Category Archives: Live Blogging Event

The Vampire Diaries’ Season 3 Premiere “The Birthday” – We’re Liveblogging It!

“Did someone say something about a Naked Liveblog?  Because I definitely could be down for something like that.”

“I’m not going to look at Damon’s package . . . I’m not going to look at Damon’s package .  . . I’m not going to . . .  HOLY CRAP THAT’S BIG!  I’m sorry.  What’s this about a Liveblog?  I got . . . distracted.”

It’s that time again, Fangbangers!  The Vampire Diaries is returning for it’s third season, this Thursday!  And you know what that means, right?

Yes, I know you’re hungry, Stefan.  But that really doesn’t answer my question . . .


Now we’re talking.  I am definitely expecting some sex, this season, Caroline . . .  specifically, YOUR sex .  . . with TYLER.


What else have you got for me?

Excellent point, Damon and Elena!  I am hoping to see some seriously sexually tense moments between you two, in Season 3 (and maybe MORE than sexually tense;))?


(You know I’m rooting for you, Big Guy!  Just keep doing that “Eye Thing” you do, and I’m sure you will win her over, eventually.)

Anything else . . .


In a minute, Stefan!  Can’t you see, I’m working here?

Oh, stop pouting!  It’s unbecoming of a man your age!  Come on!  What else can we expect from this season?


A ghost threesome between Jeremy, Anna and Vicki .  . . Yes, I’m definitely looking forward to that!  (So is Jeremy, I suspect.)  Anything else?

Sure, Kat, I think it’s safe to say there to be SOME dancing.  Is that all?

Yes!  Stefan and Klaus!  Team Ripper . . . breaking hearts . . . and eating them . .  . one defenseless human at a time.  I’m expecting to see A LOT of that this season . . .


Of course, a new Vampire Diaries’ Season Premiere ALSO means a new CRAAAAAAZY liveblog, courtesy of my brilliant blogging pals, Amy, of ImaginaryMen, Cherie, of SpideySense, and myself . . .

What’s a LiveBlog, you ask?  Well, it’s kind of like a chat room where you can talk (well, more accurately, “type”) about “The Birthday” with other fabulous fangirls (and boys), like yourself, while the show is airing.  Or, if you’re shy, just sit back, relax, and let us do the work for you!

Well . . . don’t get too relaxed.  Because then you won’t be able to watch the show! 

 In addition to covering the play-by-play of the episode, and repeatedly cooing over the hotness of the show’s cast  (Comments like “OMG!  HE IS SO GORGEOUS!” are, of course, inevitable, in these types of forums, and TOTALLY welcome!)

We aren’t blind, after all . . . 

 . .  . Amy, Cherie and I will also be regaling you with screenshots from the episode, hot photos of the cast, and fun live polls, in which can take part.

TYLER: *reads*  “Who’s the hottest character on The Vampire Diaries?  I’m going to go with choice “C,” Tyler!”

CAROLINE:  “Hmmmm . . . what are the other choices?”

TYLER:  “Hey!  Don’t make me BITE YOU!”

Of course, if you miss the LiveBlog, and want to check it out after the episode airs, you can do that too!


Just to give you an idea of what you can expect from us, here’s an example of a LiveBlog we did back in May, for the show’s Season 2 Finale.

Well . . . at least one person seemed to enjoy it . . . 

(Oh, and just a quick note, because we had some confusion last year.  A LiveBlog is not the same thing as a LiveStream.  Unfortunately, the technology we have available to us from CoverItLive does not allow us to stream the episode to other viewers, over the internet.  It provides ”chat” services only.  There are a number of other websites that will stream the episode for you, of course.  However, us fangirls don’t have the resources – or the necessary legal approval – to offer you that particular service.  Sorry, in advance!)

No need to get all huffy, Damon!  I just didn’t want anyone to get confused.  That’s all! 

So, if you are up for celebrating The Vampire Diaries’ Season 3 Premiere with a bunch of kooky fangirl bloggers, who share a love of  both snarky commentary and shirtless vampires . . .

We love you too, Katherine! 

CLICK HERE at 8 p.m. on Thursday, September 15th! 

Until then, feel free to watch (and rewatch, and rewatch . . .) this extended preview for the Season 3 Premiere of The Vampire Diaries . . .

 . . . and THIS sexy new Teaser for the series . . .

 . .. and THIS brand new, SUPER SECRET scene from “The Birthday” .  . .

Oh, stop being so over dramatic, Stefan!   I said I would feed you, and I would!

See you on Thursday, My Fellow Fangbangers!

[][Fangirls Forever]


Filed under Live Blogging Event, The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries: Pre – Season 3 Redux (A Chat About Promos, Spoilers, Speculation, Hopes, Dreams, Etc. for the Upcoming Season)

Greetings, Fangbangers!  In this FINAL installment of the Ripper Redux Series, before the Season 3 premiere, Amy (from ImaginaryMen) and I talk about the new promos, spoilers, and screencaps.   We also speculate about where we think each of our favorite characters will be heading, this season . . .  So, let’s get started.  Because we have A LOT of ground to cover!

(By the way, you can find links to our First Four Ripper Redux posts here, and a link to our most recent post comparing Elijah’s and Klaus’ relationship to Stefan’s and Damon’s here.  Happy reading!)






First, let me start off by saying, I loved the promo.  It was everything you could want in an episode teaser:  sexy, evocative, funny, dark, mysterious, and, with just enough new scenes to, forgive the cliche, “whet your appetite” for the upcoming season.

(P.S. Special thanks to Cherie, over at Spidey Sense for letting me know this was available!)

Of course, I could have done with a few MORE new Season 3 scenes, and a few LESS Season 2 ones.  But hey, no promo is perfect, right?

Speaking of imperfect . . . (or perfect . . .  depending on your thoughts about public urination) was Klaus seriously PEEING in the first second of the new promo?

If you listen closely, there is a second, before the promo song begins (“Damned if you Do,” by the Kills, which I LOVE), where you can hear the distinct sounds of a were-vampire relieving himself on some nearby bushes.  I just hope he didn’t pee in Elena’s cake.

Imaginary Men

Ha – they were joking about that on Twitter too.  It seems more like Katherine than Elena. The way she’s lounging sexily and then stabbing the cake


True, but I think it’s Elena’s birthday cake, since her 18th Birthday Party will be featured in the premiere episode.

Then again, Kat and Elena have the same B-day.  And yet, this Doppelganger seemed miffed about the whole “Blood in Her Cake Thing,” just like “Little Miss I Don’t Want To Be a Vampire” obviously Elena would have been, whereas Kat probably would have LOVED a nice yummy blood cake.

The question is:  vampire blood or were-vamp blood?

Klaus doesn’t just GIVE werevamp blood away – it comes at a price!


I wonder if they are hinting at Elena possibly turning into a vampire, by the end of the season.  I don’t think this should spoil anything, since the books are so different, but Elena DID become a vamp randomly during one of the books. Then she turned back??  It was . . . very weird.


That would be kind of awesome, actually! Talk about torturing Stefan!! GoodStefan knows how much Elena doesn’t WANT to be a vampire, but RipperStefan may just want to eat her and make her be w/ him forever!



This would echo nicely back to the scene we looked at last week from “Children of the Damned,” in which DAMON was trying to PUNISH Stefan, by turning Elena  . . . and, of course, to Damon’s force-feeding of Elena during “The Last Day.”  And how angsty would Stefan be, if something like that happened . . . once he comes back to himself!   Talk about guilt!



Damon may be the one tasked with saving her from Team Ripper.


Since you mentioned it . . .




I really loved the role reversal in this portion of the promo.  Elena and Damon definitely gave off a boyfriend / girlfriend vibe, much like Stefan and Elena did in past promos.  But this time, it’s Stefan who’s going for the rough foreplay, hair pulling, and seduction of Elena to the “dark side.”  And, up until the end, she seems oddly amenable to it.  Much time has been spent by the TVD pundits on Ripper Stefan, but a slightly darker, more jaded Elena, would be fun too (I know Damon would appreciate it, for sure!)

               B. FORWOOD (A.K.A. Tyler and Caroline)


‎ I did not see Forwood in the trailer at ALL ;-0



‎Remember the part with the two people up against the wall, and the boy took off the girl’s shirt?  That’s Tyler and Caroline.

I suspect, it leads into the scene we saw in the first promo, where she jumps on him in his bed.

Yeah, I think so – I assumed it was Damon and – somebody.


Then, you see another shot with a girl and a boy grinding in bed together. It’s rather . . . um . . . explicit 😉 . . . more explicit than we’ve ever seen on TVD, I think.



How in the WORLD did you guys make out that was Forwood???   That is literally two shadows against a doorframe! Hilarious!


But if you look closely you can see Caroline’s blonde hair, the dress she wore to the party, and the negligee from the first trailer.

It just goes to show, we see mainly what we are looking for, in these trailers.  I just can’t help but wonder whether they will tame this scene down in the actual episode.  Remember Stefan and Katherine’s tomb sex in “By the Light of the Moon?”  That was definitely pumped up to be more graphic in the previews, than it actually was in the episode.



Yeah, they are definitely teases.


Yep . . .  that, and I still think it might be a dream in horny Tyler’s head.



‎That’s what you get when you’re racier than Twilight, but can’t be as graphic as TB . . .

(Note for a MUCH more detailed look at what’s in store for Forwood this season, check out this blog for the ULTIMATE, in T/C intelligence.  You won’t regret it, Forwood fans!  I promise you.)


Speaking of graphic . . .

                    C. HEADLESS GIRL (AND FRIEND)

And the award for First Decapitated Head on TVD goes too . . . That Blonde Screaming Girl Stefan Bit in the First Trailer!


That was pretty shocking, actually. I may have squealed like a girl a little bit, when I saw that.  So, much for Stefan “not having to make a mess” with his kills . . .  (though, admittedly, her dead friend looks like a much cleaner kill.)


If that image is any indication, we are in for a rather darkly comedic, and gory season . . . perhaps, more so than the previous two.

‎ I like how you can piece together both trailers to get more information. We see that with the Caroline and Tyler scene, the headless girl scene, and my personal favorite, the one where Elena gets a peek at Wet Soapy Damon.  In the first clip, she just turns around, after seeing him standing there, in all his glory.

Now, we see that she turns back, and peeks through her fingers . .  . (as he FLASHES her?) . . .



So should we talk characters?  I’d like to start with Useless Aunt Jenna . .  Still Dead . . .



Do you predict another love interest for Alaric, or will he stay celibate and drunk, this season?  If I were him, I’d go into the priesthood, STAT! Talk about having bad luck with the ladies . . .



‎ Yeah, if I lived in Mystic Falls, I’d run the other way if he came courting!


I don’t know.  I think I could still go for some of that Alaric Chunky Monkey.


I think he’ll get a new love interest – but not until later in the season. He needs to mourn and then take care of the Gilbert kids, and drink with Damon – of course.



On one hand, it’s nice that Alaric doesn’t have to be guardian of Elena and Jeremy.  This way, the two of them can spend time at La Casa de Rich and Awesome (a.k.a The Salvatore Boarding House) and each rebel, in their own way. On the other, it doesn’t really bode well for Alaric’s future as a character.  He is, once again, without a clearly defined role on the show.

“Can anybody find me somebody to love?”


He can be Damon’s wingman.

Damon will need someone to hurl into walls.

That reminds me . . . I know we already talked about Jeremy in this post.  But I do have one more thing to say on this topic.  Can we have him be a bit LESS of a punching bag, this season, for a change?  Thanks . . .


Damon can always hurl ME into walls .  . . among other things. 😉

I hope Alaric gets to make some more fun of Jeremy and Bonnie too.  (“Tomorrow . . . and the day after that . . . and the day after that.”)



Hee! I think that he’ll have roles in both Jeremy’s Witchy Girlfriends and Elena’s Stefan hunting


Speaking of Jeremy . . . Can you say GHOST VAMP THREESOME? 😉






‎ A little birdie told me Vicki is back because she wants to ride Little Gilbert’s Littler Gilbert, if you catch my drift. 😉

And Anna is basically trying to cockblock the Ghost Sex. Normally, I DESPISE cockblocks.  But, I am actually Team Anna, where Jeremy is concerned.


I’m Team Anyone BUT Bonnie ;-0.


Does him having sex w/ a ghost do something bad to him, I wonder?


Yeah . . . I wasn’t going to go there, but Little Miss Nose Bleeds A Lot is not on my favorite people list, for sure.  In fact, she’s right near Lizard Forbes on the Top of My Own Personal TVD Poopy List.


I bet that his chemistry w/ Anna and Vicki will show what non-chemistry he has w/ Bonnie!


That’s true. I thought Jeremy actually had pretty good chemistry with Vicki, in a drugged out, dysfunctional way.  And Damon should dance with Ghost Vicki (for old times sake, of course!)

HEY!  Maybe Ghost Vicki and Jeremy will make pottery together, and have sex near it, like in that movie, Ghost!


Do we know if anyone else can see the Ghost Girlfriends or just Jeremy?

Ummm, I’m wondering if Vicki will connect with Matt through Jeremy, by séance or something.  But I think, of the two of them, only Jeremy can see Vicki, since he’s “crossed over.”  In the show, Being Human only supernatural creatures could see ghosts, which would mean basically EVERYBODY, but Matt, Lizard, and Tyler’s MOM!


I’d prefer if only Jeremy can see them .

Yeah, I think I like that idea better, myself. It will make Jeremy seem a little crazy, Ghost Hijinks Ensue! And yet, we know BONNIE has seen Ghost Emily, and so have the Salvatore Brothers.


So, they’d have to mess a bit with canon for only Jeremy to have Ghost Whispering Powers. Unless, of course, Vicki and Anna only WANT Jeremy to see them.


Jeremy can see them bc he’s “died” a few times?



Well, I think this time, he can see them, because he ACTUALLY died.  It was different this time, because, even though he was wearing the ring, he was killed by HUMAN means (a gun, and a DUMBASS LIZARD), as opposed to supernatural ones.  So, the ring didn’t help.  Then Bonnie brought him back to life with the Power of Her Love *gags, barfs, takes deep breath, wipes face.  Speaking of Bonnie . . .

                         C. BONNIE BENNETT


I actually loved the Ye Olde Witches basically telling Bonnie to F off in the finale – abusing their powers 24/7!



‎I know, Bonnie would probably ask the witches to cure her hangnail, if there was a spell for it.  And she’d get a nosebleed doing it too.


Too bad she didn’t ask them to fix her Assy Bangs in S1 ;-0


That was when i started disliking Bonnie I think.  Bad Bangs Bonnie. ;)‎  Then she fixed them. And I still didn’t like her.


Speaking of Bonnie. NO LAME witch tricks this year!  No more salt moves, or feather flying, or SEX wind, or passing notes to Elena, and definitely NO MORE NOSE BLEEDS‎.


‎No argument from me.  I would like Bonnie to be more Kick Assy and not just Assy


Yes, I saw some potential for her to do that in the season finale.


Perhaps, she will learn not to judge Damon anymore, now that Stefan is off being evil. And she can stop giving him headaches and setting him on fire.



‎ That’s true. I bet she’ll hold Stefan’s Ripper past against him BIG time. You know how judgy she is.


‎It sucks, because the Bonnie in the books is adorable, and such a cool character. Book Bonnie is actually‎ more like Caroline in the TV series: bubbly, a little vapid, cute, sweet, etc.


Speaking of Caroline, let’s talk about . . . her new boyfriend . . .

             D. TYLER LOCKWOOD


Tyler’s and Caroline’s story will probably be our Romeo and Juliet storyline for the season.  “Two houses . . .  both a like in supernatural-y . . . One drinks blood .  . . the other is .  . . hairy.”


Yes Tyler. I will be the Official Grudge Holder for biting Damon.  I just couldn’t get past his pussing out in the woods when the wolves locked up Caroline.


Ahhh, true, but he felt “betrayed and confused.”  He didn’t know who to trust.  And he may have wondered how big of a role Caroline played in Mason’s murder.


And then – what did he do when Stefan and Elena were at the lake house? Told their whereabouts or something?


Worse . .  . he shot Stefan.


RIGHT!  Ok, so there – I am holding TWO Grudges!  Nobody shoots and bites Salvatores and gets away with it!


‎Still, you have to admit, he’s got a hot body, and better chemistry with Caroline than Matt.  That wolf transformation scene . . . so intense, and erotic.  And then that scene between them in the finale on the couch (a.k.a. Coed Naked Forwood Couch Cuddling). It was surprisingly poignant . . . at least, until Caroline took a peek at Tyler’s junk underneath the blankets. Then, it became hilarious. 🙂


When he was freaking out about transforming and had no other werewolves to count on, I did feel bad for him.


Right, and really, the werewolves he had to count on kind of sucked to begin with. . . except Lady Gaga’s New Boyfriend Mason.  Mason had potential.  They killed him off a bit soon, I think.


‎ Yeah. Shirtless potential 😉


Exactly, I wanted to see more Mason / Kat sex . . .


He just – eh – I’ve never liked him (Tyler, I mean).  And I probably won’t ever.

                  E. CAROLINE FORBES


How do you see her evolving?  She showed a lot of growth this season.  Turning into a vampire has made Caroline more mature, and thoughtful.  She puts others before herself, now.  And has become a vital part of the Scooby Gang.

I liked Vampire Barbie.  I like S2 Caroline much more than S1.


‎ But I’m not sure where else she can go from there.  She’s pretty kickass already, personality-wise.  This means she’s at risk for becoming Mary Sue-esque, if the writers don’t delineate more of her flaws throughout the season. Perhaps, they will do this, through her relationship with Tyler . .  . and to a MUCH lesser extent (*groans*) Matt.


Well there’s the star-crossed lovers w/ Tyler, and she seems to be doing her BFF cheerleading for Elena in the promo.  I will miss her BabyVamp relationship w/ Stefan. I really enjoyed his taking care of her and guiding her. Plus they were just a wee little bit flirty sometimes!



They WERE good together. I wonder if that relationship will be explored further in future seasons, when Stefan’s back to himself.  Wouldn’t it be interesting if Caroline ended up being the one to influence Stefan to de Ripper?  Just as Stefan pulled her from the brink in early season.  He was the one who convinced her to dump Matt to protect him from her vampiric impulses.


They definitely should explore their connection more


Let’s talk about Elijah!



Elijah . . . has great hair . . . When will we get to see it again?


SOON I hope!


Do you think Klaus carts his family around? Or just leaves them in storage somewhere?


Yes, I think, even if Klaus doesn’t revive him until later this season, we will still get to see him in flashbacks.


Bc Damon and Elena won’t know Elijah is dead


Damon and Elena will assume Elijah is still in league with Klaus.


Well VictiMom will be happy. She luuuuurves romantic long-hair Elijah!



‎ Hmmm . . . I liked the short hair better.

But it will be interesting to see him interacting with the rest of his family . . . whoever they are.


Can we talk about Klaus now?  Can we?  Can we?


Sure!  Why not?

                      F. KLAUS


‎ You know – Klaus didn’t technically LIE to Elijah – he did say he’d reunite them – and they’re all dead – so –



Yes, Klaus is a master of wordplay, for sure.  I feel like each week, Klaus should open one coffin, and introduce us to one relative, via flashback. How LOST would that be?


‎ That would be AWESOME!


I’m sort of kidding. But it would be cool to have big actors playing the siblings, since the roles will mainly be just cameos.


Joseph Morgan should play all the male relatives too


That would be really creepy, if they all looked like Klaus except Elijah . . . even the women.  Imagine Klaus in a long blonde wig and dressed in drag.


‎HA! I said all the MALE relatives . . except Elijah.  Anyway – in the flashbacks I hope we get to see more of the Klaus/Elijah brother relationship.


Yes, I think there’s a lot more intrigue, there . . . like . . . Why were they alone together in 1492?  I’d also like to see them interact with their dad . . . well, Elijah’s dad  . . . Klaus’ stepdad, I guess.


‎Don’t forget his trampy mom!  BTW – if is real name is Nicklaus -I wish we could call him Nick instead of Klaus!


Exactly! It was just Klaus in the books.  So, I guess they felt wedded to that. Perhaps, they are trying to segway over to “Nick.”  Kind of like Alaric, gradually became “Ric.”


So – do we think Klaus’ “decade” is arbitrary? Or he has some specific plan that will take 10 years?


My impression was always that Klaus assumed that Stefan would be so taken over by bloodlust, he’d willingly go along with Klaus, long before the ten years were up.


Since Klaus is such an epic planner – what with his fake curses and his thousand year attempt to transform – I believe he wants Stefan for 10 years for a very specific purpose.



I hope we find out Klaus’ plan relatively early in the season.  I thought the whole “moonstone” bit was dragged out a bit too long, last season.

                     G. KATHERINE PETROVA


Well, part of Klaus’ plan is to catch up to Katherine again.


Klaus will get Stefan to locate Katherine, on his behalf.


that’s probably when we’ll see her again


I hope bad Stefan and bad Katherine hook up.



that would be hot


‎ I’ve been watching lots of Katherine clips for my upcoming Kat post, and I’ve come to the conclusion that, in her own twisted way, she really does love Stefan.



I believe that.  But what about her doppelganger, Elena?

                 H. ELENA GILBERT


I’m hoping for an edgier, tougher, Elena, this season.


Lots of Ponytail Elena!


‎ She’s been through the ringer of life.  It wouldn’t be realistic for her to go through all she went through, and not be a bit more jaded and cynical.



I think we’ve seen it in her insistence on doing things w/ Klaus and Elijah her way. So now without Stefan to balance her out, and the various tensions w/ Damon – we’ll see more of that attitude coming from her.


The guy she thought was the love of her life GAVE HER UP.  He chose his brother over her.  She’s a little pissed off.


Really what we have here is both Damon and Elena stuck w/ choices that Stefan made FOR them.

                    I. DAMON SALVATORE


‎ Right . . . I think Damon is a bit resentful of his situation. I mean he’s going to have blue balls all the time.  Here he is with this girl he loves and he CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.



And he’s a guest – in his own house@


I mean, it’s always been that way for him, but now, there’s no easy “She’s with STEFAN,” explaination, so it’s even harder.   Plus, she’s always hanging out by his bed . . . taunting him


ha! She really spends quite a bit of time in there. Speaking of his bed, what do you think that scrapbook things he’s poring over in the promos is?


Hmmmm . . . maybe a diary of some sort, from John Gilbert, or Emily.  Wait.  Maybe it’s STEFAN’S DIARIES!  You know, I’ve always enjoyed Elena and Damon’s flirtatious banter, just as much as their angsty convos.  So, I hope we get to see a lot of Damon and Elena just teasing eachother, flirting, and being “friendly” with one another.  Of course, the sexual tension will eventually take over inevitably 😉



I thought when the season ended that Damon would totally be up for The Search when S3 started.  But from the first promo – it seems like he’s resigned. It’s like being related to an addict – you know what to expect so you just prepare yourself for the worst – if you let yourself get dragged into it again – you’ll just be disappointed.



It changes up a LOT of how we’ve been led to believe the Salvatores interacted, over the last decades.


I think Damon DOES want to rescue Stefan.  But he doesn’t want to put Elena in danger too‎.  I mean, he spent all season protecting her from Klaus, and now here she is determined to run after Klaus again.


that’s true!


‎ Yep, so Damon’s worried for Elena.

He’s worried about his brother.  He’s really horny.

He’s forced to play hero when he’d much rather be spending his time dancing on the rafters to Depeche Mode cover bands, having great sex and de-hearting people.  It’s hard being Damon, in Season 3.


On top of the Elena problems – he loves his brother and doesn’t know where he is.


Right. That’s why i think Damon just APPEARS resigned to Elena . . . Meanwhile, he’s plotting with Alaric to go on a rescue mission on his own.  But of course, Elena will wrangle her way into the plan and . . . ROAD TRIP


‎ Oooh that could be! And she’d HATE being left out on that!


Right, so that will cause a big sexually tense fight between Elena and Damon, when she finds out he’s been lying to her, and essentially coddling her, like Stefan sometimes did.


Will Damon be a Knight in Shining Armor? Bc if he’s going to get Stefan, he has to know that he’s bringing him back – to Elena.


‎ You know, we dealt with that question a bit when Stefan was locked in the tomb.  And because he got out relatively quickly, it was never really addressed.  It will be interesting to actually see it play out here . . . during that episode Stefan told Damon to “look out for Elena”


‎ True. That was a great scene w/ them screaming at each other and Stefan listening, and Katherine’s “you just made a big mistake”


I think those words will echo in Stefan’s head.


‎ Didn’t Stefan watch “Dawson’s Creek”??!!


And I’m thinking that the thing that sets Stefan off into true Ripperdom will be something that he sees happening between Damon and Elena.

                         J. STEFAN SALVATORE


Well, Stefan knows that Damon will do whatever it takes to protect Elena


Yes, “he’s the one who will keep her alive.”  And the martyr part of Stefan will say that this is what is best for Elena.  After all, he’s not safe for her anymore.  And he will want to keep her away from Klaus, as a result  Yet, the darker part of him will be incredibly jealous and want revenge.


I think that what will set him into Total Ripperdom won’t be seeing some sexual tension moment b/w them, it will be seeing that she’s safe w/ him and that he can go bc when it comes down to it – Damon will keep her safe from HIM.


And Klaus will probably stoke that – bc he’s evil


‎ Ooh, that would be interesting!  Like a showdown between the four, where Damon protects Elena from Klaus.


He can use it as ammo to bait/taunt/torment Stefan.



And perhaps Klaus lets him, for that exact reason, just as Katherine did when she was in the tomb with Stefan.  Both will basically tell him,”You know what’s going on out there, might as well have fun in here”


Yes, Klaus knows ALL about brother dynamics and love triangles!


‎ So they’re saying that at first Stefan isn’t willing – then he goes all out Ripper?


Yep, he’s half-hearted about it.  However, something happens around episode 3 or 4 that allows him to really enjoy being a Ripper.


and once he starts enjoying it – I want to know will he WANT to come back?. I have this image of Delena finding him and rescuing him and him rejecting them!


And CAN he?  I mean, even if there is a bit of humanity left in Stefan, he has to realize that his bloodlust makes him unsafe for Elena.  It’s part of why he tried to kill himself in “Blood Brothers.”


There’s no doubt that Stefan is expendable to Klaus. He has “big plans” for him, but if he becomes a liability – he won’t think twice about killing him or whatever



Not that the WRITERS would ever kill Stefan.‎ That’s kind of the catch 22 of any series. We know that Damon Stefan and Elena will always be safe.  So, when they are in danger it’s kind of meh.  This is not to say Elena’s “death” in “The Sun also Rises” and Damon’s almost death in “As I Lay Dying” weren’t emotional and intense.  They just weren’t frightening.



which makes this storyline fun – Stefan can’t die – but can he change into someone irredeemable?


‎ Hmmm . . . I kind of hope not, actually.   I like my characters with shades of grey. To me, Ripper Stefan was most compelling in “Miss Mystic Falls” when you saw the internal struggle going on inside of him.  Same with Damon and Katherine, their humanity made their villainy more compelling, once we actually got to see it.  The flashback from “The Dinner Party” was a bit too cartoonesque, for my taste.


I think it will be fun to watch, if S1 Bloodaholic Stefan was any indicator


Well, at least we know he’s going to behead some random chick, early on in the season.  So, it’s not like Stefan’s going to be all mopey and moody, all the time.  He’ll definitely be bad.  I just hope he looks in the mirror when he’s done and shows a bit of remorse, even if it’s only for a second . . .

Oh, and on a final note.  One request for Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec . . . MORE SHIRTLESSNESS PLEASE!


(Thank you, in advance for your expected cooperation in this important matter.)

And that’s all we wrote folks!  Be sure to tune in when Amy and I, along with my favorite Forwood-ite, Cherie, of SpideySense will be liveblogging the season premiere on September 15th at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.  More details on how you can participate in that liveblogging event, later this week.  Until then, enjoy your weekend, folks.  And, as always, Happy TVD-obsessing!



Filed under Live Blogging Event, The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Finale – We are Liveblogging It!

ELENA:  “Damon, those girls are watching us again . . .”

DAMON: “Just pretend you don’t see them.   Maybe they will take the hint, and GO AWAY . .  .”

ELENA: “Hmmmm . . . try taking off your shirt.”

DAMON:  “Elena!  What makes you think my taking off my shirt will make them GO AWAY?”

ELENA:  “It probably won’t.  I’d just really like for you to take off your shirt . . .”

DAMON:  *grumbles*  “Fine!”

DAMON:  “Are you happy, now?”

The last time my pals (Amy, over at Imaginary Men, and Cherie, over at My Spidey Sense is Tingling) and I live blogged The Vampire Diaries was during the twelfth episode of Season 2, entitled “The Descent.”  If you recall, THAT was the episode in which that MAN STEALER, Vampire Rose, got Were-Rabies, and wandered around the entire hour, looking like THIS . . .

. . . and like THIS . . .

. . . and, occasionally, like THIS . . .

So, it’s probably fitting that our NEXT Live Blog installment should cover “As I Lay Dying,” the episode in which DAMON gets Were-Rabies . . .

The obvious difference, of course, is that while I HATED Rose with a passion, I LOVE my Damon Salvatore to pieces!  So, this, undoubtedly, will be a very difficult time for me . . .

And yet, like Damon Salvatore, I prefer to cover up my sadness and fear with a healthy a dose of snark . . .

.  . . some laughter . . .

Happiness is a warm (and dancing) Delena . . .

. . .  and, hopefully, a whole boatload of NAKED . . .



(Well . . .  not MY NAKED, of course . . . but HIS NAKED!)

All things considered, I actually think this upcoming Live Blog will be the PERFECT medicine for what ails me.  Don’t you?

What’s a LiveBlog, you ask?  Well, it’s kind of like a chat room where you can talk (well, more accurately, “type”) about “As I Lay Dying” with other fabulous fangirls (and boys), like yourself, while the show is airing.  Or, if you’re shy, just read along.  And let US do the work for you!

  In addition to covering the play-by-play of the episode, and repeatedly cooing over the hotness of the show’s cast  (Comments like “OMG!  HE IS SO GORGEOUS!” are, of course, inevitable, in these types of forums, and TOTALLY welcome!), Amy, Cherie and I will also be regaling you with screenshots from the episode, hot photos of the cast, and fun live polls, in which can take part. 

TYLER: *reads*  “Who’s the hottest character on The Vampire Diaries?  I’m going to go with choice “C,” Tyler!”

CAROLINE:  “Hmmmm . . . what are the other choices?”

TYLER:  “Hey!  Don’t make me BITE YOU!”

Of course, if you miss the LiveBlog, and want to check it out after the episode airs, you can do that too!  Here’s an example of a LiveBlog we did back in January, for the show’s mid-season premiere.

(Oh, and just a quick note, because we had some confusion last year.  A LiveBlog is not the same thing as a LiveStream.  Unfortunately, the technology we have available to us from CoverItLive does not allow us to stream the episode to other viewers, over the internet.  It provides ”chat” services only.  There are a number of other websites that will stream the episode for you, of course.  However, us fangirls don’t have the resources – or the necessary legal approval – to offer you that particular service.  Sorry, in advance!)

So, if you are up for celebrating The Vampire Diaries’ Season 2 Finale with a bunch of crazy fangirl bloggers, who share a love of  both snarky commentary and shirtless vampires . . .

CLICK HERE at 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 12th! 

Until then, feel free to watch (and rewatch, and rewatch . . .) this extended preview for the Season 2 Finale of The Vampire Diaries . . .

. . . and here’s a Super Secret and Very Sexy Webclip from the episode, (Hot Captive Damon, anyone?)

See you soon, My Fellow Fangbangers!

[][Fangirls Forever]



Filed under Live Blogging Event, The Vampire Diaries

Watch out for those mood swings! – A Recap of The Vampire Diaries’ “The Descent”

Nice knowing ya, Rosie!  Well . . . actually . . . it wasn’t all that nice.   But to rank on the dead is just in poor taste.  Don’t ya think?

Welcome back, fellow Fangbangers!  How excited are you to have TVD back on your weekly TV viewing schedule?  Because I’m positively THRILLED!

Tonight’s mid-season premiere episode DEFINITELY did not disappoint!  The entire hour was JAM PACKED with massive makeout sessions (there were THREE!), major betrayals (Who’d have thought Jules would end up being a scarier super villain than Old Vampire Elijah?), suspense, oodles of sexual tension, and LOTS of dead bodies (I think this may have been the bloodiest episode in TVD history!). 

But perhaps, most importantly, this episode showcased the PHENOMENON that is Ian Somerhalder.  Damon Salvatore broke my heart, and RIPPED IT OUT, many times over, throughout this episode.  And his final scene positively stopped my heart.

Would someone PLEASE give this man an Emmy?  PLEASE!

So, what are we waiting for?  Let’s RIP into this recap.  Shall we?

(By the way, Katherine was no where to be found, anywhere in the episode.  Bonnie and Jeremy were missing too, for that matter.  Very strange . . .)

Worst Camping Trip EVER!

Question:  Which TVD character would you most want to go on a camping trip with?  Answer:  Not JULES! 

The episode begins with Jules waking up stark naked in the forest.  “Well THAT sounds like a FUN Camping Trip,” you say!  Ummm . . . yeah, but not when you wake up naked next to a HEAPING PILE OF GROSS DEAD BODIES AND DISMEMBERED LIMBS!

Realizing that her werewolf self must have REALLY gone off her diet last night (Campers are SO fattening!), Jules begins the process of torching the place, to destroy all evidence of her binge.  But when a park ranger arrives on the scene, Jules knows she has to think fast.  So she rushes into the bloody tent and starts fake crying about how “A Werewolf ate all my friends!  Boo HOO HOO  Wahhhh!”

Helpful Mr. Park Ranger decides to help “Poor Defenseless Jules” by “calling in the accident [to the local police].”  BAD MOVE!  Within a second, Jules has wacked Ranger Rick to death, with some nearby wood . . . and NOT in a good way.  See what I mean about this episode being a BLOODBATH?  We haven’t even SEEN the opening title card yet, and already there are approximately five dead bodies (4 campers, and one now-headless ranger).

(Something tells me there’s going to be some HEAVY competition for the Senseless Death Award tonight!)

Stefan rewards fans for surviving the hiatus, by taking off his shirt . . .

So, BEFORE the title card, we get LOTS of death and destruction, and within 30-seconds after it, we get a HALF-NAKED Salvatore!  You’ve gotta hand it to those TVD writers!  They sure know how to give us girls what we want!  Elena is greeted by Shirtless Stefan in his bedroom at La Casa de Rich and Awesome.  And, because she cares deeply about us fans and our SUPREME case of Vampire Love Deprivation, she takes FULL advantage of the situation, by pulling him in for a sexy kiss.  (Wouldn’t you?)

Now, if this was DAMON, said kiss would be IMMEDIATELY followed by a raunchy sex scene of EPIC PROPORTIONS.  But this is the “Sensible Vampire Brother.”  And so Stefan decides he and Elena should “talk” instead.  “I’m going to totally ruin the mood, aren’t I?”  Stefan notes wisely, as he PUTS HIS SHIRT BACK ON.

Mood = Ruined

In typical Sensible Stefan fashion, he would like talk to Elena about her Bad Life Decisions.  Specifically, Stefan is concerned about the Bad Life Decision, that caused Elena to “get in bed” with Elijah (See what I did there?), in order to, presumably, save the rest of the Scooby Gang from suffering Death by Santa Klaus . . .

Elena wryly notes all the times STEFAN has put HIS life in danger, to save her.  Speaking of putting one’s life in danger, it appears that both Elena and Stefan have been taking daily shots of vervain together, which is not nearly as fun as “shots of tequila” . . .

The purpose of this exercise is two-fold.  First, they want to provide Elena protection from ALL the evil vampires that will inevitably try to kill her throughout the rest of the season. Second, they want Stefan to build up a vervain tolerance, a la Vampire Katherine.  Speaking of Vampire Katherine, Elena is postively THRILLED that her doppelganger is still locked away in that tomb.  However, she can’t, for the life of her, understand how Elijah was able to COMPEL her to stay there . . . her being . . . you know . . . a blood sucker and all.

Recalling his “conversation” with Vampire Katherine from the previous episode . . .

I wish my “conversations” went more like this . . .

 . . . Stefan notes that Elena’s Bad Mommy Isobel would be the best person to provide Stefan with the Cliff Notes version of the Original Vampires  for Dummies Handbook.

“Remember ME, b*tches?”

Elena HATES the idea of Stefan getting involved with her Mommy Dearest.  And yet, since she’s “in bed” with Elijah, she really doesn’t have the right to complain about who Stefan chooses to “hang out with,” now does she?

Tell Me Lies.  Tell Me Sweet Little Lies.


You know how, when you ask your boyfriend if “these pants make you look fat,” you’re really asking him to lie through his teeth, to make you feel better?  Well, apparently, the same goes for vampires Gnarly Grotesque Werewolf Bites.  When we first reunite with Damon, after a TOO LONG HIATUS . . .

Man, I LOVE this GIF!

 . . . he is playing Doctor Feel Good to an increasingly weepy Man Stealer Rose, who is waxing poetic about her LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG life.  Clearly feeling generous with his compliments, Damon compares Rose to a fine wine, which, if you think about it, is really just a nice way of saying you’re an Old Hag.  When Rose notes that perhaps her time has come to die (Oh, it HAS, honey!  It definitely has!), Damon chastizes her for being a Negative Nelly.  “If you are going to keep being maudlin, I’ll kill you myself, just to put ME out of your misery.”  (Foreshadowing much?)

Doctor Damon then prescribes Rose some tasty vampire blood.  (“Drink a cup of this, and call me in the morning.”)  Rose announces that she thinks the blood is helping her back wound.  But when Damon goes to investigate, it looks like TOTAL CRAP! 

“That is one SERIOUSLY UGLY back!”

And yet, having 140 plus years of practice at being the boyfriend of COUNTLESS girls (and then eating them, of course), Damon knows well enough that Rose wants him to lie through her teeth.  “It looks better!”  He fibs.  “And for the record, those pants don’t make you look fat AT ALL!”

Enter Elena . . . Damon wants HER to lie about Rose’s gnarly back too!

“Oh that sh*t is just GROSS!  That’s what you get for screwing with My Man, HO!”

Elena has come to ask Damon to talk Stefan OUT of contacting Isobel, because she thinks Elijah won’t like it.  Apparently, at some point, during the hiatus, Elena has become Elijah’s b*tch, in more ways than one.  But Damon AGREES with Stefan about getting help from Isobel.  (Hmmmm .  . . I wonder why!)

So, Damon’s not going to help Elena.  But he wants Elena to help HIM, by playing nursemaid to Brokeback Rose, while he heads out on the town.  “Elena is a do-gooder.  It’s in her nature.  She can’t resist,” remarks Damon.  (Awww!  He so luuuuuuuuves her!)

Before Damon can leave, however, Elena pulls him aside.  She wants him to talk about his FEELINGS because she luuuuuves him.  You see, Elena understands Damon, and knows that he’s affected by Rose’s upcoming demise.  Damon, however, isn’t quite ready to let Elena into his screwed up psyche again, not after what happened that LAST time . . .

“I luuuuve you.  It’s just too bad you can’t remember that.  Because we could have really great sex, if you did.”

“Death happens.  The sooner she dies, the better,” explains Damon.  (Awwww, Damon!  I agree.  But we all know you don’t really feel that way about your F*ck Buddy!  And the sooner you accept those feelings, the better!)

But Damon’s right.  All this death stuff is getting kind of maudlin.  It’s time for a change of scenery.  Don’t you think?

 It’s Barbecue Time!

Given that the first 10 minutes of the episode feature a series of dismembered bodies going up in flames, and a gross-out shot of Rose’s charred and bitten back, I’d say the fact that Mystic Falls’ Event of the Week is a Barbecue is a wee bit inappropriate.  Don’t you?

No matter though.  Everything is all rainbows and cute puppies, when Caroline runs into Tyler (who is looking positively adorable in his football uniform, by the way) for the first time since, well  . . . THIS . . .

Caroline, ever the cheerleader, is all peppy and friendly, as she congratulates Tyler on a a job well done, during Baby’s First Were Transformation.  “Last night was a victory. Let’s take it!”  Caroline exclaims.  “So, what do you say we have a little Victory Party in your bed?”

Tyler, though slightly “sore” from the previous night’s adventures (hint, hint, wink, wink) clearly feels a lot of gratitude toward Caroline for helping him through this difficult time, and tells her as much.  “I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been there,” he remarks.

Though their dialogue may seem benign enough, the whole scene is just CHARGED with delicious sexual tension.  Caroline keeps tilting her head to the side flirtatiously, blinking compulsively, grinning from ear to ear, and giggling like a school girl.  She also can’t stop staring at Tyler’s mouth. 

Can you blame her?

For his part, Tyler is looking at Caroline adoringly, his head cocked toward her, like she’s the most beautiful Baby Vamp in the world.  And he’s SMILING!  Tyler NEVER SMILES!  It’s enough to make me want to run through the television screen, rip off both of their clothes, and tell the two of them to JUST DO IT ALREADY!

So, it’s kind of depressing that Caroline has to ruin the mood, by telling Tyler that he sort of, kind of, almost killed her last night.  “It’s no big deal, really.  But . . . one bite, and it’s curtains for me,” Caroline notes nonchalantly.

Tyler wisely inquires as to how Caroline knew about the Legend of the Were Bite.  But Caroline demurs, asserting that she must have “read it somewhere.”  (Werewolf Bites for Dummies, perhaps?)  Unfortunately, before Tyler can piece together the extent of the sacrifice Caroline made for him, Matt arrives and cock blocks him .  . .

Caroline immediately starts babbling about how “there’s nothing between [her] and Tyler.”  And, you know what?   Me thinks thou protest WAYYYY too much!  But Matt doesn’t notice, of course.  Because Matt doesn’t really notice ANYTHING .  . . ever.

To prove this, he starts telling Caroline what a sublimely HONEST person she is, and how refreshing it is that she never keeps anything from him. 

Yeah, Caroline.  It was pretty hilarious, wasn’t it?

Matt then tells her, he’s not happy about the “way things are between them.”  (You mean because she’s in love with your best friend, Matt?)  To prove, just how NOT happy Matt is, he plants a long wet one on Caroline.  It was the third hottest kiss of the evening.  #2 went to Stefan and Elena, from earlier in the episode.  Number 1 is on it’s way . . . (How’s that for subtle foreshadowing? ;))

And how does Caroline respond to said kiss?  Well, she runs away, of course.  You see Matt? Werewolf Tyler tried to literally bite her head off in a dungeon, and she STAYED.  You made out with her for five seconds, and she LEFT.  That should probably tell you something. . . .

 Doing Damon’s Dirty Work (Sounds Kinky!)

So, Team Bad Ass is back!

Well . . . sort of.  I love how Alaric went from being Damon’s mortal enemy, to Damon’s ass-kicking buddy, to Damon’s b*tch in a matter of half a season.  We see Mr. Chunky Monkey himself . . .

 . . . lounging at the Only Bar / Social Establishment in Mystic Falls . . . again.  (See, that’s one thing Damon and Alaric will always have in common, Alcoholism.)  Alaric’s mission, should he choose to accept it, is to call Damon, when Evil Werewolf Jules arrives back at the bar.  And arrive she has!  Stefan has also arrived at the bar.  And though he chastizes Alaric for getting Dirty with Damon doing Damon’s dirty work, he too has a favor to ask the Scooby Gang Errand boy.  Specifically, he wants Isobel’s digits.

The Awkward Moment when the boyfriend of your Slutty Vampire Ex’s kid asks for your Ex’s number, so the two of them can hook up.

Alaric honestly doesn’t seem all that keen on Stefan contacting Isobel.  But, being the good Errand Boy he is, he promises to text Stefan with Isobel’s updated contact information, once he is able to track it down.

Rose Goes Batsh*t Crazy – Take 1

Bed head and pasty face . . . NOT a good look for you, Rose.

Meanwhile, back at La Casa de Rich and Awesome, things are getting hot and heavy between Nurse Elena and bed-ridden Rose.  For starters, they are hanging out in the Very Special Place where EVERY TVD viewer wants to be . . . DAMON’S BEDROOM!

Rose makes me like her a little more (a VERY little bit, mind you) when she forces Elena to admit that she’s massively turned on by being in Damon’s bedroom, and shocked that it’s not quite the Love Shack she expected it to be.  Elena was secretly hoping that Damon invested in silk sheets (MUCH better for screwing!).  No matter though, Elena.  I strongly suspect that Damon will BURN his bedsheets, now that Rose and her cooties have been in them.  His next pair will DEFINITELY be silk, for YOU.

Rose also forces Elena to see how lucky she is that two hot vampires LOVE her.  (Thank you Captain Obvious!)  She then chastizes her new Nurse for getting involved with Elijah, and risking her precious human life.  “You really are determined to die, aren’t you?  Rose inquires.  (Woah, Rosie’s on a roll!)

But then, suddenly Rose gets all loopy, and starts mumbling about the horses.  Next thing you know, she’s choking on blood, and spitting up.  So, Elena rushes to get her glass of water.  But when she returns, the Man Stealer is gone!

OK . .. I spoke too soon.  She’s not gone.  She’s just behind Elena, looking LIKE A CRAZED LUNATIC!

Rose pushes Elena up against a wall, and starts rambling on about how this is all HER fault.  Elena holds her ground, forcefully reminding Rose that she is ELENA, not Katherine.  Eventually, Rose snaps out of it, and starts blubbering about how sorry she is for trying to MURDER Elena, after having just told the poor girl not to risk her life.  “Don’t be scared of me!”  Rose insists, as she heads back to bed.  (Worst . . . advice . . . ever!)

Back at the Only Bar / Social Establishment in Mystic Falls . . .

Salvatore Brothers Unite / Damon and Jules engage in a pissing contest

While he is waiting for his hot older brother Stefan gets a text from Alaric, including Isobel’s new number.  He rings her up, and leaves her a message.

“Yo Izzie!  It’s me, Stef!  Heeyyyyy!  We should totally meet up!  Drink some bunnies, talk about how we can control Elena’s life — it will be just like old times!”

When Damon arrives, all smouldering and angry, and sexy, Stefan tries to calm him down long enough to talk about his “feelings” regarding Rose’s probable demise.  (Am I the only one noticing a pattern here?)   “I’m FINE!”  Damon exclaims, which, by the way, is the Official Motto of the NOT Fine.

Stefan kindly reminds Pissy Damon that the Only Bar / Social Establishment in Mystic Falls is unusually crowded today.  (Doesn’t anybody work or go to school in this town?)  So, ripping Werewolf Jules’ spleen out of her throat here would probably be ill advised.  (But A LOT OF FUN!)  Damon then confronts Jules, and asks for a Werewolf Bite Cure, in exchange for her getting to keep her spleen.  It’s not much of a bargain really, and Jules tells him as much.

“Spleens aren’t essential organs, anyway.  So there!”

Jules tells Damon that the only way to “cure” Rapid Vampire Zombie Rose is to drive her stake through her heart, which we all pretty much already knew.  She then tells Damon to bite her, before stalking out like the Evil People Eater she is.

“You want me to bite you, Jules?  Well, that can be arranged . . .”

Meanwhile, back at La Casa de Rich and Awesome . . .

Rose Goes Batshit Crazy – Take 2

Someone get this chick a bib . . . and a muzzle!

Elena has kindly brought Rose some fresh bed sheets.  (I bet they aren’t silk though!)  However, when she returns to Damon’s bedroom . . . SURPRISE . . . Rose is gone again!  (Honestly, I’m not sure why they didn’t chain that b*tch to the bed, the first time.)  Unfortunately, Elena doesn’t have Evil Zombie Vampire GPS, so she tries the next best thing.  She calls Damon. 

 “Get the f*&k home you, Bloodsucking Bastard!  Your Lunatic Screw Toy is TRYING TO KILL ME!”

Elena finds Rose stuffing her face with Damon’s and Stefan’s soccer mom blood stash.  When Elena confronts Rose, she GOES NUTS!  (Must be a Closet Eater!)  Looking bloody, gross and nauseating, Decrepit Zombie Rose chases Elena through the house.  And suddenly, this has gone from The Vampire Diaries to Dawn of the Dead 2: Electric Boogalo0.  When Elena opened her curtains and let the Sunscreen Ring-free Rose’s skin get burned by the sun, I CHEERED FOR JOY!  (She deserved it, dammit!)

But then, Elena DUG HER NAILS in Rose’s gross werewolf wound!  And, I must admit, I threw up in my mouth a little bit. 

Elena then wisely holes herself up in Damon’s study.  Dimwitted Rose never seemed like much of a reader.  So, Elena feels safe there.  Through the door, Rose starts apologizing to Elena, and telling her she “won’t try to kill her again.  She promises.”  (Yeah, Elena!  And if you believe that I have a Statue of Liberty I’d like to sell you for real cheap!)

Fear not, though.  Because Elena is smarter than I sometimes give her credit for.  And she doesn’t trust that Rapid Zombie Vamp for a second!

When Elena finally finds the courage to leave the study, armed with a stake, she runs into Damon.  “Where’s Rose?”  He inquires, clearly concerned.

“Why, she’s at the Mystic Falls barbecue, gnawing on a janitor, of course,” replies Elena. . .(or, at least, that’s what she WOULD reply, if she actually KNEW what Rose was doing).

Civil Service is a MIGHTY dangerous occupation in Mystic Falls.   Random Janitor guy, this award’s for you!

Matt Donovan, “You Can’t HANDLE the TRUTH!”

Also at the barbecue, is a decidedly less Bloody Matt, who wants to know why Caroline ran away from his tongue kisses, and what exactly she’s hiding from him. 

“Watch this, Matt!  Maybe it will help!”

A tearful Caroline tells Matt that she loves him, which, if you didn’t know she was a vampire, would probably seem like the biggest non-sequitur ever!  Fortunately, before Caroline is forced to explain herself, Matt gets distracted by a Shiny Cheerleader seeking Hamburgers.  So, Caroline takes that opportunity to escape.

“You Went on a Murderous Rampage.  It Happens!”

Damon and Elena find Rose, at the barbecue, eventually.  But not until AFTER she kills YET another unsuspecting Mystic Falls resident, by breaking in to the roof of her CAR!  Rose feels kind of guilty for all the eating she’s been doing (PIG!)  But Damon, ever the non-judgmental f*ck buddy, doesn’t seem to be bothered by it.  “You went on a murderous rampage.  It happens,” he assures her.

Back in bed, Rose starts monologuing about the joys of humanity, and how Elena, should appreciate her life, and blah, blah, blah . . . I just fell asleep typing that sentence . . .

Damon tells Elena to leave, and does a bit of Inception Mind F*king on Rose, placing her in a dreamy version of her home village, where she lived when she was human.  Rose has long crimped 80’s hair now, and a fugly floor-length blue dress.  It’s all very Little House on the Prairie.  Rose and Damon have a perfectly idyllic time together in dream land, racing through the fields, reminiscing about old times.  Meanwhile, in the REAL WORLD, Damon is cradling a sleeping Rose, with a stake poised at her chest.  And he is CRYING . . .

Damon hesitates a bit.  This is clearly hard for him.  But eventually, he stakes Rose.  It’s a mercy killing, really . . . She was in pain.  And she was PAINFUL to watch.  Now we have ALL been put out of our misery .  . . well, except for Damon.  And he’s miserable enough for all of us!

Damon drives Rose’s body out to Sheriff Forbes, who has been compelled to forget that he’s a vampire.  So, she thanks him profusely for keeping the town “safe” from vampires, and bids him adieu.  When he arrives back at La Casa de Rich and Awesome, Elena is waiting there for him.

Elena understands Damon in a way that nobody else does, not even Stefan.  And she knows he’s hurting.  Damon, however, is not willing to admit his pain to the woman he loves . . . yet.  “You want to hear that I cared about Rose.   I didn’t”

“I don’t believe that,” Elena presses.  “You feel something.”

“I feel it, and it SUCKS,” Damon admits.  “Especially, because it was supposed to be me.”

“You feel guilty,” Elena notes.  “You are so close [to humanity].  You can’t give up.”

At this point, Damon fires back at Elena, telling her what everybody else has been thinking, ever since she made that fateful deal with Elijah.  “All you’ve DONE is give up!”  (And then again . . . perhaps, Damon’s talking about Elena giving up on her romantic feelings for HIM!  Yeah, that’s probably just wishful thinking on my part.)

“Go home, Elena,” Damon repeats sadly.  “I’ve had enough doom, gloom, and personal growth for one night.”

“OK,” Elena relents. 

She then turns to leave, but not before turning toward him, and offering him a sweet and powerful embrace.  Their eyes lock for a moment, and volumes of thoughts and emotions are exchanged in a single glance.  For a moment, it looks like they might kiss.  But it wouldn’t be the right time, not now.  Instead, Damon puts his head on Elena’s shoulder and allows himself a few quiet sobs.  It’s touching, and beautiful.  And I only wish it lasted longer . . .

Speaking of scenes I wish lasted longer . . .

Hallelujah!  It’s a Forwood Ambush KISS!

Remember earlier, when I was ranking the episode’s steamiest kisses?  Here comes #1!

When Caroline arrives home from the Barbecue, Tyler is waiting for her on her porch.

“We need to talk,” Tyler opens. 

(Usually, those are words signifying BAD NEWS.  But that’s not so, here.)

“Why would you risk it?” Tyler asks, referring of course to the couple’s night of hot passion, and Tyler’s poisonous teeth.

Caroline downplays the extent of her sacrifice for Tyler, explaining simply, that he needed help, and she was there.  But Tyler is not so easily convinced.  He senses that Caroline has some romantic feelings for him, ones that mirror his own.  And, so he presses further.  “I don’t understand you, Caroline!”

Caroline can’t take it anymore.  Overwhelmed with emotion, she lashes out at the Baby Wolf.  “Why is it so hard for you to let people help you  .  . . to let someone care?   Well, I’m sorry Tyler, but I cared.  I care about you.”

And that’s all Tyler needs to hear.  He rushes to Caroline, and presses her up against the wall, holding her face, and kissing her passionately.  No longer able to control her emotions, she kisses him back with an intensity and fervor, she never knew was possible before. ( Intense Nights Spent in a Dungeon with a Hot Naked Boy can do that do a girl.)  And yet, I had to wonder, whether, if a Werewolf Bite could kill a vampire, what would a Werewolf Hickey do?

Caroline must be thinking about this too, which is why she pulls away from Tyler. 

Baby’s first Vampire-gasm

  “We can’t do that,” she exclaims.

Rather than argue with her, Tyler actually apologizes, which makes me love him even more. 

“Everybody needs to stop kissing me!” Caroline whines, as she rushes into the house. 

(Coincidentally, Caroline, if you ever get tired of all that pesky kissing, I’d be MORE than happy to take your place.  Just sayin’)

Evil Jules Does the UNTHINKABLE

His heart still filled with love, and his tongue still covered in sweet vampire saliva, Tyler heads toward the Only Bar / Social Establishment in Mystic Falls to meet up with Jules, who seems to have been there ALL FRIGGIN DAY.  (Just what Mystic Falls needs!  Another Alchy!)  Jules doesn’t waste any time, clawing her way into Tyler’s head.  Within a matter of about a minute, she’s dropped about five bombshells on the poor werewolf.  And here they are:

(1) She knows about him and Caroline, and their (True Natures)

(2) Uncle Mason is DEAD.

(3) Caroline may have played a role in his demise.

(4) Mystic Falls is crawling with vampires, and Caroline is in league with them.

(5) Mystic Falls will soon be crawling with werewolves like Jules and Tyler.

Poor Tyler!  It seems Damon isn’t the only TVD guy in serious need of a hug!

Speaking of unwanted guests invading Mystic Falls,  did I mention that Creepy Uncle / Father John is back in town?

Hmmmm . .  . I wonder if Elena’s less than proud papa is going to ask Jeremy for his Ring of Immortality back, now that  vampires will most likely be trying to kill him again . . .

Damon has an Emotional Breakthrough (and Breakdown)

A highly distraught, emotional, and . . . you guessed it . . . WASTED, Damon is lying around in the middle of an abandoned road, when an unlikely driver comes upon him.  Her name is Jessica, and she is definitely in for a ROUGH NIGHT!

Damon compels Jessica to stand still, but doesn’t compel her to be calm, which would have made things much more pleasant for her, I think.  He needs someone to talk to, and she’s there for him, whether she wants to be, or not.  He is lost . . . metaphorically, and existentially . .. and she . . . a human, and a female, represents the crux of his existential crisis. 

Elena’s words to him about him being “so close” to humanity are clearly on Damon’s mind, when he says, “All I’ve got is trouble . . . I’ve got a secret .  . . I can’t be what SHE wants me to be . . . This is who I am,” Damon cries.

 He is unhinged, and more emotional than we have EVER seen him before.  (It’s heartbreaking and fascinating to watch.  And if Ian Somerhalder doesn’t get an Emmy nomination for it, I will personally drive down to the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and give them a piece of my mind.  Anybody with me?)

Jessica pleads with Damon for her life.  “Are you going to hurt me?”  She whispers.

“I’m not sure,” he replies truthfully.  “I’m NOT HUMAN . . . and I miss it . . . more than anything.  That’s my Big Secret,” admits Damon,  his voice choked by tears.

He then sets Jessica free, and the viewers breathe a sigh of relief.  But, in typical TVD fashion, just when we think we’ve got it all figured out, EVERYTHING CHANGES.  Moments after Damon let’s the girl go, he rushes her, and kills her.  His bloody face filled with pain and remorse, once he’s done. 

 (“You went on a murderous rampage.  It happens!”)

As we focus on Damon’s vamped out visage, the music playing in the background, creepily belts out the words “Who’s next?” as the screen fades to black. 

Next week’s presumably werewolf-centric episode, entitled “Daddy Issues,” promises some tough times between Hot Couple, Tyler and Caroline, as the Bany Werewolf begins to question the Baby Vamp’s loyalties and true intentions.  Oh, and Elena seems to be wearing an ABNORMALLY high PONYTAIL.  What’s up with that?

You can watch the EXTENDED preview for the episode, here:

So, what did you think folks?   Did you enjoy The Descent?  Were you as NOT sorry to see Rose go, as I was?  Do you want to KILL Jules for turning Tyler against Caroline, as much as I do?  The comment section is all yours, my fello Fangbangers!



Filed under Live Blogging Event, The Descent, The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries has FINALLY returned! Let’s celebrate with a LIVEBLOG!

It’s been a loooooooooong time, since The Vampire Diaries last graced our television screens . . .

Not quite 145 years .  . . but it sure felt like that long!

We have waited patiently . . .

(Admittedly, some of us may have been more patient than others .  . .)

And FINALLY our patience (or lack thereof) has been rewarded.  Because the wait is over, Fangbangers!  As for those Sexy Salvatore Brothers, well . . . THEY’RE BAAAAAAACK!

As you ALL probably know, The Vampire Diaries’ “The Descent” premieres January 27th at 8 p.m. on the CW.  The question is, how do YOU plan to celebrate?

Will you DANCE?

Or, perhaps, have a few drinks?

Do you plan on getting laid that night?

Maybe, you will get to do a ALL OF THE ABOVE!  (You lucky DOG, you!) 

But whatever you decide to do, momentous occasions like this simply don’t happen every day!  And when they do come around, it’s important to share them with fellow fangirls (and boys) like yourselves!  For this reason, my Brilliant, Gorgeous, Hilarious, and All Around Amazing Blogging Pals, Amy of Imaginary Men, and Cherie over at My Spidey Sense is Tingling, and I have decided to LIVEBLOG THE MID-SEASON PREMIERE!

What’s a LiveBlog, you ask?  Well, it’s kind of like a chat room where you can talk (well, more accurately, “type”) about “The Descent” with other fabulous fangirls, like yourself, while the show is airing.  Or, if you’re shy, just read along.  And let US do the work for you!

  In addition to covering the play-by-play of the episode, and repeatedly cooing over the hotness of the show’s cast  (Comments like “OMG!  HE IS SO GORGEOUS!” are, of course, inevitable, in these types of forums, and TOTALLY welcome!), Amy, Cherie and I will also be regaling you with screenshots from the episode, hot photos of the cast, and fun live polls, in which can take part. 

TYLER: *reads*  “Who’s the hottest character on The Vampire Diaries?  I’m going to go with choice “C,” Tyler!”

CAROLINE:  “Hmmmm . . . what are the other choices?”

TYLER:  “Hey!  Don’t make me go all werewolf on you, again!”

Of course, if you miss the LiveBlog, and want to check it out after the episode airs, you can do that too!  Here’s an example of a LiveBlog we did back in September, for the show’s season premiere. 

“Haha!  Those girls TOTALLY thought I was dead, when Damon broke my neck, back in ‘The Return.’  Silly Fangbangers!”

(Oh, and just a quick note, because we had some confusion last year.  A LiveBlog is not the same thing as a LiveStream.  Unfortunately, the technology we have available to us from CoverItLive does not allow us to stream the episode to other viewers, over the internet.  It provides “chat” services only.  There are a number of other websites that will stream the episode for you, of course.  However, us fangirls don’t have the resources — or the necessary legal approval — to offer you that particular service.  Sorry, in advance!)

So, if you are up for celebrating The Vampire Diaries’ mid-season premiere with a bunch of crazy fangirl bloggers, who share a love of  both snarky commentary and shirtless vampires . . .

 . . . CLICK HERE at 8 p.m. on Thursday, January 27th! 

(You never know WHO you might meet! 😉 )



Filed under Live Blogging Event, The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Premiere – We are Live Blogging it! (Or, at least, attempting to . . .)

Elena is not too keen on the idea of live-blogging.  Too much risk.  With a vampire as a boyfriend, a witch as a best friend, and . . . DAMON . . . she feels she has all the risk she needs in her life, right now.  But Vampire Katherine?  She says, “GAME ON, B&TCHES!”

Last year, in honor of the Finale of Season 1 of The Vampire Diaries . . .

. . . the amazing, brilliantly talented, and insanely hilarious, Amy (author of the AWESOME blog, Imaginary Men) and I, attempted to live blog the bloody festivities in all their so-beautiful-it-physically-hurts-to-look-at-them glory.

And . . .  yeah . . . it didn’t work out so well . . .

But we still had a great time doing it . . .

And .  . . maybe it’s just because we are gluttons for punishment . . . but we’ve decided to try the whole “live blogging” thing again, for the upcoming Season Premiere.

So, if ogling / completely objectifying hot boys, snarkiness, and OBSESSIVE (slightly nerdy) fangirling are YOUR thing, feel free to click the link below (on Thursday, September 9th at 8 p.m., EST) and watch The Vampire Diaries’ Season Premiere episode, “The Return,” with us.  We can’t promise you it will all work out . . . but we CAN bribe you with sexy pictures of the show’s stars . . .

Have I convinced you?  If so . . .

Click here to participate in the live blog 

 Because we have nothing to lose . . . except our dignity. . .


Filed under Live Blogging Event, The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries’ Season Finale “Founder’s Day” – Live Blogging Event!

According to show writer Kevin Williamson, and some maddeningly teasing hints dropped by E!Online’s Spoiler Maven, Kristen, tonight’s Vampire Diaries Finale offers eight cliff hangers, a major death, and, hopefully, more squealworthy Damon and Elena moments, like the one pictured above.

(Ummm . . . hand holding, anyone? :))

Below is the extended trailer for the episode:

So, after much discussion, and an hour-an-a-half long internet conversation to iron out the details, I am happy to report that my fabulously brilliant blogging friend, and fellow Salvatore Brother enthusiast, Imaginary Men, and I will be live-blogging tonight’s finale episode of The Vampire Diaries, entitled “Founders Day,”  together, starting at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time!

As you can tell, Damon Salvatore is incredibly excited about this news!  So, is Vicki Donovan.  Except, unfortunately, SHE won’t be able to watch . . . being DEAD and all . . .

Join us for what will most certainly be an evening filled with good times, sort-of insightful commentary, and, of course, partially incoherent fangirl ravings of the ALL CAPS variety!  Shirtless Salvatores Brothers need DEFINITELY APPLY!

 Oh, and to whet your whistle before tonight’s show (as if it needed any more whetting!),  please enjoy this webclip from the episode, in which Elena calls Damon out on his “eye thing.”

[I just wanted to update this post to offer you all my sincere apologies.  If you happened to be online during the past hour, you might have noticed that we TRIED to live blog and ran into some technical difficulties.  Please tune in later for your regularly scheduled recap . . .  And again. I’m sorry!]



Filed under Live Blogging Event, Spoilers and Sneak Peaks, The Vampire Diaries