Category Archives: Celebrity Guest Appearances

Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street – Celebrity Edition

Question: How does a blogger go from writing a post about the “Top Ten R-Rated Robert De Niro Moments” to writing a post about “Sesame Street”?

Answer: YouTube

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been suffering from a bit of “writer’s block” lately (blogger’s block?).  You see, in case you haven’t noticed, this website is called “TV Recappers Anonymous.”  And since most of the shows I love to recap have either wrapped up for the season (Gossip Girl, Lost, The Vampire Diaries, Grey’s Anatomy, Big Love) or won’t start airing for at least a couple of weeks (True Blood, Entourage, Mad Men), I find myself at kind of a loss for “write-about-able” topics.

So, tonight, I initially planned to do this blog post that I’d been planning for a while, but had just never got around to writing.  In it, I would select the most raunchy, f-bomb laden YouTube clips from Robert De Niro films, and post them here for your viewing pleasure.  (Because nothing says “funny” like a potty mouth Robert De Niro threatening to perform random acts of violence on your tushy . . .)

“You talkin’ to me?  Because I’m the only one here . . .”

So, being the “super creative” gal that I am, I headed to and typed in the words “Robert De Niro.”  And, to my surprise, the FIRST video that popped up was this one . . .

Thanks bazblack!

You gotta love Elmo!  De Niro basically offers to do Taxi Driver and Raging Bull impersonations for him, and he chooses . . .  the cabbage.

“Great source of riboflavin!”

Oh, and the “twist” ending?   With the TWO Elmos?  That was pretty much the most disturbing thing I’ve seen De Niro do, since that movie Hide and Seek . . .

Unintentional creepiness factor aside, this clip got me to wondering about what other celebrities might have recently made guest appearances on Sesame Street.  Here were some of the more amusing ones I found . . .

(Thanks to SesameStreet for posting these!)

Ricky Gervais

If I am ever having trouble sleeping, remind me NEVER to call this guy . . .

As I was watching this, part of me kept waiting for the rest of the cast of the UK version of The Office to pop out from behind Elmo’s bed and start conversing with the camera, documentary-style.

Jake Gyllenhaal

This is the first time in my entire life, I can honestly say that I have ever been envious of an octopus . . .

I guess there’s a first time for everything!

Paul Rudd

If ever an actor was MADE for celebrity guest appearances on Sesame Street, it’s Paul Rudd.  He’s just a BIG goofy kid all the time!  I heart him!

“By the way, does this Earth make me look fat?”

Matthew Fox

After watching this clip, I’m pretty sure Matthew Fox wins the award for Celebrity Most Uncomfortable with Being on Sesame Street . . . That being said, this clip was trippy enough to be a Flash Sideways on Lost . . .

Picture this. Dr. Jack Shepard opens his father’s casket in the Season Finale . . . and his Dad’s bones start TALKING TO HIM!  Oh, and Elmo would TOTALLY be the new Man in Black . . . or Red . . . or whatever.

Sarah Jessica Parker

In this fun clip, Sarah Jessica Parker is waiting for “Big.”

And, in the words of Carrie Bradshaw, “Super Grover couldn’t help but wonder, how BIG is Big?”  (Yeah, it actually gets THAT risque.)  Like that first clip with De Niro, this one also has a “twist ending.”  See if you can guess what it is . . .

Neil Patrick Harris

Those of you who watched the episode of Glee in which he appeared as guest star, know that Neil Patrick Harris can sing.  What you might not know is that he also enjoys wearing way-too-small-for-his-body white wings and has a shoe fetish .  . . 

So, there you have it, seven surprisingly adult-themed celebrity guest appearances on Sesame Street.  Now aren’t you glad I didn’t end up doing that post on De Niro?  I’ll probably end up writing it tomorrow. 🙂


Filed under Celebrity Guest Appearances, Sesame Street