Category Archives: The Roommate

Blair Waldorf GOES INSANE! a.k.a. The Trailer for the New Film, “The Roommate”

As a Gossip Girl fan, in general, and a Leighton Meester fan, specifically, I was quite amused to find this trailer for the upcoming film, The Roommate — a movie in which Leighton Meester seems to play an insanely psychotic college-aged killer.  In other words, this is a movie about what would probably happen to Blair Waldorf, if she got dumped by Chuck Bass, and screwed over one too many times by that Evil Hobag, Jenny Humphrey . . . .

Although the promotional materials for the film, never say it explicitly, I am fairly certain that this film has two main sources.  First, it is at least partially based on the 1992 thriller Single White Female, which starred Bridget Fonda and Jennifer Jason Leigh. 

(I will post the trailer for the original film at the bottom of this article, for your viewing pleasure.  But, for now, just compare the posters for both films.  As you can see, they are virtually identical.)

Another likely source for this film is the young-adult novel “The Roommate,” which was part of Francine Pascal’s popular, Sweet Valley series.

The above book came out after Single White Female.  However, some say that the former inspired the latter.

Now, obviously, The Roommate will be FAR from Oscar-winning material.  However, it DOES boast a highly attractive cast — one chocked with stars from various CW shows.  Also, the trailer is kind of unintentionally hilarious, in that cheesy, teen-slasher film, kind of way.  So, I decided to post it here, for your enjoyment:

Let’s break it down, shall we?

:14 – “You’re in room 316.”

Playing the role of lead protagonist “Sara” is Minka Kelly, who you might know better as Lyla Garrity from Friday Night Lights.  Minka is also dating Yankee, Derek Jeter, and was voted Sexiest Woman Alive in 2010.  (So, if you’re itching to see this film with your boyfriend, those last two facts will probably be major selling points on its behalf.)

:19 – “I’m your roommate, Rebecca.”

And here is Blair Waldorf herself, Leighton Meester, in the role of Psycho Stalker, Rebecca.  Am I being a total traitor to Gossip Girl kind if I say, I really like her hair this way?  (For those of you who don’t watch the show, Blair Waldorf’s hair is dark brown, and does not contain any of “Rebecca’s” highlights.)

:29 – “I want to show you the big city.”

Here, “Sara” and “Rebecca” are taking that oh-so-cliched “let’s hold the camera, and take the picture ourselves” shot.  I love how their’s (of course) comes out flawless.  Meanwhile, when I take pictures like these, I tend to look like something out of a horror movie . . .

:34 – “What should we name it?”

Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the best screenshot of this scene.  But, I can tell you that it features an ADORABLE black kitten.  Now, from what I’ve heard, the adorable furry little animals in both Single White Female (a puppy), and “The Roommate” (a kitten) didn’t fare too well in their respective stories . . . 

Perhaps, I should mention that I LOVE animals.  So, if anything bad happens to this kitten in this film . . . well . . .

Just saying . . .

:38 – “We’re HOT!”

Here’s Ally Michalka, who you might have seen on the new CW show, Hellcats.  You may also remember her from the critically acclaimed Disney sitcom, Phil of the Future.  Even though her character’s name in the film is “Tracey,” I’ve heard that the role she plays here can be likened to that of the Jessica Wakefield character in the Sweet Valley books.  Well, I can definitely see a resemblance . . .

“Jessica” is the drawing on the left.

Leighton doesn’t look too pleased about Ally’s presence in her dorm room.  Perhaps, that’s because Ally reminds her of Jenny Humphrey . . .

:44 – “Dude, I see that guy checking you out!”

It’s Cam Gigandet from The O.C., Twilight and the upcoming film BurlesqueYou don’t recognize him? 

How about now? 😉 

It appears that Cam will be playing Sara’s love interest Stephen in the film . . .

Unfortunately, the boyfriends in these types of films tend to fair just as badly as the furry little creatures.  So, I’ll say it again, writers.  If you hurt Cam . . .

:52 – (Oooooooh Spooky!)

Just like her alter ego, Blair Waldorf, “Rebecca” appears to wear a full face of makeup to bed.  Girl!  Do you have any idea how bad that is for your complexion?

:57  – “I’m her ONLY friend?”

What about Serena, Nate, Chuck, and Gossip Girl?

“Frienderz?”  Seriously?  What this screenshot tells me is that this film has been sitting in the can for awhile.  For copyright protection purposes, the film writers have obviously chosen to use a fake “Friendster,” to symbolize online social networking in college.  It’s telling that they did this, as opposed to using a website with the word “Face” in it, if you catch my drift .  . .

1:09 – “It was never a home, when I lived here.”

Doesn’t that look like the Waldorf Mansion?  What are the odds?

1:12 – “She’s taking her medication?” 

Woah!  Eleanor Waldorf just got a VERY drastic dye job, and some serious color contacts! 

Mid-life crisis much?

1:27 *Insert music from Psycho here*

Taking a shower in a teen-slasher movie ALWAYS makes you a liability.  So, here’s a rule of thumb for those of you who happen to find yourselves in one: Stay dirty, stay ALIVE!

1:29 – “You’re a BAD INFLUENCE on her!”

This was probably the most disturbing image in the entire trailer (aside from the one that alluded to Kitty Murder, of course).  Is it just me, or does Leighton kind of look like that little girl from The Ring in this screenshot?


Come ON!  When Blair Waldorf gets mad, she ruins your reputation.  She doesn’t douse you with kerosene, and SET YOU ON FIRE!

Or does she?

1:56 – Ummmmmm . . . .  OK?

2:02 – That is SO NOT CHUCK BASS!

Actually, I think that’s Matt Lanter from the new 90210.    But let’s check to make sure . . .

Yeah . . . it’s the same guy.

2:03 –  Nice knowing you NotChuckBass!

At least it looks like he went out with a BANG!

2:28 – “Somebody’s been sleeping in MY bed . . . and she’s STILL HERE!”

Coincidentally, this is ANOTHER image that should help support your case, if you want your boyfriend to take you to see this movie . . .

Rounding out the cast of this film are . . .

Billy Zane (Titanic),

Cherilyn Wilson (the new 90210)

Daneel Harris (One Tree Hill)

Lauren Storm (Flight 29 Down), and

Katerina Graham (The Vampire Diaries)

Oh, and before you go, I recommend you check out the below trailer for Single White Female.  Aside from the film being ridiculously dated (the “computer” scene will definitely make you giggle), it’s actually quite fun to try and count the NUMEROUS similarities between this trailer, and the one you just watched above.

The Roommate stalks into theaters Februrary 4, 2011.  Will YOU see it?


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