishes, and force-feeding her his blood, prior to The Sacrifice.  (He did this, so that if Klaus, in fact, killed her, she would at least return as a vampire.) 

Thanks to Uncle/Father John sacrificing his soul . . . and his life, for Elena’s, Elena was revived following the Sacrifice, and was able to retain her humanity.  And yet, Elena has still not verbally forgiven Damon for his actions.  In this scene, Damon arrives at Elena’s house, the morning after John’s and Jenna’s funeral, in hopes of obtaining the absolution he so desperately needs from the woman he loves more than life itself.

Potent Quotables:

Damon: “I want to apologize . . . please  . . .  Elena feeding you my blood, I was wrong.  And I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I need it.”

Elena: “And I need some time . . . maybe a lot of time.”

Damon: “Sure . . . of course . . . take all the time you need.”

Why it made the list:

This short simple scene is important, in that it functions as the first step in the journey Damon and Elena take toward mutual forgiveness, acceptance, and possibly much more, during the final episode of the series.  The tragedy of this scene, as mentioned above, is that Elena doesn’t know that Damon is dying.  Yet, he refuses to tell her. 

Damon “needs” Elena’s forgiveness, so that he can die in peace.  And yet, he doesn’t want that forgiveness to come from a place of PITY (Take THAT, Pity Kiss THEORISTS!), or guilt.  In the epic words Damon himself used last season, in explaining the reason he didn’t compel Elena during the pair’s trip to Georgia, “I wanted it to be real.” 

The OLD Damon might have become frustrated with Elena’s stubborness, and refusal to forgive him.  (I mean, it’s not like she actually turned into a VAMPIRE, or anything!)  Remember how quickly Damon started to pout and complain, when Elena refused to forgive him for the Jeremy Neck Snap Incident, earlier on in the season?  But this is a different Damon from the one we knew back then.  This Damon truly is “a Better Man.”

Notice how, throughout the scene, even though Damon is obviously going through a TON of personal sh*t, his focus is always on Elena.  Watching her linger over Aunt Jenna’s room in the morning, Damon IMMEDIATELY knows the anguish Elena is feeling, upon seeing that bed empty.  “It will get easier,” he tells her comfortingly.   “Then again, you already knew that.”

And even when Elena refuses to forgive Damon, and he realizes that there is a good chance he will die without receiving that forgiveness, Damon still considers Elena’s feelings to be of the utmost importance.  He even manages to smile at her, and say, “Take all the time you need,” when deep down, he knows that his own time is slowly running out . . .

The fact that Damon and Elena started the episode in THIS sad place, however, makes where they end up, by the end of the episode, all the more miraculous . . .

8. Elena rescues Damon . . . from himself!

Episode: “As I Lay Dying” – 2 X 22

Setting the Scene:

Damon’s time is running out.  His were-rabies has now set in at full force.  He’s feeling weak, is in an incredible amount of pain, and is beginning to have difficulty distinguishing his flashback hallucinations (featuring Katherine) from reality.  That’s the BAD news. 

The good news is that Damon’s hallucinations have been oddly therapeutic for him.  He finally sees that he was personally responsible for his decision to turn vampire, back in 1864.  Neither Stefan, nor Katherine forced him to do it.  He has to find Elena, and tell her this (as well as FINALLY confess his true feelings for her), before it’s too late.

Elena needs to find Damon too.  She found out about his werewolf bite from Stefan, and feels terrible about the way she treated him earlier that day. (See scene above.)  Elena wants to let Damon know that she forgives him for feeding her his blood prior to the Sacrifice.  She also knows that Caroline’s AWFUL mother Lizard Forbes wants Damon dead.  And Elena wants badly to rescue Dying Damon from that b*tch.

Eventually, Damon and Elena do find one another.  But Damon just so happens to be in the throes of one of his most vivid hallucination, when the reunion occurs . . .

Potent Quotables:

Elena:  “Damon . . . come on . . . come on . . . We need to get you out of here.  We have to hide you.”

Katherine: (in flashback, after puncturing her neck, and allowing blood to drip from it) “If you want it, take it.  It is your choice to make.”

And later . . .

Elena:  (as Damon bites Katherine / Elena) “Damon, you don’t have to do this.”

Why it made the list:

This scene works on two levels.  On one, we have Damon, just hours away from death, finally coming to the realization that he is personally responsible for his decision to become a vampire.  On another, we have Elena, who, after two seasons of being rescued repeatedly by Damon, finally has the opportunity to put her own life and safety on the line, to rescue him right back. 

On some level, Damon and Elena have been searching for one another, the entire episode.  It was Damon’s instinctive knowledge that Elena was looking for him outside, that prompted Damon to send Alaric for blood, knock out Lizard Forbes, and escape his makeshift cage in the basement of La Casa de Rich and Awesome.  Likewise, it was Elena’s need to find Damon, and comfort him, during his final moments, that prompted her to break through the glass of the police station with that chair.  (I wonder who’s going to end up having to pay for THAT!)

Of course, once Damon finds Elena, he shifts right back into hallucination mode, and can only see Katherine.  In the hallucination, Katherine’s words to Damon are direct.  She tells him that the decision to become a vampire is his choice to make.  And by biting down on Katherine’s neck, and taking her blood, he makes that choice.  Yet, in the present day, Damon is biting on Elena’s neck.   Her words to him are symbolic too.  She tells him, “You don’t have to do this.”

And though she’s referring to BITING HER, Elena’s words also apply to biting KATHERINE back in 1864.  Damon didn’t HAVE to do that.  He didn’t have to become a vampire.  And he WOULDN”T have become one, if he hadn’t made that choice.  The anguish on Damon’s face, upon waking from his reverie, and realizing that he has bitten and hurt the woman he loves, is truly heartbreaking. 

But what is sweet about the scene is Elena’s reaction.  Yes, Elena is in pain.  Yes, Damon hurt her.  But Elena isn’t angry at Damon for what he did, or worried for her own safety. 

Like Damon’s actions at the beginning of the episode, Elena’s actions here are completely selfless.  All she cares about is protecting Damon, and getting him to safety.  The way Elena holds and comforts Damon in this scene, you can tell just how much she truly cares about him.  And this show of affection is only a precursor of what’s to come later on in the episode . . .

7. Elena Comforts Damon after Rose’s Death

Episode: “The Descent” – 2 X 12

Setting the Scene:

Damon earned the ire of Big Bad Wolf Jules, when she began to (correctly) suspect that he had killed her werewolf buddy, Mason Lockwood, a.k.a. Tyler Lockwood’s Hot Uncle. 

 The elder Salvatore brother moved even further up Wolf Girl’s Poopy List, when he and Alaric cornered her in the Only Bar / Social Establishment in Mystic Falls, and (under the guise of hitting on her) were-rufied her drink with Wolfsbane. 

Fast-forward to the next Full Moon.  Jules, in werewolf form, barges into La Casa de Rich and Awesome, intent on chopping on some Salvatore skin.  (Can you blame her?  YUMMY!) 

However, instead of sinking her teeth into Damon, Jules’ pointy choppers land smack dab on the backside of Damon’s most recent Screw Buddy, Vampire Rose. 

As a result of the bite, Vampire Rose contracts some bizarre form of were rabies. (Then again, isn’t all were rabies, by definition bizarre?).  Shortly thereafte, Rose, pretty much, starts going apesh*t.  (She looks pretty hideous too.)  Rose uses her Sick Time, constructively, by chasing Elena around La Casa de Rich and Awesome, and trying to eat her.  (Personally, I prefer to spend MY sick time watching bad daytime television.  But, that’s just me . . .)

When that fails, a wacked-out Rose breaks free from La Casa de Rich and Awesome, and starts chowing down on innocent Mystic Falls residents.  Damon eventually finds Rose, and brings her back to the house.  However, Rabies Rose’s days of eating the Good People of Mystic Falls are numbered.  And Damon knows it. 

Using his vampiric powers of dream walking, Damon sits Rose down in her lap, like the unruly baby she has become.  Being the Generous Mercy Killer he is, Damon creates for Rose a warm fuzzy (read “extremely cheesy”) dream, in which she and he are frolicking through the meadow. 

When Rabies Rose is feeling sufficiently blissed out, he stakes her, but not before shedding a few tears, on her behalf.

In THIS sweet and poignant Delena scene, Elena, having learned of Rose’s death, arrives at La Casa de Rich and Awesome to check up on Her Future Lover . . .

Potent Quotables:

Elena:  “I came back to make sure you are OK.”

And later . . .

Elena: “Damon I’m your friend.”

Damon:  “I’m well aware of that.”

Elena: “And a friend usually knows when their friend is hurting.”

Damon: “What do you want to hear?  That I cared about Rose?  That I’m upset?  Well, I didn’t.  And I’m not.”

Elena:  “There you go, pretending to turn it off, pretending not to feel.  Damon, you’re so close.  Don’t give up.”

Damon:  “I feel, Elena, OK?  And it sucks!  What sucks even more is that it was supposed to be me.  Jules was coming after ME.”

Elena:  “You feel guilty.”

Damon:  “That would be human of me, Elena, and I’m NOT HUMAN!  You’re one to talk about giving up.   That’s all you’ve done is give up!  Go home!  There’s been enough doom, gloom, and personal growth for one night.”

Why it made the list:

You’ll notice that in this scene, unlike the ones that preceded it, I transcribed practically the ENTIRE conversation between Damon and Elena in the “potent quotables” section.  That’s because every line of this scene is heavily laden with meaning.  In fact, with the exception of the final scenes of “As I Lay Dying,” Damon’s and Elena’s exchange during “The Descent” is probably the most honest exchange they have with one another the entire season. 

Just as, in the earlier scene I posted from the finale, where Damon instinctively knows what Elena is going through, when she stares at Jenna’s empty room, Elena, having experienced Rose’s demise along with him, knows exactly how hard it was for Damon to ultimately end her life. 

We’ve seen many scenes in which Elena has pushed Damon away, for one reason or another.  However, this time, it is Damon trying to do the pushing, and Elena vying for closeness. 


But Elena makes a mistake, when she calls Damon “her friend.”  Of course, she’s trying to be helpful.  However, reminding Damon of their “just friends” status, during this difficult time in Damon’s life, is like rubbing salt in the wound. 

(Then again, perhaps, this is a case of thou doth protest too much?  Maybe Elena is already starting to feel a closeness to Damon beyond friendship, and needs to reiterate the “just friends” nature of their relationship to convince herself that this is the case?  Wishful thinking on my part?  Maybe . . . but maybe not. ;))

When Damon denies having any feeling about Rose’s death, however, Elena goes for the “Better Man,” card again.  Though she doesn’t use those exact words, by telling Damon that he is “so close” to humanity, that is, in effect, what she is saying.  And Elena is right.  Rose’s death did cause a sort of emotional breakthrough of sorts in Damon. 

But these emotions scare Damon, because, as he admits to Andie, in the following episode, they make him feel out of control.  They also cause him to remember how much he misses being human.  “That would be human of me, Elena.  And I’m NOT human,” he argues.  (Talk about a case of “Thou doth protest too much!”)

But even though Damon commands Elena to leave for a third time, during the scene, Elena refuses to go, without giving Damon the comfort she so desperately knows he needs.  She hesitates as she turns to leave, looking at him intently for a few beats before pulling him in for a deep Full Body Hug.  Elena’s show of affection surprises Damon, and, eventually moves him to tears. 

But Damon isn’t the only one who needed to feel closeness in that moment.  While Elena may have decided to hug Damon, in a friendly and comforting way, the look she gives him, when she pulls back from the hug, hints that she might have felt something deeper during it, than she initially expected.

For a few moments before she leaves, we see Elena stare pointedly at Damon’s eyes and lips.  She does this so intently, that, the first time I watched this scene, I really did think that she might kiss him.  But, alas, our first Delena kiss was still quite a few episodes away . . .

6. “I’ve got moves you’ve never seen!”

Episode: “The Last Dance” – 2 X 18

Setting the Scene:

Though he has not yet shown his “true face” to the Scooby Gang, Klaus has not been shy about expressing his desire to “capture” Elena, and use her in his Wacky Sacrifice Ritual.  By compelling one of her classmates, Klaus delivers a creepy message to Elena that she should expect to “meet” him at the sixties-themed dance being held at the high school.  Rather than avoid the dance (which, to be honest, would have made a heck of a lot more sense), the entire Scooby Gang, Elena included, decides to attend.  Their plan is to draw Klaus out, and then kill him . . . somehow. 

Needless to say, tensions are high.  And no one is more tense than Elena.  That is, until . . .

Potent Quotables:

Why it made the list:

Damon: “How you doin?”

Elena: “Umm . . . freaking out a bit.  You?”

Damon: “Cool as a cucumber.  Come on . . . remember the last Decade Dance.  The vampires were all ‘Arrrghhhh’ and you were all ‘Ahhhhh!”

Elena:  “Right . . . and . . . we won.”

Damon: “Yes, we did.”

Elena:  “You’re good at this.”

Damon: “I’ve got moves, you’ve never seen.”

You know what I actually just noticed about this scene?  (And it’s something that I had never picked up on, in the 20 or so times I watched it before hand.)  There’s this little moment, before Stefan leaves to go talk to Caroline, that he gives Damon a bit of a head nod, actually ENCOURAGING him to dance with Elena! 

Dear old Selfless Stefan . . . you have no idea what you are getting your “girlfriend’ into!  Doesn’t Baby Salvatore know that no girl can resist a Dancing Damon?

Least of all . . . Elena . . .

Still, you might be wondering why this scene ranks so high on my list, when the ones preceeding it are so much more “emotionally intense.”  But, actually, the fact that this scene WAS SO LIGHTHEARTED AND SIMPLE is precisely why it earned such a high ranking. 

The Delena Dance of Season 2, much like the one in Season 1 that preceded it, allowed us a glimpse into what Damon and Elena will be like as an ACTUAL COUPLE.  In just a few short seconds of grooving together, Damon and Elena, illustrate all the fun, sex appeal, wit, good humor, and understanding that is going to make Delena such a force to be reckoned with in season 3.

I love the look of shock and arousal that crosses Elena’s face, when Damon first whirls her into his chest.  As we’ve seen often with Elena, when she comes in close contact with Damon, she often seems mesmerized, by his mouth in particular. 

And, though Damon is trying to play it, “cool as a cucumber” (his words, not mine), we can see that he isn’t exactly immune to Elena’s charms either.  There’s a brief second where Damon loses himself in the movement of the dance, and forgets all about Klaus, the Sacrifice, and all his schemes.  In that moment, these are just two beautiful people who are insanely hot for one another.

That being said, when Elena openly admits to Damon that she is “freaking out a bit,” Damon immediately becomes refocused on the task at hand:  Operation Cheer Up Elena!  And Cheer Elena up he does, through a combination of fun, un-self-conscious goofiness . . .

 . . . good humor, and logical reasoning.  Damon immediately is able to set Elena at ease, and make her smile, in a way, few members of the Scooby Gang are able to do.  But in addition to being really funny, Damon’s “The vampires were like Arrrgh, and you were like Ahhh,” was also a wise and reassuring statement.  In other words, “We beat the bad guys before, and we will beat them again.”

Of course, once Damon has sufficiently calmed Elena down, and converted her from Brooding Damsel in Distress to Giddy High Schooler Dancing with Hot Boy, Damon ramps up the charm, dipping her, pulling her close to his body and face, and whispering seductively in her ear, “I’ve got moves you’ve never seen.”

“You’re good at this,” Elena admits breathlessly, looking very much like she wants to makeout with him right there on the dance floor.

Well, isn’t that the Understatement of the Year . . .

5. “I can’t lose you.”

Episode: “The Last Day” – 2 X 20

Setting the Scene:

Not willing to accept that Bonnie’s death (through the exhaustion of all her witch powers) is the ONLY way to kill Klaus, Elena defies the wishes of the ENTIRE Scooby Gang, by de-staking Elijah, and bringing him back to life. 

Elijah claims to have a plan to save Elena’s life, while still allowing Klaus to proceed with the Sacrifice Ritual.  Then, once Klaus is in the throes of a werewolf transformation, and is in a weakened state, ELIJAH will stake KLAUS with the same dagger Elena used to stake HIM in “Crying Wolf.”

The problem is that Elijah’s Big Plan to “save” Elena seems . . .what’s the right word . . . oh yeah . . . LAME!  It involves some sort of Romeo and Juliet-esque elixir he cooked up, that would make Elena APPEAR to be dead, throughout the Sacrifice Ritual, when, in fact, she is really alive.  Having never used the elixir before, Elijah can’t guarantee that it will work. 

 The idea of taking such a gamble with Elena’s life sickens Damon.  So, he stalks off to his room to sulk.  Elena (who LOVES Damon’s bedroom, more than any other room in La Casa de Rich and Awesome, including, apparently, Stefan’s room) immediately follows Damon there, so that the two can screw like bunny rabbits “talk.”

Potent Quotables:

Elena: “You disappeared.”

Damon: “I don’t want to hear anymore.”

Elena:  “I need you to understand why I’m doing this.”

Damon: “Why?   It clearly doesn’t matter what I think.”

Elena: “I’ll be FINE, Damon.  I’ll drink the elixir.  Bonnie will kill Klaus, and all of this will finally be over.”

And later . . .

Damon: “You think it will work . . . You WANT it to work . . . Why am I the only one who’s convinced it WON’T.  There has to be another way.”

Elena:  “There isn’t.”

Damon:  “You are going to die, Elena.”

Elena: “And then, I’ll come back to life.”

Damon:  “That is not a risk I am willing to take.”

Elena: “But I am . . . it’s my life, Damon.  My choice.”

Damon: “I can’t lose you.”

Elena: “You won’t.”

Why it made the list:

I’m just full of controversial picks today, aren’t I?  Here’s the scene where Damon FORCE FEEDS Elena his blood, and stakes Stefan, and I’ve got it as number 5 on my Delena list.  But, hopefully, after you rewatch the scene, you will see why.  You see, I feel like there’s a real parallel between this scene, and the scene that takes place between Damon and Elena at the end of “The Last Dance,” right before Elena decides to stake Klaus.  (See #3 below.) 

 Both scenes, begin with Elena entering Damon’s room.  Both scenes involve a discussion between Damon and Elena, regarding the best way to go about saving her life, during the Sacrifice. 

In “The Last Dance,” Elena REFUSES to put Bonnie’s life on the line to save her own.  Here, Damon refuses to put Elena’s life on the line for Elijah’s harebrained scheme.  “There HAS to be another way,” each party says to the other, more or less.  Both scenes climax (see what I did there?), during a moment of intense intimacy between the couple.  And, just when it seems like the two are finally in agreement with one another, there’s a moment, where you see one of them making the decision to do something they know the other person will HATE.

As I mentioned earlier, Elena LOVES Damon’s room, and adores his bed.  And whenever he is upset, she loves to go and find him there, so that she can “reach out and touch him.”  There’s an interesting dichotomy in the scene between how close Damon and Elena come to one another, and how far away their ideas as to the best course of action remain.  Throughout the scene, though Damon and Elena, both take physical steps toward one another, psychologically, they remain more far apart than ever.

Using her “Be the Better Man” trick, Elena attempts physical contact with Damon, to bring him back from the brink, when he is at his most heated.  Damon is angrily and accusatorily pointing a finger at Elena, when Elena affectionately grabs his hand in both her own, bringing it closer to her face, and massaging it, as she speaks.  

There’s a moment where Damon looks down at his and Elena’s now clasped hands.  He knows EXACTLY what Elena is trying to do.  And yet, he loves her so much, that he can’t resist her.  His pointed finger relaxes into Elena’s embrace.  His body posture softens, as he appeals to Elena’s obvious care and concern for his well being, “I can’t lose you,” he tells her, in all honesty.

“You won’t,” she assures him, eyes widened and dilated. 

Elena really believes at this point that she has reached Damon . .. and that he will go along with whatever she says, just like he has so many times in the past.  Except, sometime between Elena’s grasping of his hand, and her final promise to him, Damon comes to his decision to force-feed Elena his blood.  But even as he is making this decision, a part of him knows he will live to regret it.

“Oh crap!  I’m really about to f*ck up now, aren’t I?”

4. Damon revives Elena

Episode: “The Sun Also Rises” – 2 X 21

Setting the Scene:

As far as Klaus is concerned, the Sacrifice Ritual was a success. Aunt Jenna and Jules each gave up their lives as the vampire and werewolf sacrifices, respectively.  As the Petrova Doppelganger, Elena also gave her “life” to Klaus, when he bit into her neck, and drained her of a significant portion of her blood. 

After snapping the neck of the witch performing the ritual, Damon picks up an unconscious Elena and carries her to Stefan.  But Stefan does not wish to take Elena home just yet.  He wants to stay and make sure that Bonnie and Elijah defeat Klaus, once and for all. 

So, Damon carries Elena back to La Casa de Rich and Awesome in his arms.  At this point, her fate is still unknown.  Is she dead?  Will she come back a vampire, and spend eternity hating Damon for the role he played in her transformation?  Or has the Scooby Gang somehow managed to find some way for Elena to return to life as a human?  Damon is about to find out . . .

Potent Quotables:

Damon:  “Come back as a vampire, and I’ll stake you myself.  So, DON’T.  Because I can’t stand the idea of you hating me forever.”

Why it made the list:

It’s hard not to see this scene as blatant foreshadowing for a future Damon and Elena union, in the truest sense of the word.   I mean, who can ignore the symbolism, of Stefan asking Damon to take Elena home, himself, so that HE can stay and make sure Klaus is dead.  (Shades of Stefan’s choice in the season finale, much?) 

And then, watching Damon literally carry Elena through the darkness and the fire, to the safety of the home SHE owns, which is also his.  Then, of course, Damon CARRIES ELENA ACROSS THE THRESHOLD of the mansion.  It doesn’t get much better than that, folks!

The look of love and affection on Damon’s face, as he hovers over Elena’s unconscious body, gently running his hand across her face, and through her hair — unable to take his eyes off her for even one second — is as beautiful, as it is heartbreaking.  Who WOULDN’T want a guy to look at them like that?  And though the words Damon says to Elena, as he awaits her fate, might seem callous on the surface, they are actually the most romantic words he’s uttered throughout the entire episode.

Contrast these words to Damon’s “I can’t lose you,” in the earlier scene.  Damon force fed Elena his blood, because HE couldn’t bear the idea of living without her.  That gesture, and the thought process behind it, while romantic, is also somewhat selfish. 

Here, Damon’s thoughts are ONLY for Elena.  He now knows that SHE would rather die than be a vampire.  And even though it would literally KILL Damon to live on Earth for even a moment without Elena, he would be willing to stake her himself, if he knew that was what she truly wanted.

Of course, there’s another aspect to Damon not wanting Elena to become a vampire.  He “can’t stand the idea of [her] hating him forever.”  This is also a departure from the Damon we’ve grown to know and love for two seasons.  In “The Last Dance,” Damon was heard telling Stefan, that he didn’t care whether Elena hated him, as long as he was able to keep her safe. 

Now, we see that this isn’t the case at all.  Elena’s thoughts and feelings matter to Damon.  And from now on, he will fight just as hard to protect them, as he will to protect her life.

The other part of this scene that I loved was the intimate and powerful expression on Elena’s face when she awakens from “death” to find Damon hovering over her.  A commenter on my recap of this episode wisely noted that Elena died staring at Stefan, during The Sacrifice, and awakened staring at Damon.  There is certainly something poetic about that. 

Additionally, there lies within the meaninful look Elena gives Damon the possibility that she remembers his confession of love for her during the “Rose” episode.  After all, were it not for John’s sacrifice, which, as you can see, happens AFTER Elena awakens, not before, Elena, having died with Damon’s blood in her system, would have reawakened a vampire.  And VAMPIRES remember all instances of compulsion from their lives, as Caroline taught us, following HER vampiric reawakening . . .

So, does Elena remember Damon’s compulsion of her to forget that she loves him?  It’s indeed possible.  In fact, that very knowledge is hinted at, during the finale, and in my NUMBER 1 Delena moment of the Second Half of Season 2. 

3. “I will always choose you.”

Episode: “The Last Dance” – 2 X 18

Setting the Scene:

Damon may have saved Elena’s life the night of the sixties dance, but he did it by breaking her heart . . . albeit temporarily.  When Damon and the rest of the Scooby Gang learned that Klaus was possessing Alaric’s body, they determined, to their chagrin, that they had unwittingly provided him with information on their secret Klaus-Killing Weapon: Bonnie and Her Awesome Witchiness.  Now AlarKlaus was after Bonnie.  He wanted her out of the picture, to ensure himself a “Stress Free Sacrifice.”  And he wasn’t going to let up, until she was dead . . .

So, Bonnie and Damon came up with a devious plan.  Bonnie would pretend to exhaust her witchy powers, during a faux attempt at defeating Klaus at the dance.  Then she would play dead . . . kind of like a dog.  But the scheme had a complication: in order for KLAUS to believe that Bonnie was dead, Elena had to believe it too.  And in order for ELENA to believe that Bonnie was dead, Gossip Boy Stefan couldn’t be let in on Bonnie’s and Damon’s plan either. 

When Elena found Bonnie’s “dead” body in the school snack room, she was inconsolable.  And when Damon arrived back at La Casa de Rich and Awesome, seeming not the least bit upset about Bonnie’s so called “loss of life,” an enraged Elena slapped him across the mouth . . . HARD.  It wasn’t until after Elena almost took off his BEAUTIFUL face that Damon finally decided to come clean to the woman he would do literally ANYTHING to protect. 

Damon admitted that Bonnie wasn’t really dead.  She was just hanging out in a tomb with Elena’s brother “resting her eyes.”  This made Elena feel like a bit of an idiot.  It also gave her a good excuse to enter Damon’s room AGAIN, under the guise of “apologizing” . . .

Potent Quotables:

Elena: “I understand why you did what you did.  I mean, Klaus was fooled and . . . Bonnie’s alive.”

Damon: “Here’s to duplicity.”

Elena:  “Let’s get one thing straight, Damon.  Bonnie will not die for me.  I will not let that happen . . . We’ll find another way [to kill Klaus].”

Damon: “I hope so.”

Elena:  “Look, I shouldn’t have hit you.”

Damon: “Apology accepted.”

Damon: “Let me be clear about something, if it comes down to you and the witch again, then I will gladly let Bonnie die.  I will always choose you.”

Why it made the list:

Earlier, I showed you the scene in which Damon made the decision to force feed Elena his blood to save her from certain death.  In my analysis of that scene I told you that it directly paralleled the scene from “The Last Dance,” in which Elena, after having an equally emotional and honest conversation with Damon, made the (as it turns out, not so hot) decision to de-stake Elijah.  Like the first scene, this one worked on two levels.  On one hand, it was yet another romantic bedroom scene for Damon and Elena, in which the pair let one another understand just how well they understood one another, and how much they cared for eachother.  On the other, it was a deceptive scene, because, at the very moment when it seemed like the couple had come to an understanding, one of its members was plotting to do something very stupid.

It was interesting watching Damon’s and Elena’s reactions to one another throughout the scene.  For instance, when Elena comes into Damon’s room, he clearly expects her to lecture him on not telling her his plans regarding Bonnie’s fake death.  Aim when Elena admits that she understands exactly why he did what he did, Damon is a bit taken aback.  But he is also clearly impressed by the object of his affections foresight, and understanding that sometimes the ends DO justify the means.

“Here’s to duplicity,” Damon says.  (As in, “YAY, I don’t have to apologize anymore, for doing something that I don’t think was wrong at all, and would do again in a second.”)

Elena again uses her trusted tactic of initiating physical closeness with Damon to make her point about not wanting Bonnie to die.  And though Damon does seem to bend a little, to Elena’s wishes (“I hope so,” he offers doubtfully, when Elena assures him that they will find another way to kill Klaus), we know that Damon’s position on the subject remains essentially the same. 

Now comes the time for Elena to apologize for the Face Slap Heard Round the World . . .  Elena clearly feels terrible about doing that to Damon, and wants him to know this.  When just moments ago, Elena was stalwart and strong in ensuring Bonnie’s continued livelihood, suddenly she seems shy, contrite, and a smidge coquettish.  As Elena apologizes, she dips her head downward, and self-consciously runs her hand through her hair. 

Of course, this works.  Damon can never stay mad at Elena for long.  And he accepts her apology almost immediately.  But then he makes the statement, that, while incredibly romantic, seals both of their fates, “I will always choose you.”

Upon hearing this, we see Elena go through a wide range of emotions in a very short amount of time.  There is awe at the grandness of Damon’s remark, flattery, at the extent of his feelings for her, a deep affection for the man willing to do whatever it takes to keep her safe.  It’s a powerful experience for Elena.  But then . . . she SIGHS . . .

For me, the above-illustrated facial expression of Elena’s mimics the one Damon made, when he realized that he was going to force feed Elena his blood, and, in doing so, jeopardize his relationship with her.  Likewise, Elena realizes that there is no way she will ever be able to convincce Damon to save Bonnie’s life over her own.  And so, in this moment, she decides to de-stake Elijah. 

Three times, before Elena leaves Damon’s room, we see her hesitate and turn back toward him, wanting to admit what she is about to do.  There’s a big part of Elena that knows that de-staking Elijah could end up being a huge mistake.  And that part of Elena wants to confess her plans to Damon, so that he can talk her out of them.  But, ultimately, Elena’s desire to protect her friends . . . well . . .  at least to protect Bonnie . . . wins out.  And so, she leaves Damon’s room with a firm sense of purpose.

Examining this scene, side by side with the scene from “The Last Day,” even the casual viewer can see how truly alike Damon and Elena are in their way of thinging, their fierce protectiveness of others, and their courage in the face of all opposition.  One thing is for sure, as a couple, these two will be unstoppable!

2. The Cuddle

Episode: “As I Lay Dying” – 2 X 22

Setting the Scene:

Having finally found a were-wolf bitten Damon, just hours away from death, Elena rushes him to the comfort of La Casa de Rich and Awesome.  Huddled together in Damon’s bed, Damon and Elena silently vow to make every last minute between them count.  Now is not the time for secrets. 

No words can be left unsaid.  No apologies can be left unspoken.  No emotions can be left unburdened.  But will these two intimately linked individuals — who have shared so much together, during the short time they have known one another — be able to confess their true feelings for one another, before it is too late?

Potent Quotables:

Elena:  “It’s OK, Damon.  I’m right here.”

Damon: “Elena, get out of here.  I can hurt you.”

Elena:  “No, you won’t.  I’m here until the very end.  I’m NOT leaving you . . . It’s OK . . . It’s OK”

Damon:  “It’s NOT OK.  All those years, I blamed Stefan.  And no one forced me to love her.  It was my own choice.  I made the wrong choice . . . Tell Stefan I’m sorry, OK?”

Elena: “I will.”

Why it made the list:

As you might have noticed, Damon and Elena have been dancing around true displays of affection for one another, all season.  There have been forehead kisses, hugs, hand and shoulder grabs, and even a little grinding on the dance floor.  But it took Damon being moments from Death, for Elena to really give herself to him completely. 

It is no accident that again, in the final moments of the Season 2 finale, Damon and Elena are huddled together in Damon’s bed.  Watch as Elena lovingly holds Damon in her arms, cradling his body close to her with one arm, as she delicately blots the sweat from his brow with another. 

Elena saw what Rose went through in her final hours.  She recognizes the possibility that Damon, in this sickened state, could be a real danger to her.  But Elena cares for Damon so much, that she is willing to put his needs before her own.  And despite Damon’s pleas that she go, for her own good, Elena refuses to leave Damon’s side, even for a moment. 

For Damon’s part, we can see in his eyes, how much he NEEDS Elena to be near him.  And the fact that he asks her to leave, shows just as much selflessness on his part, as Elena’s staying does on hers.  Because Damon has a lot to say to Elena.  He has come to the realization that he is to blame for his own situation, and he needs Elena to know this before he dies.  He also needs Stefan to know this. 

Such is their honest relationship with one another that Elena never lies to Damon, and tells him that he’s going to survive this.  She doesn’t sugar coat things for him.  When Damon asks her to apologize to Stefan, she doesn’t tell him, “You can do it yourself, because you are going to live.”  Rather, she just pulls him closer to her, and tells him that she will.

It’s tragic that it took a lethal illness to bring Damon and Elena to this place.  Yet, it is somehow fitting.  After all, Damon’s and Elena’s relationship has always been one built on intense emotions and extreme situations.  And, sometimes it takes the threat of losing something to finally force you to realize that you can’t live without it.


Episode: “As I Lay Dying” – 2 X 22

Setting the Scene:

[See description for #2 above.  THIS spectacular scene takes place just one “commercial break” after THAT one. ;)]

Potent Quotables:

Damon: “This is even more pitiful than I thought.”

Elena: “There is still hope.”

Damon: “I’ve made a lot of choices that have gotten me here.  I deserve this.  I deserve to die.”

Elena:  “No, you don’t”

Damon: “I do, Elena.  And it’s OK.   Because if I would have chosen differently, I wouldn’t have met you.  I’m so sorry.  I did so many things to hurt you.”

Elena:  “It’s OK.   I forgive you.”

Damon: “I know you love Stefan.  And that it will always be Stefan.  But I love you.  You should know that.”

Elena: “I do.”

Damon:  “You should have met me in 1864.  You would have liked me.”

Elena:  “I like you now.  Just the way you are.”

Damon:  “Thank you.”

Elena: “You’re welcome.”

Why it made the list:

I don’t think it was a surprise to any of you, that this ended up being my number one scene.  I mean, really, could Delena fans have asked for anything more.  I mean, I couldn’t have been happier, if Damon and Elena stripped naked and had their way with one another, as the final credits were rolling (which is totally how Season 3 is going to end, by the way). 

Season 1 ended with Damon kissing Elena . . . except it ended up NOT being Elena, but Katherine.  So, it was extremely fitting that Season 2 would end with a REAL Delena kiss.  The kiss itself was beautiful.  The way that Elena snuggled up close to Damon, looked lovingly at his face, and leaned over to give him a quick kiss on the lips.  While it was happening, Damon awoke from unconsciousness, a real life Sleeping Beauty, with a small but beautific smile on his face.  His eyes fluttered, and his mouth opened into a slight “O” shape.  He wasn’t expecting this.  And then, he THANKED HER, for giving him the greatest gift she could ever give him.

And yet, for many fans, there was just as much of a gift in the words that preceded the kiss, as in the kiss itself.  Damon has never been much for apologies.  And yet, he is able to apologize twice to Elena in this episode, once at its beginning for the force-feeding, and here, for ALL of his wrong doing throughout the two seasons.  So, when Elena FINALLY gives Damon the forgiveness he has been waiting for, it is a total and complete forgiveness.  Completely gone are the grudges of seasons past.  Elena and Damon are finally, once again, on an even playing field.

And it is because Damon and Elena are in this open and honest place, that Damon can FINALLY admit to Elena that he loves her, and allow her to REMEMBER it, thereby completing the circle started in Rose.

Back then, Damon made Elena forget his love, because he deemed his confession, “The most selfish thing he ever did.”  But Damon’s new confession of love is not in the least bit selfish, because he doesn’t expect Elena to love him in return.  Heck, he doesn’t even expect to live out the hour!  Damon repeats Elena’s words to him from the Season Premiere.  “I know you love Stefan . . . it will always be Stefan,” but he says them with no bitterness or ire.  He’s made peace with his little brother, and Elena’s love for him.  He simply believes that Elena has a right to know that he loves her more than life itself.  Because that kind of love is a gift to be cherished, even if it cannot be returned.

Except . . . maybe it can, because Elena’s cycle of always pushing Damon to be the “Better Man” is closed in this scene too.  That ends with Elena’s declaration that she likes him now, just the way he is, troubled, headstrong, impulsive, and deeply worthy of someone’s love.  The threat of losing Damon has caused Elena to realize just how much she needs him in her life.  And though Damon IS in fact a Better Man than the one we met in the pilot, he is still a flawed character.  

But it are these flaws that bond Damon and Elena, and will undoubtedly continue to bond them throughout Season 3, as they cope with the guilt of their growing bond with one another, in Stefan’s absence, and struggle to ascertain what they mean to one another.  In many ways, “As I Lay Dying,” was an end.  An end of the Season, an end of the Sacrifice, and end of a very important period of personal growth for Damon.  But in many other ways, it is a turning point.

And when Damon sits up in his bed at the end of the episode, and looks at Elena with new and healthy eyes, some would say his new life is just beginning . . . and so is hers.

So, there you have it, folks: my picks for the Top Ten Moments from the final 11 episodes of Season 2 of TVD.  Which ones were YOUR favorites? 

P.S.  Has the TVD hiatus left you hungry for more SHIPPER-friendly Top Ten Lists?  If so, be sure to check out my super talented, and often hilarious, blogger pal Cherie’s analysis of the Top Ten FORWOOD moments from Season 2.  Trust me, you won’t regret it!  The post is made of awesome. 🙂

[][Fangirls Forever]


Filed under Damon and Elena, Damon Salvatore, Delena, Elena Gilbert, Television Super Couples, The Vampire Diaries, Top Ten Lists

Damon Salvatore’s GIFT to YOU – Animated GIFs for Every Occasion!

Don’t say I never gave you anything!

A few months back, Dawson’s Creek’s James Van Der Beek took a running joke that fans of the show had about his Ugly Cry Face . . .

 . . . and turned it into comedic GOLD (not to mention, a major marketing opportunity)!  Sure, The Beek may never be hired to act in a movie where has character has to cry, ever again . . .

But, with all the cash he’s raking in from those Dawson’s Creek syndication rights . . . (and all the good karma he’s building up, by helping bloggers like me find The Perfect GIF, when we’re too lazy to actually express our feelings in actual WORDS), James “don’t need NO STINKIN'” CRYBABY MOVIE!  He’s set for LIFE!

(But, seriously, if you haven’t checked out JamesVanDerMemes yet, do it NOW.  It truly is a Blogger’s Best Friend!)

OK . . . OK . . . I know what you are thinking.  You are probably saying to yourself right now, “I clicked on this post, because I thought I was going to get to read about DAMON SALVATORE!  So, what’s with all this James Van Der CRAP?”

Patience, my Fangbanging Friend!  All will become clear, in just a moment . . .

You see, this morning, I was reading an awesome, Damon Salvatore centric blog post, written by my fabulous pal from Down Under, Cherie, when I came upon one of my favorite Damon Salvatore GIFs . . .

THIS got me to thinking about ALL the fantastic Damon Salvatore GIFS I’ve managed to collect, since I started recapping The Vampire Diaries, about a year ago.  And thinking about THAT, got me to thinking about how Ian Somerhalder (who plays Damon on the show, DUH!) could probably learn a thing or two from Mr. Van Der Beek, about how to convert his natural GIF-making ability into Cold Hard Cash . . .

(Cash that can be used to benefit the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, perhaps?)

So, without further adieu, TV Recappers Anonymous proudly presents: Damon Salvatore Memes, a series of Damon-y GIFS that will be sure to satisfy all of your sexual emotional and blogging needs . . .

Happy GIF-ing!

Greetings from Damon Salvatore

Often times, when you are blogging, there are instances where you want to offer up a little “Howdy” to your loyal readers.  After all, sharing your thoughts with like-minded folks is what blogging is all about, right?  Fortunately, we have Damon Salvatore to help you do just that . .  .

Now, there are many ways to say “hello” to your friends.  You can wave . . .

You can give them the oh so cool, “Nod and Point” . . .

Or, for those “close” friends, you can blow them a kiss . . .

Not bad, right?  But saying hello to your blogging buddies, is just the tip of the iceberg.  Damon can help you out with so much MORE!

Damon Salvatore Helps You Get Laid . ..


Flirting through blogs and e-mails can be a tricky business.  Since the person you are trying to put the moves on can’t actually SEE you, there’s a good chance some of the subtleties of your language might get lost in translation.  When this happens, the best case scenario is that your overtures of affection are misunderstood or ignored.  Worst case scenario?  You end up looking like a TOTAL Creepy Perv. 

Thankfully, with the help of Damon Salvatore, flirting is easy . . .

After all, no self-respecting love interest would be able to resist the Eye Thing . . .

. . . or the Compelling Stare . . .

Want to tell your crush how dreamy they look?  Katherine and Damon can do it for you!


Perhaps, you want your crush to CALL you, so that you can continue your flirtation over the phone . . .


Or, maybe, you want to give your lover an electronic kiss on the cheek . . .

Not at the Cheek Kissing stage of your relationship, yet?  Try a chaste Forehead Kiss . . .

Awww, you know what?  Screw chastity!  Go in for the Tongue Kiss!  You only live once, right?  (Or, if you happen to be a vampire, you only live, FOREVER!)


But, perhaps, this isn’t just your crush.  Maybe, it’s your significant other . . . someone you’ve already kissed, many times.  Perhaps, you’ve recently come to the realization that you don’t want to kiss anyone else, ever again.  This person is the one who’s lips you want to remain locked with, for the rest of your life.  (Well, except for when you are eating . . .).

You LOVE this person!  And what better way to tell someone you love them then with a not-particularly-large pixelated computer image!


Who am I kidding?  This portion of the post isn’t about LOVE?  It’s about SEX, right?   So, here are some “Let’s Have Sex” GIFs for you, courtesy of Damon Salvatore.  (Some of them are pretty literal.   For others, you will have to use your imagination.)

And, my personal favorite . . .


Phew, that got me all hot and bothered!  Please excuse me, while I take another shower . . .

OK . . . I’m back . . .

You know, love isn’t all Hearts and Roses.  It can be pretty painful too.  Fortunately, Damon is here to help you express your Relationship Angst . . .

Damon Salvatore Can Help You Heal a Broken Heart . . .

Have you just been rejected?

Do you feel like your heart has just been ripped out of your chest?

Damon Salvatore feels your pain!  And he can help you express it, too!  Whether your sadness is of the quiet, brooding and soulful variety . . .

 . . . or you consider yourself more a student of the “Let It All Out” School of Emotional Outbursts . . .

Damon has just the GIF for you!

Worry not, with Damon feeling your miserable emotions FOR YOU, you’ll be dancing in NO TIME!

And if not . . . well . . . getting totally and completely wasted, and numbing your mind with booze, is always an option!

Damon Can Help You Cyber Bully  (Not that I advocate cyber bullying, because I don’t, Parent Teacher Council! ;))

You know that moment when a despised television character, who you THOUGHT was gone for good, suddenly makes a re-appearance on your favorite show?

And they start mucking things up for ALL your favorite characters and Ships?

Well, sometimes, that happens in REAL life too! 

Below are some healthy ways to vent your frustration, which, hopefully, will prevent you from going into a rage and ending up in jail.  Might I suggest some idle threats . . .


How about getting some vicarious thrills, by watching Damon hurt someone on television, and PRETENDING that it’s YOU doing the hurting, with the Person You Hate as the unsuspecting victim. . .

And, hey, if anyone ever accuses you of Cyber Bullying, because you just so happened to use a few of these images to . . . get your message across?  My recommendation?  LIE!

Here are some other Damon Salvatore GIFs that you may find helpful in your blogging future . . .

The Eye Roll . . .

The Expression of Awesomeness

The Expression of Thoughtfulness / Quiet Contemplation of Deep Issues


The Strong Desire for a Certain Someone to Shut the Hell UP!


And finally . . .

The Desire to See Ian Somerhalder Naked, and Fresh out of The Shower

Three times in one post!  I’m pretty sure this is a record for me!

There you have it, my fellow Fangbangers, a comprehensive series of Damon Salvatore GIFs that are sure to meet all of your blogging and fangirling needs. 


So, what’s YOUR favorite Damon GIF?

[][Fangirls Forever]



Filed under Damon Salvatore, Ian Somerhalder, The Vampire Diaries