So You Wanna Be a Vampire? Read this before making your “life-changing” decision.


As a recapper of television shows involving vampires, and a voracious reader of “vampire literature,” people often write to me requesting information on how one should go about turning into a vampire.  I always welcome these questions.  After all, the decision to make the “human-to-vampire transition” is not one that should be taken lightly.  And I’ve seen far too many friends jump into this life choice, without having been truly informed as to all of its attendant consequences.

It’s like my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandmother Vampire Sara once said: “Life is short, but immortality is forever.”

Don’t believe Vampire Sara? Just ask THIS GUY . . . He’s ANCIENT!

Since, regretably, I do not have the time to answer ALL of your questions (I am only human, after all), I’ve decided to devise this list of Frequently Asked Questions on the topic of vampirism.  Hopefully this list will serve to shed some light on this increasingly prevalent issue.

1) How do I go about becoming a vampire?

There are some shows schools of thought that would have you believe that in order to become a vampire, all you have to do is be bitten by one.

Still other movies like The Lost Boys schools of thought would suggest that you can become a vampire, merely by drinking a few sips of another vampire’s blood.

Well GEEZ!  If THAT was the case, EVERYBODY would do it, now wouldn’t they?   Unfortunately, making the transition is not so easy.  For starters, in most cases, it involves you DYING!


So, how do you die?  Well in most cases, a hot vampire can kill you, by draining all of the human blood from your body.

If you are lucky, he will break your neck first, so you won’t actually feel any pain when he does it.  And if you’re REALLY lucky, he’ll let you dance with him, half-naked, first . . .

The next step involves YOU drinking vampire blood.  This part can be tricky.  Especially, if you are already dead, and therefore, not  thirsty.  So, I say, drink lots of vampire blood NOW, while you are alive.  This way, by the time you want to turn, it won’t be an issue anymore.

Not sure where to get vampire blood?  Call me . . . I have some L.A. connections . . .

But don’t wait too long . . . because I have a feeling my “connection” is going to “dry up” real soon.

For those of you with cash to burn, rumor has it that, somewhere in a remote village in Alaska, there is a medical clinic that can perform the procedure in three days.  So you can become immortal, and be back at work in NO TIME!  The procedure is performed by a well-renown plastic surgeon  . . .

. . . and a highly experienced anesthesiologist . . .

All it takes is a simple lethal injection, and a quick-as-a-wink blood transfusion.  The best part?   NO unnecessary bodily decay or unsightly death scars!   In fact, many local celebrities have already been spotted frequenting the clinic  . . .

Feel free to contact the Alaska Division of Tourism for more information on this exciting opportunity.

2) All the vampires I know are young and/or hot.  I’m old as dirt and ugly as sin.  Can I still be a vampire?

First of all, sir.  I am SURE you are NOT nearly as old or ugly as you say you are. (pauses to look at the picture included as e-mail attachment – gags reflexively)

Hmmmmm . . . OK . . . well . . . Surely, there are SOME vampires that are neither young nor hot.  Let me think about this for a moment . . .

Nope.  You are right.  Unfortunately, there just doesn’t seem to be a real market out there for old ugly bloodsuckers.   Sorry about that.  Thanks for playing.  Better luck next life time . . .

3) What about that whole “can’t go out in the sunlight” thing?  I’m kind of a morning person.  So, I’m not sure I could handle that.

I can see how the whole “sunlight allergy” and “dead until dark” thing, could put a real crimp in your social and professional life.  Fortunately, today’s vampires have found many ways around this pesky inconvenience.  For example, you could, wear ugly sun-repellant jewelry like those boys in The Vampire Diaries . . .

. . . or pour glitter all over your naked body, like a drag queen at a gay nightclub  . . .

And if THAT doesn’t work, just suck it up and hang out with other vampires, who keep your same hours . . .

After you’ve become a super cool vampire, you aren’t going to want to associate with us lame ass humans, anyway.

4) I’m a pretty peaceful person.  I just don’t know if it’s in me to kill other people for their blood.  How would I survive?

Wait . . . you mean to tell me that you DON’T lick and bite people for fun?  Clearly, you are missing out.

You see, nowadays, most vampires don’t need to kill to survive.  There are lots of other options available to you.  For example, you can take a little nip of your lover during foreplay.  Very sexy!

You can also “borrow” blood from blood banks, like that dude from Moonlight . . .

. . . Or drink that synthetic stuff that looks like beer, but tastes like orange soda . . .

And, FINALLY, if you HATE little defenseless animals, and have no heart, you can go out into the woods and drink from Bambi’s mother . . .

Personally, I think this is the WORST / most immoral of ALL the above options.  However, folks in the literary world seem to equate Deer-Sucking with sainthood.  So far be it for me to judge, right?

5) Will I have any special powers when I’m a vampire?

You mean, ASIDE from being IMMORTAL, HOT and TOTALLY AWESOME?  . . .  Plenty.  As a vampire, you will have super-human strength and speed.

You will also f*ck like a rockstar . . .

Some say that you can even fly.  But, as far as I’m concerned, the coolest vampire skill of all that you will obtain is your ability to control people’s minds.

Aside from being hot, young, and Olympic-caliber f&ckers, THIS is probably the main reason why vampires ALWAYS get their mate.  Call it compulsion; call it “glamour;” call it “persuasion.”  Whatever you call it, it always works the same way.  Stare at your target with your beautiful eyes.  She falls into a deep trance.  You tell her exactly what you want her to do.  She does it.  Now, how awesome is THAT?

6) Do I REALLY need to be invited in EVERY time I want to enter a new human’s home?

The fact that you are even asking this question tells me that you are a completely rude turd, with no manners whatsoever .  . . no offense.  YES, you have to be invited in!  But the better question is, why is that a problem for you?  Is it your “thing” to just randomly go barging into people’s houses uninvited?  Talk about a BAD house guest.

Fish and YOU smell after three days . . .

Coincidentally, if you REALLY want to get into someone’s house, and the person isn’t inviting you in, just COMPEL him or her to WANT to invite you inside.  Problem solved.

7) I’ve been a vampire for many, MANY years now. All my friends are dead.  I’m bored.  What do I do now?

Ugh!  Type O, AGAIN?  I just drank that on Tuesday!

Simple.  Off yourself.  There are plenty of easy ways to do it.  For starters, you can, go on vacation someplace tropical . . .

Take a long walk into a short stake . . .

 . . . lose your head . . .

(I made this picture small, because it creeped me out too much, when it was larger.)

 . . . or just hang out with Buffy . . .

You’ll be chilling in Heaven in NO TIME!  Well . . . maybe not Heaven . . .

8 ) Any parting advice before I make “the change?”

Yes . . . invest in some good dental insurance.  You are going to have some f*&ked up teeth, for sure!

Well, that’s all I’ve got, folks.  See you on the “Other Side.”

 [What is Life Sucks Death Bites?]  [What is The Exquisite Corpse?] [ Who is Bellamy Jordan?]


Filed under Buffy the Vampire Slayer, FAQs, The Vampire Diaries, True Blood, Twilight Book Series, Vampires

1,002 responses to “So You Wanna Be a Vampire? Read this before making your “life-changing” decision.

  1. imaginarymen

    Heh. Any excuse to show the Damon Dancing clip. I’m on to you Julie ;-0

    Hey there are not-hot vampires!! What about Eddie from S1 True Blood? He got to even appear in a dream sequence in bed with Jason Stackhouse!! Not too shabby.

    Another fabulous post about one of our favorite topics :->

    • LOL. You caught me. I must have used that same Damon Dancing clip about EIGHT times in this blog, since it first aired. NEVER . . . GETS . . . OLD. 🙂

      Now I’m just trying to figure out a logical way to include it in my True Blood recaps. (Crossover episode, anyone?)

      Awwww, you see now, I think Eddie was HOT! Pudgy, middle agers = totally my type. 😉

      And anyone lucky enough to bed Jason Stackhouse (even via dream sequence) is OK in my book.

      • imaginarymen

        “And anyone lucky enough to bed Jason Stackhouse (even via dream sequence) is OK in my book.”

        That would be me. Twice :-))))

        But in my dreams :-(((((((

        But each time I got to touch his abs :-))))))))))))))

        BTW – this pic of Pam reminds me – that actress is on Twitter and tweeted Ian “Hi Ian this is Pam from True Blood”!! I LOVE that she intro’s herself that way!!! (apparently she’s environmentally too)

        Oh my – Damon and Pam!!?!? Now THERE’s a crossover I want to see!!!!

      • I want to bicom a viamper awasom plz plz plz i am baging u that make me like u plz plz plz plz

      • yes i wanted to become a vampire its my on of dream i love it

      • Sheldaine

        I always wish to be a vampire..I mean a good vampire without the Devil’s help…I wish someone can do it for me because I know that being a vampire has a Devil soul..

      • Vampire is a nice thing I have ever heard before, when I heard about it I thought it was a joke and that they are just only kidding but I decided to email the great vampire email I saw there and tell him that I need to be a vampire too…immediately he turned me to vampire and I am so happy today….thanks to great vampire for comforting me email him now at VAMPIRELIFELORDCHANGER@HOTMAIL.COM to become also

      • sometimes i feel like i am in the wrong time frame, i see i feel, i know , its like something tells or gives me ideas, i don’t need to read books, to know, i can get into and know before anyone can tell me,it,s weird , i just wanna go some where in the middle of know where, and keep away from every one away from ever body, i can see things in vision, and hear things , and it is just so hard to understand, no matter how loyal i am, it seems like people or no one ever believes me or trust me. when i was a child i use to bleed a lot, i was allergic, to the son, even though i love the son, but something always told me blood is the cure , but i would i always blow it off my mind, i can say more things, but to long to say and explain,
        i know they are out there, and they send there spirit, look the point is , that i wanna know what the hell is what i feel and know it;s wright, the part that get gets me is that, i love the old fashion , thing and ways, and love the way they look back back back, then,may 1400’s 1600’s i am seeking a pure red head with freckles very green eyes , and curly hair, always been, hope this don’t get me an any trouble, just looking for answers.

      • soquiea

        I want to be a vampire

      • Robert

        Are you looking for job in USA? Coca Cola Bottling Company is currently employing staff here in the United States, you can apply any where in the world and the salary is attractive. If you are applying outside USA, the company will be responsible for your stay in USA for one year. contact email: to applied today.

    • Takira

      I do want to be a vampire like edward cullen and bella swan cullen

    • yes i wanted to become a vampire its my on of dream i love it

    • i want to be a vampire . help me . i dont want this ordinary life 😦

    • Ichigo

      What if your a kid would you grow up or stay a kid for your whole life?

    • I want to become a vampire like bella twilight movie

    • can you send a REAL vampier to my house my name isLIONAand i am 13! I want a vampir

    • yes i wanted to become a vampire its my on of dream i love it

    • I want to bicom a viamper awasom plz plz plz i am baging u that make me like u plz plz plz plz

    • how do u even find a vampire


        because i am one – fast runner = also about your question i just told you in the first sentence -and you can find one at night.

      • qudus

        go to any junction around midnight chances are, you see a vampire and the vampire kills you or an evil spirit possesses you dont try it. if you are obssessed take a gallon of blood with you to offer the vampire.

    • maryrose

      i want to be a vampire.. coz i feel that to my self and body .. coz i feel im different i wanna be a vampire as soon as possible.

    • stop emailing me! now i meen it!

      • Claire, if you are getting e-mails each time someone comments on this blog, it’s because you checked off a box, when you commented, that said you wished to receive notifications for every comment IT receives. It’s not me personally e-mailing you. I promise.

        If you don’t wish to receive e-mail notifications from this article, the next time you get one (like, right now, for example), just scroll down the e-mail until you see the option to unsubscribe to the post. Then check the box. It’s as simple as that.

        As for readers contacting you personally, I can’t control that. But if you would like me to delete your comments, so they are less likely to contact you, I can do that.

      • Curious

        I don’t wanna turn into a vampire or anything like that, but i just want some answers. I would love to know more about vampires and am just seeking information. Please contact me at



    • Yareli

      I would love to become a vampire. Yes, I am aware of some consequences. I will not turn back. This is what I want. Becoming a vampire would be a huge honour for me. I would do anything to become one. I’ll be loyal if that’s what it takes. Becoming Vampire is my dream. And it will be for a while. Yes I’m still young. Very. But I can wait long enough.

    • FiLLiP

      well if u think that u choose me then sure i would like to be a vampire
      soo contact me at

  2. Pingback: People Q&A !

  3. yulia

    This is awesomely hilarious! Just discovered your blog and am having a blast…


  5. hassain shariff

    plz plz plz i want to become a vampire plz its serious plz i do any thing for beaing a vampire

  6. sunit

    plz plz plz i want to become a vampire plz its serious plz i do any thing for beaing a vampire my web adress is pls reply me.

  7. is my e-mail address and plz requesting u…..make me a vampire plz…..waiting for ur answer

  8. .make me a vampire plz….

  9. Prabhakar

    vampire is fake …… its nt exit ….bt u can be a blood drinker

    • Lauryn

      Oh be quiet you. Maybe we belive in them. (I know like it’s now but I’ve just got my email)!



      • AmmiePJ

        Can i ask you the blessing of Turining me? Im willing to do anything for it, i was Born to become a vampire. Ever sinds i was 4 years old my life was all about them, now im 21 fullgrown and ready. I have got plenty of time to read the consequences and still im absolutly sure about my decision. I would be honored to in vite you.

  10. mohammad

    im ready right now im anxious to become one

  11. lennin

    so evrything about vampires is true..then i would realy love to become 1..what do i do..are there any vampires in south africa?how do i get in contact with them?

  12. i realy wont to be a vampire so pleas help me

  13. Jacqie

    I seriously wana b avampire


      ok i am one so go to you tube and put in how to be a vampire in real life and thats all you need to know

  14. John pellegrini

    I want to be a vampire but I can’t find one, so If there’s a vampire out there that wants to turn me please email me!

    • mybe i might not know 1 but i will see jonn


      i can’t turn you but you can go to youtube and put in how to be a vampire in real life thats all you need to know

      • Hello welcome to (new-worldvampire kingdom.Do you want to be a vampire,still in human,haven talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten mines time to a human again, with out delaying in a good human posture.this is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture.if you are interested contact us on our mail, and you we have the knowledge of turning into vampire

  15. raj

    vampire ma dream

  16. chloe

    i want to be a vampire

  17. Kayme harrison

    Is all this real? I mean.. I want it to be. Cause I’m tired of living a simple life. How can I find a REAL vampire? And where?.. if this is all true.

  18. james

    kan u pls help me i want 2 bcom a real vampire i realy want 2 b 1 bt i dont knw hw 2 do it dis is my email i will b hearin frm u pls am serious… Tanks.

  19. Carly Callaway

    I want to be a vampire I think that I am destined to be one. I feel like I am supernatural I have days that I know what is happening before it happens, I don’t lead a normal life and I want more then anything to become a vampire please email me at If you know of any one who will turn me I would be so appreciated.

  20. lizzy

    would you send me blood of a vampire

  21. Adrianna Jones

    Do you think you could get me some vampire blood?I have pointed-teeth but not a vampire

  22. Jennifer

    That was good info but can yu interduce me to a vampire?

  23. shahid

    i do for any thing

  24. i want to be a vampire plz make me a vampire plz com in my home today at night plz .

    • just say this 10 times at midnight on sunday…blood red, pale skin, moonlight draw me in quench my thirst corsing veins let my body feel no pain. if you say that 110 times it will work because it worked for me. see you later.

      sinnceraley Claire Boettcher

  25. deepak

    thanks m a vampire…

    • can i also be a vampier i really whant to be and i want to go in the sun plzzz help me out i dont want a normal life i want a fun life plzz help me
      and i want to be popular and a cool vampier i want to stay up

  26. Can i also be a vampire please answer my question if yes than please tell me how

  27. Emily c:

    .. can in be a vampire? o.o

  28. Panashe

    Wana become 1

  29. plz send some blood or come bite as soon as possible plz i’d do anytihng to become a vampire plz tell me how heres me email reply plz ad fast as you can i wonna be 1 so bad 🙂

  30. chris

    Hi i really want to become a vampire, i know they exist, and i know what they can do! and if you turn me, can you please give me a daylight ring og necklese or something !

  31. Keshav anand

    Plzzzz i wnt to be a vampire . I m joining hands help me out make me a vampire. I m dieng day by day to be a vampire, i dnt want human lyf. As i am soo alone here. I have no one. I wish you will help me out.

  32. Keshav anand

    I can do anything. Its my promise to be a vampire. If i will nt fulfill you can punish me severly. I m here to tlerate anything. Hre so many are there who wana be a vampire. Help us out nd make our own separate world.

  33. sunil

    i also want 2 be a vampire coz i hate this human life. If u can then make me vampire

    • amelia blackwell

      Spell, Spell, cast away. Bring evil today. I reject my soul to satons side, now just pride god out of this mide. Make me a vampire. Pale skin grow so white, also fangs come in tight. God has no command over me, we shall see. I drag to hell, with comes to a bell. You know what It will be, so leave it to me. Blood oh so red, moon light, put me to bed. So Mote It Be!

      Make Sure You Say This 10x REMEMBER SAY THIS 10 TIMES!!!
      Don’t tell me id didnt work, becuz it works, it takes time!!!!

      Now this spell cast is so so so powerful, be carful. if u mess up start ALL I MEEN ALL over from 1 to 10! add 10 more if you mess up. each time u mess up, add 10 more to say this! if u do not add 10 more times that u mess up, dont say it no more!!!! or u can get cursed by saying of this spell!!!!

  34. Cleo

    Can I be a vampire? I will be ur immortal servant!

    • Hello welcome to (new-worldvampire kingdom.Do you want to be a vampire,still in human,haven talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten mines time to a human again, with out delaying in a good human posture.this is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture.if you are interested contact us on our mail, and you we have the knowledge of turning into vampire

  35. thunder

    he/she got all this information from the vampire diaries a tv show
    who say’s its real ??

  36. alexa

    please help me…I realy want to become a vampire.can you send me some vampire blood? Please help its werry important…

  37. alexa

    please help me…I realy want to become a vampire.can you send me some vampire blood? Please help its werry important… please email me

  38. Dalia

    I also believe in vampires and i also really really want to be one but that does not mean i am going to go beg like a maniac qnd leave my email address. Do you have any idea what type of commitment you have to put in to become a vampire also you have to first research them find out as much information as you possibly can and if you are so destined to be a vampire then one day a vampire will come and turn yo. I have read and am still reading many books to get as much information as possible before i turn because i want to know what i will be and how i will survive and what i have to look out for. So think about what i said before you turn.

    • Treyvon

      What books should people looking for when looking to becoming a vampire? And/or any advise on how to look for a vampire to turn u?

    • vladimir Garcia

      it may not be true,but i am one,to make sure of what to stay away from,stay away from garlic,god crosses,holy water,sunlight in case you want to disappear,don’t suck human blood,animal blood is way much better,why should be die with their blood sucked from & they can die at early age,i defend humans from werewolves because i know that werewolves eat humans instead of animals

    • codi braden

      Hello. My name is codi and i have been wanting to be a vampire. I am very aware of the consequences of being a vampire. An i have read some of the comments from other people that are begging to be a vampire. An its ridiculous how some people beg to be something they might not even understand. I am a football player and i am in a military program. I am stocky and i would love to join your kind. Plus i am also protective. If you have read this message i would like be turned into a vampire.
      You can contact me at 7024013686 if you would like too.

  39. jerrod

    please send me vampire blood my email is

  40. prabhakar prasad

    i want to be vampire can anybodyhelp me

  41. Sky

    i have sharp fang like teeth, pale skin but im native, and i kind of like blood, dose that make me a vamp?

  42. jade

    plz make me a vampire i actully pretend to be one but i actully want to become one here is my email

  43. gerard

    im gerard advincula this is my emai im be serious a lot of my life i very hard work but im fell not good in happy in my life i want too become a real vampire im her in the philippines cagayan de oro A masssage therapy im tired of my life plz plz plz plz help me too fine a vampire in philippines

  44. gerard

    im waiting for you hope you can come her vampire plz plz plz help me too become a real vampire contact me +639358930562

  45. Victor Spikes

    So you can actually become a vampire?

  46. Victor Spikes

    yal the bladest mutha fuckas i seen on a website this shit is faker than the 23 dollar bill!!!! get the fuck on wit yal lives and praise jesus before yal bitch ass niggas go straight to hell and bburn for the forever you dumb bitches
    I HATE ALL YOU NIGGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. Victor Spikes

    So KJewls idk if you can see this or not but this site is hellla coool lol . Just wana know if it is true or not that you can become a vampire… Lemme know 🙂 Thank you

  48. i wanna become a real life vampire send the details of vampire’s and how to become on

  49. Robert

    i wanna become a vampire! i dont feel like i am a part of this world, i feel like i belong somewhere else, become something else and be a vampire, i really want to change, fast

  50. i just wanna become a vampire in real life and can anyone tell how to be like that and who will do this kind changes in a human being and please mail me and my mail id is

  51. i like to talk whit a vampire. the secret is power:

  52. dear…………sir……………madam…….: plz bite me i want bcome vaimpair plzzzz plzzzz pzzzz .

  53. I want to vampire soooooooooooo very bad

  54. Devesh vaishnav

    Give me ideas to become a vampire

  55. Pickle juice

    I really want to be a vampire help me out

  56. Wieno

    i Want to be a Vampire ..pls help me out…pls pls pls

  57. Jess222

    I really want to become a Vampier I always have can u please help me to find a vampie that is willing to change me plz 🙂 email me

  58. adam

    who is the doctor?
    whats his name?
    what city in Alaska?
    whats his phone number?
    whats the clinics name?
    is the picture you made of him?

  59. César Roberto Valerio

    Si fuese real lo que dices, ami me parece la idea de ser un vampiro, pues no tengo mucho que perder, vivo sólo com mi madre, eya es vieja no le queda mucho tiempo, estudio segundo semestre de medicina, conseguír sangre no es problema para mi, pronto quedaré solo, y que mejor que sea inmortal, ya no me doleran tanto la pérdidas estando solo, contactame si es que dices que es verdad,

  60. Luke

    i’v searosly tryed and it dosent work. BUT… we dont realy know if it dose or not. iv looked up the side effacts and the side effacts work so keep trying.
    say that at night 10x and see what wil happen

  61. abc

    i also wan’t to become vampire
    contact me at

  62. pls i wanna be a vampire pls turn me i really wanna be a vampire pls pls pls turn me into vampire email me at

  63. Janee

    Plz giv me sum idea to be a vampire. I realy wnt

  64. i want, i need, i will. you know you must email me

  65. I really really really wanna be a vampire
    plz give me some hint

  66. Paul

    Hey, my name is Paul, i’d like to talk about it, here is my ICQ 615364939. Willing to knot, i’ll be happy)

  67. Hello vampires, i want to be one of vampire because i want to be immortral . I cannot understand the producure in this website .my num is 9989627694 pls call me or email me presently i am 20 years i want to be same

  68. i want to be a vamire wat can i do….?

  69. Binnit

    i also want to be vampire if there is anyone out there please make me one of u

  70. Kim

    How can i become one?? I really want to be one! Pls

  71. Maddi

    I really really really want to become a vampire and after reading this I want it more…I joined a site that said it would make me a vampire (never did) So I’m out looking again…so I will repeat please please please make me a vampire

  72. All of you are fools who believe that a real vampires exists…..So there is any vampire in the world….and put off your dream,to become a vampire! any one who still doubt can contact me directly +92 333 7057320

    • 0093791660761 vampair aryan call me athere vampair f some on life I heat human life thats it no moor comments f any vampair life call me this is my facebook name (kalim aryan )im handsome boy u can chaik my photos contact with me in stop readind commend u

  73. Brolin Thurston

    I would like to become a vampire. Please tell me if there are any vampires in South Africa & can I have their email address or phone number. & if there are none then please send me vampire blood. & where can I get a daylight ring. Please please please please reply

  74. ivy

    i want to be a vampire plssss

  75. ivy

    i want to be a vampire too
    pls. make me one of you……
    i really want and willing to be one of you……..

  76. hey frnds i m also crazy about vampires and i really want to become a vampire…i’l do anything for it….

  77. ria

    i ria and my friend shivani want to become a vampire plz help us ,we are bored of our normal life

  78. maria

    I belive that vampires exists. Really, I do. I can’t stop think about them, and I’m also dreaming about them. But in my dream i always become one at the end of it. There is probably no one who wants to become one as much as I do. They have to exist! If anybody knows how, please answer on my mail:

  79. hi i want to become a vampire as i m bored with my human life and am a great fan of vampires plz anybody help me to became a vampire plz contact me m frm udupi-7204832742

  80. rashell cardoso

    i want to become a vampire its cool it also s****

  81. alina

    Plžzzzzzzzz I really want to be a vampire…………help me
    Reply me ASAP

  82. alina

    Hi I want to be a vampire plžzzzzzzzz help mail me ASAP

  83. rashid

    fools i just came here online to see who would want to be like us everything is wrong if your really etching and want to know the real way just email me il ask you some questions and il tell you how b4 talking to me its like living in hell

  84. I would like to become a vampire but not for the immortalness or streghth but its the biggest change ever and plus who wouldnt want to drink blood for a living.please make me one. Plus i get no respect from my family so it would be ok with them, believe me.

  85. Sandra

    Hahahaha, this is the Funniest thing I have EVER read about becoming a vamp 😀

  86. plz plz help me be a vampire plzzzzzzz address -736north miami – phone

  87. i really want to be a vampire…….!! Any one plz …….help me

  88. atubo alexis stephen

    its cool

  89. Nikkita

    There’s only one way to become a vampire and i.e; by being bitten or perform a strong black magick. Like I was turned when some drunk boy hit me with their car and I was almost dead. I’m from India and I want to say the alk the Indians that vampires exist in India too.

    • smartgirl

      then come bite me i live in garden grove shelly dr#7

    • silver

      Hello nikki. If u are vampire. You can help all this stupid guys to become one. Anyway, if u r really a vamp. Can u just come n kill me. “Kill me” not transformation. Hope to see u

  90. brandon bowers

    so someone out there can make me a vampire i would love to c how bc thats all i ever wanted to be

  91. even i wnt to bcom a vampire giv me the full info plz plz plz

  92. tanya

    Do you people really not get what you’re asking for? It’s very tragic that you would risk your life to become a monster that kills. If you came in contact with one by some miracle, do you really think they would turn you? Of course the wouldn’t. The only thing they would do is end your life, and if by some miracle you turn into a vampyre then that’s even more tragic. Just think of all the people you will leave behind or kill for that matter, because the thirst is so excruciating that everyone around you will die. Are you ready for that type of guilt. You say you want to become a vampyre because you’re lonely, well think of how lonely you would be if you lived on forever and everyone else died. Being a vampyre is a curse not a gift. I wouldn’t wish this curse on anyone. TRUST ME!!! You don’t want to become a vampyre.

  93. Redeat

    Help me i what to be a vampir

  94. hello my name is manu iam bored of this life no one is there who loves me so i wnt to became a vampire hoping i can find someone loving me my email is i shall do any thing to became a vampire help me plese i beg you

  95. oportian

    giv me ur adress if u want to be a vampire

  96. Nikkita

    So first time I’ve seen a clever girl like Tanya who actualy knows how we hunt. First of all, we start texting or mailing humans and then get their favour and complete trust on us. We give them hope that we would turn them. And when that human comes to us thinking that we would turn them then that human becomes our dinner. Belive it or not, I’m a vampire. I was returning home after attending a farewell party. Then some drunk boys had hit me with their car. I was bleeding badly and after that moment I remember nothing. All I remember is that when I woke up I was a vampire. The vampire who turned me is my mom now. I mean i call her my mom. Now I stay with a coven nf my own and I’m gifted with three powers. A vampire will never turn you till he or she saw something special about you. Even I myself will not turn anyone. Good move Tanya. You got us right. We’re monsters. Thank you. And manu prasad be safe. We’re not like the one you think us to be.

    • Connie

      Nikkita, I always been attracted to vampires since i was a little girl, ide always look at a window and expect a vampire would come and bite me and turn me. Someone told me that i am 1 cause i have fangs, but i am partial, a psycic vamp, i want to be more than that. I want to me like Lucy on Twilight.
      Theres a few people here that actully has messed with me and my husband and i want to teach them a lesson.

    • Raghav

      whatever if you are a vampire i want to be your dinner come n bite me n suck my blood completely till my last breathe i wanna see your thirst

    • anynomo

      please I left 2 prior postings to you but I dont want to be luch but want to be the vampire you need . what must we discuss in private inorder to become a vampire. What gifts may I show you. I will do what will be in my nature or as my maker if you what you tell me with my entirety. I want to be vampire not food . I will hunt humans for you butnot be the human you hunt. Please respond.

  97. Ava

    @Nikkita Does it really work? Im not afraid just the thing that kills me….frightens me…..what if it dosent work…….being killed by someone…….i want to be a vampire…….im not a twilight fan i, didnt come here because of that i came here because of freedom……showing humans there are other things in the world that they dont know about…….i understand if you dont see something special in me…..i just wanna ask you some questions even if you change me or not i just wanna ask you some things.
    1). Will You Age?
    2). Will you burn in sunlight? and can i get a ring if you do burn.
    3) will i live for as long as i dot get a steak to the heart
    4) do i run faster, stronger,and do i heal?
    5) can i make someone do what i say, like on The” Vampire Diaries”?
    6)( LAST ONE) Do i to be invited in?
    Please answer my questions!

  98. DeySeeMeRollin

    Nikkita if you remember nothing… Howd you remember that you got hit but a car? :3 If your mad I can be your slaaave >:D LAAWLLLL

  99. Nikkita

    @Ava- You will get your answers but not here. Leave your email ID here and I’ll mail you.
    @DeySeeMeRollin- If you read my post carefully then I didn’t mean that. I just remember that after being hit by a car I fell in a ditch and I passed out. After that I don’t remember anything. But the vampire who turned me explained everything to me. And that’s how I knew that I was being hit by a car.

  100. chaz

    i really want to become a real vampire ths life i hate so i want to be free and do things when i feel like it i hate when people tell me what to do i want freedom

  101. ssv

    Now m eager to become a vampire! Just i need a vamp guy or vamp girl to turned me into a vamp

  102. ssv

    i hv read comments of many people i too want to becm a vamp! can u plzz help me with tht! contact me plzzz m email id is

  103. dwem

    want to become a vamp !!!

      • how i tried every spell oh what ya um well smart girl say this 5 x at night /BLOOD RED PALE SKIN MOONLIGHT DRAW ME IN QUINCH MY THIRST QUARSING VEINS LET MY BODY FEEL NO PAIN / Five times at night plx tell me if it works becase i am starting to think the side afects r just because i am getting sick by the way side afects head ache;stomach ache; tooth pains;after eating might feel a little sick;dizzyness; thats all and that also what i am going through and its terribleyly awsome and after a week you will be a full vampire talk to u later ttylxox by the way i am seven years old but it acully works byby and do it ok ok. name is alana seltsam.

  104. faza

    huh i just want to do dirty dancing with damon and drink blood, dying to be a vampire since i have started seeing vampire diares i wnated to have sex with him

    • Michael

      idiot 7 year old twilight and diary fans:))

      • Nikkita

        Leave your email. I’ll give you each and every information plus a scientific explanation for all of your questions related to one of them. You guys may meet thousands of people who will tell you that they are the mythical vampire creatures. But I’ll give a good explanation of everything that everything will be crystal clear. I’m not a scientist but I’m a vampire. I’m a real vampire, belive it or not. I don’t make online websites like the fake vampires out there. I don’t join any online coven. If you want information then mail me other then that don’t. Leave your email Id here and I’ll mail those guys.

  105. Nikkita

    Leave your email. I’ll give you each and every information plus a scientific explanation for all of your questions related to one of them. You guys may meet thousands of people who will tell you that they are the mythical vampire creatures. But I’ll give a good explanation of everything that everything will be crystal clear. I’m not a scientist but I’m a vampire. I’m a real vampire, belive it or not. I don’t make online websites like the fake vampires out there. I don’t join any online coven. If you want information then mail me other then that don’t. Leave your email Id here and I’ll mail those guys.

  106. I wish I can be a vampire I hate to be a human because I always fall sick easily I hate human body I hate sick can u teach me how to change myself into a vampire

  107. My friends a vampire and she asked if she could have a sip of my blood shoud I let her or not.

    • Ajeet maurya

      Dear Talia can you please send your friend to me to suck my blood because i wanna be like it. please reply

    • Raghav

      plz plz plz i also wanna becoming a vampire and i do anything for beaing a vampire plz help me someone i m really crazy about vampires..plz someone help me….
      my email id is

    • Karl. morschel

      Talia i’m afraid that if you let her sip that blood, she will want more. I like the taste of blood but im no vampire, i have said the 3rd 2nd and first vampire spells and got dizzy and i cut myself and before i said them, i was emo and i used to drink my blood and cut myself, as i do now. I seriously think blood isn’t used JUST for your body, it is an asset towards your food. People may call me crazy, i know 🙂 but thats just me and nobody can say anything to me that will hurt, they just might end up hurt in the furture :).

  108. krishan

    i realy want to be a vampire

  109. krishan

    because they could run realy fast and they could jump realy high

  110. Elisa

    I live in holland and i really want to be a vampire i dont care what it takes so please make me a vampire or send someone who wilchange me

    Mail me please my email is

  111. hi guys ..
    hey i m fed up of my life ..
    i too wanna become a cold blooded..
    pls help me out fffrm dis ..
    pls send some tips to become a vampire ..
    dis is my email address

  112. Valkyrie

    You are sick, all of you…

  113. jessica

    I would love to b one if only I could find a vampier to do it



  115. 0794605942max

    AM TYBRAC NASSER ABRAHAM 17year of age i hav been longing to become a vampire can get mi on facebook tybrac nasser abraham

  116. Hey i eddie im thirteen and i really want to be a vampire can any of u help a brother out

  117. reply asap i want to do this now

  118. I doñt think vampires r monsters i tghink there the coolest hing inthe world so if there is any vampires reply now i want to become a vampire

  119. if there is any vampires reply telling me how to become a vampire im also anite person anyway so the sun thing will not bother me

  120. Tanya J

    I dont believe that vampires are like they are portraid in twilight.
    But i do believe they are real. Wheter they live for ever and have “powers” i also dont know. I do believe that they are special and not treated with the respect they deserve. Sure, i know everybody wants to be immortal and powerfull, but sadly we cant all have our dreams come true. thats reality. Im sick and my health is not good, and im kind hearted and understanding. Yea i would love to be healthy again and live for ever. Even with all the extras thats not always good. But i understand that is not my desision to make. Im in Gauteng SA, and my hope will never fade untill my death to become healthy. to all vamp’s, please dont think of yourself as cursed, becoz being sick is much worsh. All you immortals be blessed. Mother nature created you, and people just need to accept you, i have and without fear. Tanya J

  121. Nikita

    You can only become a vampire if you get bitten by one.

    • no you can`t just be a vamp because get bitten by one

      • william

        Would you turn me in live in west Virginia I’m begging you Pease my life is so depressing I want to die.

    • really???????////
      are u a vapm?
      if yes , them bite me………. i wanna be a wamp

    • anynomo

      Nikkitta if you are please email as my previous repsonse. May I a stupid if it sounds that way would I stay the same body as I am now or much younger and thinner or what if an old lady was tunred and had no teeth would she be given teeth, fangs if turned? I had to ask m\, soorry? I really want this as many others say the same but please give me a chanvce find me in miami florida . Please I know a real vampire can , cant you find me especially with mmy email? Please contact me. Can I call you some time may you email me your number or come to my home its night time now or whenever you can.for Nikkitta the vampire if this is true.I wish for a true vampire to come not the others that drink or practice but really truly are not.They say they are but arent they llike blood but are not a true vampire. Again my email is I prefer you call me or drop by in the night.

  122. antelmi

    i like to be a vampire some one help m plz

  123. Kindly Find a vampire to Bite me…………..

    • isaac

      when you become a vampire you kill the one you love, so why are you turning yourself to it. pls thinking b4 you do anything this bye

      • fear keat

        yes mr summit its hard to live a vampire life me a vampire im chanching to a human coz i dont want to live ths hell life killing and sucking bloods plz vampire life is so difficulty trust me im a vamp u shud be afraid for every second that the demons will kill u or not so plz forget ur wish and be happy as a human u will die if u become a vamp by thirsting for blood

  124. Gigi

    I really want to be one its my dream to become the best at the best!! 🙂

  125. Alex

    I really want to become a vampire please help me I want to make this life changing change

  126. there are no such thing as vampires so whats the big deal show me a real vampire do the exist NO NO THEY DONT SHOW ME IT AND I WILL GIVE YOU $1.00 OK!

  127. Nikita

    @Tanya J:- Belive me Tanya J, you brought tears in my eyes after I read what you wrote. My human mother said me the same exact thing when she came to know about me becoming a vampire. Sereously, we’re not evil. Just the thrist makes us crazy and always overpowers us. Thanks a lot for understanding us. Really, you’re an angle for us. I don’t wanna sound emo! But I guess you really got me this time. Just thank you.that’s all i wanted to say.

  128. Nikita

    @Claire- You were drinking blood or what when you typed the comment?

    • alco

      Can you help me by more information? It is enough weird that I’m going to ask this but I need someone to make me belive in that… Inside me I feel they are real (the vampires), but not sure and can’t admit it… If you can help me.. so do it.


  129. prashan

    want be a vampire

  130. what the hel, ewery1 here is bastards, there is no vampires in the world dont try to be a vampire, because you can never be that. DDDDDDd

  131. darius

    i am a vampire

  132. darius

    i have live in 1000 years

  133. I want to became a vampire

  134. melody

    ike 2 bcome a vampire as soon as possible. Im in the phillipines right now in arkong bato valenzuela city. thank you for your help.

  135. melody

    i need your help to become a vampire person.. plzzz.. answer my statement because i am a vampire believer.. and the one that will answer this should be a vampire person or have a connection .thank you.

  136. my address is 191 E. hooper please turn me hurry

      • HI my name is mahi yaduvanshi m 22 yeas old
        i want to ask one question that the vampires are real
        if they exist in this wourld
        than why i cannot see them
        i have try many times to become a real vampire but i was failed
        i know without help of a real vampire i cannot to become a real vampire
        please help me help me m in a big trouble
        and i have commit to suicide many time but i was failed
        i dnt know what should be done by me to become a real vampire please please help me help me

  137. I love it I so want to be a vampire

  138. Hey thanks for all the advise, but how do i change.

  139. Amaya Warren

    I think Robert Pattison aka Edward Cullen is soooo HOT and I would kill to be like him!!!!!!!!!!

  140. Jordi Hunsdale

    Get lost not true

  141. Tara Alexandra Bleek

    My adress is 24 Stayplton Drive, Horden! Come bite me!

  142. Tara Alexandra Bleek

    Can you really send a vampire to my house!? If so please do it? 24 STAYPLTON DRIVE, HORDEN! He/she doesn’t neccessarily have to change me, just biting me would be enough. I’m 15!

  143. guzman

    pls pls pls i wanna be a vampire even im 13 yrs. old ill do every thing just to be a vampire

  144. arbab

    Can i be a vampire.please i really want to e please…I hate my self and i want to be a ampire……..please email me if there is any way…

  145. arbab

    Can you send vampire in my home…..please i want to kill mY self…and to not get pain in my heart..Dont want any feelings please….make me vampire……….what i have to do to become a vampire

  146. Connie

    I want to be a full vampire, im partially vampire, a psycic vampire, but i want something more, like lucy from twilight, please email me.

  147. Michael N

    I want to be a real vampire. Tell me how.

  148. Sarah

    I want to be a vampire like the people from twilight so pleaz help me

  149. klein salomon

    i wanted to become a vampire seriously, i don’t enjoy being a human i feel alone, neglected by everybody that i loved… please help me i am very sincere and eager to become one, please email me

    • Vampire is a nice thing I have ever heard before, when I heard about it I thought it was a joke and that they are just only kidding but I decided to email the great vampire email I saw there and tell him that I need to be a vampire too…immediately he turned me to vampire and I am so happy today….thanks to great vampire for comforting me email him now at VAMPIRELIFELORDCHANGER@HOTMAIL.COM to become also

  150. Brij

    I m also become a vampire ,,,plz help me

  151. Ale

    Can you send a vampire to my house so I can turn in in to one and can I get a ring or neckless for the sun?

  152. Serubnox

    :)))))…wtf,is this for real?=)))….if it is

  153. zajil

    i want be a vampire.make me me @+918943719498

  154. khushbu

    i want to a vampire i really really want send a vampire in my home please contact me my id is please

  155. Serubnox

    :)))))…wtf,is this for real?=)))….if it is real you will have to prove it…no one knows what is in my heart right know

  156. Neelam

    i really want to be a full vampire i really wanna be vampire , pls turn me into full vampire what do i have to do to become vampire.

  157. Tia McKee

    I really want to be a vampire

  158. Racheal cawley

    I want to be a vampire please

  159. Gaurav arora

    I m rady 2 change

  160. Gaurav arora

    I m rady 2 change my slf my no. 9058873444

  161. kirli

    i am a vampire , who wanna become a vampire hohohahahaha……..

  162. john

    how to become a vampire free ebook

  163. Really kul I wanna have friends dat are vimpires any 1 out there

  164. Laura

    Whow many people wants to be a vampire is not dat fun and they are creepy sometimes and there are many life attivites u will miss out come on u won’t see d sunrise again, u will be hunt down anywhere u step to worest of all u will live and see you loved ones go old and die. So my advise is let go of your fariy tale dreams.

  165. Laura

    Whow you guyz really belive this fucked up shit guyz there is no such thing called vampire is just some wild crazy imagination. Dont live a dream wake up.

  166. i want to be come a vampire becoz i like blood

  167. I would like to know if u become a vpire are you going to forget your family and your mom and your friends

  168. make me a real life vampier i will show commitment to this web site that i will give you my hands in the offor that if you give me to be an e mortal i will beleaive in satans hands

  169. Raghav

    plz plz plz i also wanna becoming a vampire and i do anything for beaing a vampire plz help me someone i m really crazy about vampires..plz someone help me….
    if someone can help me out then my id i

  170. aimen el meddah

    i want to be a vampier pleas i just iwant to be one of them pleas

  171. Jacen Wilcutt

    Can I become a vampire please? I don’t want to say my address because there could be some creeper looking at this. Cant you just read my mind sense you know my name nao? Then you can change me?

  172. john

    Free Twitter Mass Followers Bot More At The Link Below

  173. alvin peckham

    Pls tell me The main piont. Pls I just like 2 be a vampire

  174. Love it totally awesome

  175. pdog29

    Hey how would u track a vamp.Becaus i need to find my twin sister.I know she is one becaus i can still fell her. or help me find some one who can turn me so i can maybe find here withen 150 years if u know her plez tell her i need to see and talk to her her name is samantha reynolds

  176. robby pierce

    i want to be one too. one like from twilight:)

  177. I just wanna meet anybody who will make me not to think about vampirism .. or somebody who will make my dream come true .. i’m tired thinking or dreaming about this ..

  178. Ali

    Whats the spell

  179. umm how do i get ahold of u?

  180. vaishnavi

    iam sick of my life please make me vampire……………………..

  181. i want to be make a vampire plz. if you shall be changed me then call me 9151294450.

  182. Madison

    i hope this really works because i dont beleive it. where r u supposed to get the “Vampire Blood”

  183. Kaleigh

    I love vampires please bite me I want to become one please please help me I want to become a vampire!!!!!

  184. Paige Armstrong

    Are there any vampires in Lancashire or the nearest place to Lancaster, and if so how could I meet one [without it killing me]?

  185. i want to be a vampire that is my dream i know that is crazy please can you tun me into a vampire please..its cool to be a vampire..

  186. please change me i what to drink blood

  187. H@yd3n::69

    Ooook guys i am an expert on supernatural things and it is not phisically possible to turn into a vampire using the above techniques!! For starters sum1 cannot live on blood alone, it dusnt provide enough protein to survive!! If u really think u can become a vampire u should be locked up?!?!?! So do not attempt any thing tht says it turns u into a vampire!!

  188. asha

    I hate my life
    i want to be vampire and its my dream so cAn you help me ouT to be a vampire

  189. I like to live alone in my room.I like to live in a cool place.I like moonlight.I like to wear black things I like to wear eslipe wearings in my I …..

    • Karl. morschel

      Wow your like me, exept i am Emo and i am crazy my family say, Best to feed on them in their sleep. Hahahaha >:)

  190. cuyler lane

    Fuck it..y not..let’s do it

  191. Ameerah Camiry

    no way this happens just in movies !!! fake fake fake! oh and u say that to be a vampire u have to drink his blood LOL copied on vampire diaries !! and by the way even if i had to drink his blood to become one where will i get one? when it doesn’t even exist –‘

  192. I want to become a vampire but I’m not Egyptian foreign I please help Belize

  193. This is my dream to be a vampire

  194. Karl. morschel

    My name is Karl and i am an Australian, I’m very smart and i have psy paths in my family bloodline, i deserve power, my dumb live needs adventure, boring? being a dream is not boring, i must become a teenage vampire. My email is Email me at once.

  195. Karl. morschel

    I tried a spell and said 5x the 3 wishes then said 2 more that my body would be irrasistable and my punches would be fatal and i felt dizzy 2 hours later when i was on my phone last night. Is that a sign or is it stupid. Today my gf kissed me on the lips for the first time too. Is it luck or is it the spell? I am most confused an tired. I’m guna goto bed now and read my email in the morning. my new email you need to contact me buy is

  196. Karl. morschel

    I Wan’t to become one, i need to be one, this is my life, let me live it.



  198. Karl

    I forgot to say that i am Wiccan. Contact me when possible, i meditate 20 minutes every 2-3 days.

  199. Karl

    After you do all 3 spells in the spellbook online properly, you may start to crave blood after one day (like me), So if you wan’t to feed make sure you cut yourself or find an easy opening, for people who are scared to cut themselves, open a scab or chew on the sides next to the gingernail until you bleed or, scratch a spot until you bleed, best option is to cut yourself with a thumbtack or neeedle but for some you may want to make your leg get a scab then decide to open it and trust me, leg scabs bleed alot, it wont hurt, just tastes good i think.

  200. Karl

    Just contact me on or add me on skype: Karl.morschel. If not that, nevermind, i will have to ask my friend that has a spellbook from America, he is one with psy like me but he is more spiritualy connected and he is peaceful and like to preform rituals every full moon, no idea why, if anyone could point out why he is doing rituals at a full moon at his window, please do tell me. On the bright side, he has some pretty mad vampire spells but he needs ingredients from America to preform them.

  201. Karl

    Anyway i’m off to meditate as usuall. Bye now!

  202. Sumant Lenka

    I want to be a Vampire…Plz Help me.

  203. shashi

    plz tell me to become vampire.
    I wants to become a vampire plz tell fast.

  204. alco

    Hello. I’m not the one who will be “crazy” and will say “plz plz plz plz plz” many times for a thing that I’m still not sure about. I’m a person who can eventualy belive when I see it with my own eyes. I mean, I want to know more, I want to meet one of them and yes… I do not care who will laugh at me right now. If someone think I’m crazy, he should think so for everyone here. I’m not the maniac who will insult, laugh and say bad things even if I’m not sure for their existance. I don’t think about myself I’m anything special… I’m just a human, but yes, indeed, I HOPE one day I will be already sure about that and about many things that most of the people don’t belive at. Am I crazy? If we think about it depth, we can see many writen books and many things in Internet about vampires, UFO, another planets like our… Thats what I like… Supernatural things. I always been interested at supernatural things like magic, vampires, UFO… But I’m not alone. Why we all belive that, we are not alone… Why we all belive before us there was a dinosaurs? No one have had seen them, have we? Nevermind I just need someone who “understands” these things and who don’t act like maniac or maybe the one who can make me belive in vampires for real, to mail me…

    P.S: E-mail adress –

  205. skyaseen

    i really want to turn as a vampire!!!

  206. will

    I 🙂 wana be one

  207. ernest

    I really nid to change any in africa(nigeria)


  209. Mice Valenti

    I’ve been really obsessed about vampires ever since high school. Now, I do BELIEVE they exist but I don’t have any proof and I would really love to prove to everyone that I am right. I tried hard to research but I don’t know which part is real and which part is not. It’s really driving me nuts so I really would want to know if this is true. If there are any vampires here, please do tell. Just honest answers please. I really really really wanna know that I am right to say they exist. Lots of love.

  210. Dederrick

    How can I become a vampier

  211. JB

    i really like it and i want to become a coolest vampire……

  212. Rashid ansari

    I read all of the comments and questions answers and i dont think that any body can be immortal or can have super natural powers after becoming vampire.

  213. karen

    i want to be a vampire

  214. sarahh

    I’ve got money to burn contact me via e-mail

  215. what ever painful it is i have more pains in my life i want to be changed thats it…

  216. Cata

    I am from Transilvania and I want to become a vampire

  217. vanshadow

    i need to be come a vampire… i know a have blood of vampire..

  218. mredul

    i want to be a vampire . it’s my forever wish.. i gonna die without it.. please anybody help me. please?

  219. allana jean rutor

    i want to be a vampire…..

  220. terry

    would love to be a vamp would be so cool but have no clue how maybe ill thank of something sone i try a lot of stuff but it dont seen to work im starting to thank that thair not real but we well see if u find anythang out let me now thanks terry at thanks…….????…..

  221. lovely

    i also wan to become a vampire

  222. Bailey

    I really want to become one? I’ve been so obsessed with becoming one? I need help on finding one or being one email me?

  223. Isla

    Hi I’m Isla and if there are any vampires out there can you come bite me I live in masterton

  224. Hannah

    i thick all the spells on you tube sake because some people really wont to became a vampire so it gets frustrating wene you try it and it dosnt work i thick sines THEY say its real then THEY should try it and if it works then they put it on the net but if not real then stop putting them on them on in so they wont get made at them.By the way im Hannah and i to be a vampire so bad

  225. mel

    i only want to say i need to become vampire but how?

  226. Am really interested in becoming a vampire

  227. Arun Andrio


  228. Can you please come and make me one I love vampires and I want to feast on human blood

  229. ratheesh

    A new life can help me to see the whole world. My wish, my dream was to see all the famous cities in the world and rock my life. I cant go anywhere i am helpless. I have read that vampires can fly so i want a new life to live my life and my dreams i am littel gready . But if you can help me i will thankfull to you

  230. listen to me guys he is just kidding vampires are real i knw sme people they are and the owner of a website about vampire he is also vamp he have some powers but there is a problem we wont contact with him because its a long procedure to contact with him from filling a form we have contact with him and all Q about vamp in that form and the answer is in that website of him so contact with me and i have to tell u that i have also some power of real vamp not energy vamp energy vamp are not real vamp and u will turn to vamp the process is easy but first contact me….. its a long story i will tell u anything and i have answer of all ur Q….

  231. who want to become a vamp real vamp and he is serious not like fucking idiots who says im a vamp im a vamp.i want to help those who is serious about this so cantact me serious guys not idiots and real vamp have not long teeth… some vamp are frm the birth and they have some special powers but normal people also turn into vamp its easy…

    • Connie

      please text me at 806 201 5801

      • I want to become a real Vampire because I know alot about them. And I Honestly do not care what people say about them. Every time I hear bad things about them it angers me. And as far as The Hunters go I think all Vampire Hunters are just idoits.

    • I m trust on you m serious to become a real vampire
      because my life is not working m so tired in m life everyone cheat m i have no one who take care of me
      i have no real friend
      every body use my they so selfish
      m from india and noe i want to live with an real vampire
      if u are a real vapm so help me out to make a real vamp
      thats it
      now i dont want to say anything
      this is my last desire
      please please
      help me
      Mahi Yaduvanshi

    • Jordan

      R u actually a vampire

  232. hanya ashraf

    please i wanna to be avampire pls i wanna i,m in egypt but pls help me i wanna to be a vampire pls help me pls

  233. there are vampires u alll fuckers if u really want to become a vampire email me on

  234. Courtney Morey

    Hi, i am looking into becoming a vampire, or something else to be honest, i have been depressed and loads more stuff for about 6 or more months and i just cant handle it anymore, i want something new and actually exciting in my life, and life honestly cant just be about money and killing off poor people and bombing places and everything else that the government wants to do. This world used to be the most lovely place in the world maybe 50 or more years ago, it used to be forests everywhere and hardly and green house gas, we are literally killing off this planet and im over it. I know i proberly shouldnt be saying all this but its true and if no one can see that, then i think your dumb or something. Please help.

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      Hi Courtney,

      I greatly admire your compassion towards the Earth both humans and vampires share. It is terrible that these things are being done.

      My boyfriend is a vampire and like most of his kind, greatly concerned about how the Earth is being pillaged. He wishes it was like it used to be, forested and greener.

      However, I’m concerned that your depression wouldn’t bode well for becoming a vampire. Being a vampire is very difficult and many newcomers become even more depressed once the change occurs. You have to say goodbye to your family, hurt people. Sometimes kill people. The thirst should not be doubted and it takes a good 10 years before you can even speak near a human!

      – Sam (

  235. Yes I would love to be a Vampire.

  236. hdth

    I’m scrolling through these comments and just shaking my head.

  237. Danielle

    Phone me i need vampire blood 403-995-4568 thanks

  238. i want to become a vampire, i would sell my soul just to become a vampire. please help me, please email me

  239. carmen

    fuck i whant to be vampier

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      No need for foul language! Vampires are not fond of potty mouths.

      My boyfriend is a vampire, and he wants to know:
      a) where are your parents and why do they let you use such profanities?
      b) why do you want to become a vampire?

      He might have been interested in turning you in to his vampire apprentice, but first you’d need to clean up your act!

      – Sam (

  240. Mredul

    I really want to become a vampire. Please somebody help ne please. I hate my human life. It’s hart ne everytime. Please please please help me.?

  241. Jordan

    I’ve always wanted to be a vamp but I’m 12 and I’ve got some quetions. Is it true they smell like 1) do u or they smell like vanilla to hide the sent of death 2) where would u even find a vampire .email me at

    • subhasini

      i am also having this question

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      Hi Jordan,

      I found your post on talking about vampires.

      You asked:

      “I’ve always wanted to be a vamp but I’m 12 and I’ve got some quetions. Is it true they smell like 1) do u or they smell like vanilla to hide the sent of death 2) where would u even find a vampire”

      My boyfriend is a vampire, so I know the answers. 🙂

      1. Vampires do not smell much. Vampires have a strong sense of smell and even then they have difficulty tracking each other down by smell. They tend to put special, unique perfumes to communicate their identities from farther away. You are actually very clever to bring up vanilla because their perfumes are not alcohol based, but flower or plant based. My husband’s perfume signature is sunflower. A bit ironic, isn’t it?

      They don’t use vanilla to hide the scent of death. After feeding and drinking blood, they can smell a bit stinky and have bad breath, but they just chew charchoal to deactivate the odor.

      2. There are only about 300 vampires in existence, so they are difficult to find. They are very secretive, you know? If you’ve ever woken up unable to move for no reason, and especially saw a pitch black man-shaped shadow in front of you, you likely were attacked and fed from. If you woke up with a sore throat that morning, a tooth ache, or an ingrown toenail, that is a definite sign you have been fed from.

      – Samantha (

  242. subhasini

    I want 2 become a vampire and i love vampire………………:):)

  243. Amritha

    i want to be a vampire please do help me my mail id is

  244. Okay so I want to become a vampire but then again I still want all my friends and I have a friend who will become one with me but I am waiting till we’re older do u think we can do that wait till we’re older

  245. Amelia Blackwell please send me the spell I don’t have an email but I do have a Facebook go to Annabel castellano on face book friend me and send me the spell please I really want to become a vampire I dream about becoming one just please I’m do anything it takes to become a vampire even if it means I have to go to hell and back to become one

  246. Amelia Blackwell please send me the spell on my phone my number is 1816 674 9747 please I wood do anything

  247. Of causal Kahn please contact me I’m 12 years old and really wanting to become a vampire please help a girl out contact me at 1816 674 9747

  248. Jordan

    Same I’m 12 a boy and want to be a vampire . Please help me
    My phone number is 07511 449873 text me and my email is

  249. buffy clark

    There are many things out there about vampires and I feel many of them are true,butt the first thing I remember as a child was the feeling that part of me was missing..I was to young to no What vampires whore, butt I felt it under my skin and still feel it..I feel that part of me wants to come out or maybe It’s missing… it is my home..p.s. movies are over dramatically messing with might want to look deeper!!

  250. buffy clark

    So many years of evolution,, you mean to tell me that we as humans do not understand yet!! I do no one thing about vampires,,,,,,, they are ten times smarter and understand more then I or you will ever be able to why turn someone at the bottom of the human evolution chain into a vampire.I wouldn’t! Would you?

  251. Tom Armstrong

    im 13 and wanting to be a vampire my email is and my phone number is 07530834513

  252. Rishabh

    make me a vampire. will work for you email me…. waiting for ur reply

  253. I wanna become a vampire cz i want 2 leave Dis wrld bt nt completely ! Wanna hav an eye on my famly m totally depresd ! Evrythyn Is screwd up n nw i wanna leave evrythyn

  254. Jordan

    If u r a ACTUALL vampire not a fake and is willing to turn me then mentor me and will travel to where I live email me at

  255. hi I am a vampire and their is not enoth room for to menny vampire because we need humans because of their blood and we need that or we will die i am struggaling for blood because i dont get enoth because i get it from children i am only 112 in vampire and yes we are reel.

  256. Last tym i said ma problem 2 u bt no rply ! 😦 plz i wanna b a vampire fr a genuine reason ! Plz help ma no.. Is 9482565609 ! If by July i won’t bcum a vampire den i hav 2 commit suicide no oder choice 😦

  257. Jordan

    You know what I think I’m a skeptic I don’t believe in vampires but there is one way to prove it bite someone in front of me or bite me unless there is none every vamp if they r there u have 2 weeks my email is
    Email me to discuss something



  259. Kittu

    I also have dream to be a vampire but all says that vampires are not exist..but still i am waiting for something special which can make me vampire..plz

  260. consuelo

    Is that true ???

  261. hanya ashraf

    please i wanna to be avampire i hate my life pls vampire i,m in egypt

  262. Joseph

    I love to be a vampire

  263. Joseph

    vampire a good

  264. Janey

    Hey, i really want to be a vampire since im 10 until now. now im 15. Plz reply this comment. I really want to be one. PLEASE.

  265. rukhmini

    i want to be a vampire,i am an indian,and i love to drink human blood..pls cntct me as soon as possible,i am ready to do anythng to become a vampire….

  266. Quentin

    hey, i know that there is a vampires out there and i really want to become one myself,so please help me to find the right way to do it. i live in South Africa and really need a change in my life… i really want to see the world through a vampires eyes ….

  267. Jordan

    Is there any out there I want to meet one

  268. Sam

    is this real? it can’t be…i wanna be a vampire..but how can i find someone?

  269. gez t

    hi i am a vampire i never sleep and eat all meat but the pointy teath thing is a rummer and you people dont no how to become 1 🙂

  270. nasir

    i want to achieve the power of vampire

  271. vampirehunter

    i was born to be a vampire??????

  272. vampirehunter

    i wanna be a VAMPIRE until now!!!!!! who want somE bLooD???


  273. chloe

    Ok. I want to be a vampire but i’ll wait until i’m like sixteen seventeen years old because I don’t want to look like a kid my whole life

  274. Hahaha the plastic surgeon is not one of us, this was fun and funny to read thanks for making my night see you later



  276. Neptune

    If anyone here in this site have any questions about vampires, elves and faries, mail me at and trust me you won’t regret. Rest of my information like who I’m, what I’m etc. etc. will be answered to those who mails me.

  277. Every time, I have been childhood wanted to be became a Vampire really badly, I mean it! Because I really really really afraid of died, I hate it. I want to many years like 500 or 1,000 years! And I always in dream want to be real Vampire but it’s not have one… 😦

  278. Can you turn me in to a vampire my address. 434 6st Dayton ky name is johnny

  279. kc kennedy

    i wanna be a vampire

  280. raskin

    really…i want to be a vampire….but how i turn into a vampire..??i m 17 years old.i can do every thing to be a vampire…..plzzzzzz tell meee…..

  281. Emily

    I want to be a vampire!

  282. Laila

    So vampires is really exist? It is true u can mke human to vampire?

  283. Matthew

    I hate my life. 😦 I just want to get away from everything and I know this might sound weird but I wish I got turned into a vampire in my sleep 🙂 I’m 13 yrs old and I get bullied at my school and get shouted at by my mum for no reason sometimes I just feel like giving up my life and killing myself. I’ve slit my arms and wrists and I will do it again and again. Please help me 😦 contact me at.

  284. pathum bandara

    i want to be a vempire… so how can be a vempire

  285. I want to be come a vampire i am 21 i don’t want to grow old and die i want to live long i am from Nigerian

  286. Haley

    Hi… can u please email me? I need to become a vampire… trust me its my only option in this world, i know alot of people want to become one but i need it please… i know how to do it but i need help on getting a vampires bliid to drink because i cant find any vampires

  287. Haley

    Hi.. i need ur help to find a vampires blood to drink, can u help? becoming a vampire is my only choice.. please believe me and help me

  288. viraj

    i want to be a vampire.. coz i feel that to my self and body .. coz i feel im different i wanna be a vampire.
    i hate my this life in this life i get nathing so please help me
    i do anything to became a vampire
    my email is,
    please help me…..

  289. Crystal_drinks_ur_blood

    I have always been drawn to the world of vampires. They are creatures of beauty, danger, and fun. I have dreamt of ripping throats out with my teeth, eating hearts, but the taste of blood is the sweetest thing in my dreams. I know that i was meant to be a vampire. The ones i’ve loved were taken from me and now all i dream of is blood. So if there is a vampire then u should find me and help me to be what i was meant to be. If u think i should stop trying to be one then come convience me not to be. I’ll be waiting so don’t disappoint me.

  290. Sweta

    Any Vampire reading this, please turn me into one. Please. Please mail me. My email is
    Why I want to become a vampire and all of the talks, I will do over email please. Help me!

  291. kayla

    I want to become a vampire it would make so happy

  292. Listen I know you’ve heard this all before but I really want to become a vampire. I haven’t got anything to believe in any more. And sometimes I just feel like giving up so if you want to get back to me my email is.

  293. kayla

    I love vampires can you make me one

  294. Ayesha

    you bloody rascal…*******……just all lie….not even a singal word is truth about this all…if so then tell me the reality of all..n especially about barmuda triangle and devil sea …:/..::@…

  295. Ayesha

    and one thing i really can’t get about all these bloody suckers that why they all are dying to become a vampire..??..:@…aren’t they perfect as human ????…they think animals are superior then us???..:/..??

    • good meet me first i will drink ur blood biting u exactly in ur eyes then ur neck and then ur face ur blood i will drink every part of ur bodys blood i will make a feast where do u live??

  296. Sweta

    Hello! My name is Sweta Sharma and I am here to say a very important thing… Please take time to think and read it… Your precious time worth it… Just like many people here in this site, I have also left my email ID here asking for a vampire to mail me back and turn me if needed… Reasons which we people give are the same to a great extent… But the most important question which we should ask to ourself is ”Do we even belong to
    the human world???” Yes, u heard it right… Most of us want to become a vampire because their human life sucks but there are also many people who have everything, still they don’t feel that they belong to the humam world… I am also one of thoem… But my life sucks as well… I am just a human girl but I am different… U may ask now that WHAT MAKES ME DIFFERENT THAN HUMANS, RIGHT??? Before answering this question I would ask one question to you…TELL ME, IS THAT POSSIBLE FOR A HUMAN TO ”MANIPULATE THE NATURE???” NO, IT’S NOT, IS IT??? TRUST ME, I CAN UNDERSTAND THE BIRDS, PLANTS AND ANIMALS, THOUGH I’M NOT TOO PERFECT, BUT I can understand them to a great extent… My
    mood has slight effect on nature… So that makes me different from normal human beings… So if there are people out there who are humans but different like me then mail me at

  297. Sweta

    Excuse me!!! I am not here to bet with anyone… Also i didn’t say that I have smelling power and animal hearing power… I just said that i can understand them but i am not too perfect… I will become perfect when i turn to a vampire… Read comments properly before u write or say something… If i was that perfect, i would have asked any animals or birds to search vampires for me but as i said, i couldn’t because i am not yet that perfect, experienced or expert in doing so… I also said that my mood
    has slight effect on the climate and please don’t tell me that u don’t know the meaning of ‘slight.’ thank u…

    • leo

      Hi sweta lets me give u something,, listen to this music while u are walking around and judge for yourself…tell me what u found …Beethoven’s 5 Secrets – OneRepublic (Cello/Orchestral Cover)

  298. Sweta

    Fear Keat, are u a vampire???

  299. u vampires i live in the pearl of africa . we live in abandant sunlight and am aborn again in christ jesus u cant touch me am in uganda africa my facebook mail is u dont exist. if u do exist then this is aholy battle am comin 4 u , guys satan is usin u wake up if there is any slaire vampire group i willin 2 join u . am human but am stronger than u fucked up flicks. now ve made u me dream 2 slain u ass holes try me

  300. am in uganda acity kampala in najjanankumbi along wamala 20yrs

  301. suhaan

    I want to become a vampire please make i my life please please please……

  302. suhaan

    I want to be became a vampire please please please …………….
    Make my life turn into the vampire please please please………………
    Help me please please

  303. Arup baishya

    i want to become a please advice me..what can i do for it..

  304. pratik

    I want to become a vampire

  305. wat rubbish if vampire exist then prove it making me one of them…

  306. vamsi

    stupid its all rubbish vampire are not there in world

  307. arjun

    i wanna become vampire

  308. arvind

    i really want to become a vampire because i am bored with my simple life.
    please make me vampire.
    i can do anything for it

  309. arvind

    i really want to become a vampire because i am bored with my boring human life.
    please make me vampire.
    i can do anything for it.
    plz don’t ignore my request

  310. sai

    wt da hell this all……….and all………wen i am going to dead………….then i should be vampire……………..that’s it……stop this fuk and all

  311. Vana

    Hello, i wanna be a vampire, idk if it’s true or not… How can i be one?! I mean i’m in kurdistan, iraq.. They don’t believe in those things.. Help me pls, how can i be one?

  312. sachin gupta

    no any vampire in our earth I am not seen any who

  313. hassanally mchomvu

    i wanna really realy to become a vampire help me please do anything inorder to be a vampire pl9

  314. Olivia

    Like all of you I’ve been dwelling in this boreing human life wishing and hopeing one day something will happen my spells will work I’ve even tryed selling my soul for this I’m willing to give up anything and i havre yet to see any results so i hope someone who’s a vampire will bite me and change my life forever please save my from humanity …my names olivia and I’m 15 on my way tko being 16 in 4 months. so please save me from this life ….

  315. hassanally mchomvu

    any vampire here help me to be like you please contact me 0652909211 please do anything am aleady and my email but is better to call me…. Please help me

  316. hassanally mchomvu

    can i be a vampire nikita ???????? And how???????? Please answer me

  317. I think this is not real but i hope meet a vampire because i need to be a vampire my life is not good , samtimes i feel like i need a blood but i dont belived so please if you can help me this is my fb i need meet a vampire who can help me

  318. caroline

    i live in africa , i am trying to become a vampire , but i don’t have enough infos on how to become one ? do the spell you guys mentioned actually work ? if you know how to do this , turn into a vampire let me know .

  319. leo

    yeah i want to be a vampire… proof it so i can be one of them im really tired to trust this all ..what ever…i will reply back when i turn to vampire…

  320. Sam

    Howe do you get a vampire

  321. yasmine

    i hope it’s real like this .i wanna be a vampire because i’am not good i need to drink blood but i can’t do it because i’am still a humen i beleiv in vampire and i wanna be a vampire

  322. yasmine

    my life is between your hands pleas save my life from huminity by the way i’am yasmine from algeria and i m 15 years old i want you to save me pleas

  323. Hey I just read this ha the video at the end is hilarious I may sound nuts but I just wish that I could be one of them who cares if I have to die first and drink a vampires blood but its probably axing to neat people in races not that I already am the gayest runner at college but still being a vampire been ma dream since kindergarten 😀 so anyone ya know that can help please let me know 😀

  324. tumelo ezekiel

    i wanna be a vampire pls help….

  325. i want to be a vampair what can I do I reall want that

  326. wiv_OX

    hey every one i´m filling like i´m changing in to vampire be cause my strengh double .

  327. murad

    i beg you make me a vapire and i wll stay forever wiht you.when im done wiht me family.

  328. omid

    i m from in iran can you come here and cheng me becuse i want evench form some pepole

  329. you are all crazy becouse the vapire doesn’t exist…if they were they wil do something to you..

  330. Addie

    I wanna be a vampier , but being vampire like Edward ( in twilight ) is possible for me or not? His skin colour , his abilities etc?

  331. tiffeny

    If your a vampire can you still go to church worship god nd go to heaven?

  332. tiffeny

    Blood red pale skin moonlight draw me in quinch my thirst coarsing veins let my body feel no pain this is a vampire spell say this 10 times at night nd then ur a vampire enjoy ppl

  333. im a real vampire its fun and all but you have to control your self around humans but i learned only at night though

  334. Jagroop

    If ur sayin d truth den plz trun me into a vampire just luv 2 b one of them and anything u wnt to let me no abt diz plz meet me on ma email tat is plz. Plz plz plz dont egnore dis….

  335. anu

    i want to become a vampire . thats mydream please turn me into vampire . sorry i was just joking i am a

  336. Alna

    Very interesting, wish I could do the lifestyle, totally rocks

  337. spar

    wats ds vampire stuff if u r 1 find me

  338. how about you guys give my your ip address and il come im a real vampire and i want to suck some people blood plz tell me where you are i like humans blood but people can i tell you something because actually we vampires when we suck humans bloods we dont let them survive theylle become dead people in graves youre not going to be a vampire who suck the another human and the human becomes a vampire because thats not real and youre not going to be a hot guy to =p.thats actually stupid becuase we vampires suck blood so we can feel refreshed and have strength and great body shape thats why we suck humans blood k cya

  339. i got the sentence wrong its how about you guy give me your ip address*

  340. zakirin

    I wanna be the best of the best, for the whole decade. Make me to be a vampire please

  341. veronika

    name veronika

    it is my dream to become a vampire if this all is real pleas turn into won or give me a spell plz plz plz ooo plz plz plz plz plz my email is im not from england but im


    p.s. is my dream pleas ill be so happy

  342. Kuro Ishida

    I want to become a vampire or devil and kill who the one I hate!!!!!!

  343. I want become a vampire this is my contact no help me 9878080137

  344. princess123

    I belive that vampires egsist I am a beliver but I need help trying to find one I want to turn how do you turn? If anyone knows anything to help me please let me know.

  345. Courtney

    I’d like to know more before making a decision

  346. Zee

    I want 2 became a Vampire ! Im in South Africa ! Plz help

  347. Katerina

    I have always wanted to become a vampire after I watched the vampire I think it would be amazing for me to look young and not grow old I would love to become a vampire please!

  348. Katerina

    I have always wanted to become a vampire after I watched the vampire diaries. I think it would be amazing for me to look young and not grow old. I would love to become a vampire please!

  349. peter

    there are two kinds of vampires ones who can go into the light and the ones who stay hidden in the shadows.

  350. Ebba

    Ooh, i really want to become a vampire, its my biggest dream, you know, how cool? i hope they are real!

  351. Ebba

    ooh, i want to become a vampire, its my biggest dream, you know, how cool? I believe in them!

  352. ugwuobinna

    plz plz I realy lyk it help me out .

  353. Can someone send a vampire to my house, please. I really want to be a vampire. I have such a incredibly boring human life. I’m 16 and I would seriously not getting older. It would be great to always be young and never grow old. Even if it means forever with blood thirst for human blood.
    Steinbrubakken 6:33 40 Åmot, Norway
    Or at Rosthaug Secondary School agricultural school Department Buskerud.

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      Hello Ida, I couldn’t message you through FB, so hopefully you will see this.

      Would you consider becoming a vampire if it meant killing to feed? Because I will tell you straight, as someone who is pretty much married to one, you have to be in the right vampiric mindset to not go insane from the guilt of killing often.

      If you are still interested, email me at (

  354. marten

    Hi i really wanna become a vampire and i live in south africa and need help to turn into a vampire so please help me and my name is Marten carstens< you can find me on facebook @ Marten Carstens (my profile is a guy from Call of Duty) thank you 🙂

  355. ashish

    i want made a vampire.. i really want

    • Lamia

      why? People want to become a one, but dont even real know why…. Ask yourself…is it just to satisfy your EGO? Be stronger than other, cause you are too week to protect yourself without any powers/might? Revenge? Or just to fill your empty life with some reason? So you become one, what will you do? You have to give up all social connections…people who real love you, your job… your life will never be the same. And all that for what? Be happy for your mortality, cause death is salvation and not the end. There is another way to become some abilities, but putting you commentaries/wishes there, targets you as a dinner for real vampires, cause I would do the same way…

      Find yourself in meditation, in out of body experience and you will see the truth, you will know that god is real and not just belief or religion. There is a huge difference between beliving and knowing…

  356. I jzt want to bcme a good vampire..who protect people from evil eyes…

  357. kevin

    if have noth’n to do help me become one. i’m tired with my own life, i want a new one … contact me, with my email or call me 639219902892

  358. kevin

    if you have noth’n to do help me become one. i’m 21 and tired with my own life, i want a new one … contact me, with myemail or call me 639219902892 or at my fb just search Ako Po si kc or again at my email at dearnaxes@y.c

  359. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  360. Baggelhs

    I want to Become a Vampire! Is true all this? If yes, contact with me on mail:
    I’m from Greece!!! But i think is not so easy all this…. anyway contact with me…

  361. Julia Zajac

    I always loved vampires and I really don’t mind being one blood and all.
    It might be fun

  362. Jack dsouza

    Contact me on face book guys ihave some black magic spells my name’s jack dsouza

  363. Ben green

    Hi I’m Ben I would love to be a vampire could u not just turn me yourself because I don’t want to die plz message asap

  364. i really want to be a vampire.

  365. dhaval

    i want to be a vampire be coz i had lost everything in my life especially my love for her i can be devil for hole world and every person…….

  366. Hedda Synnøve Hansen

    Please, kik me! I get help from another.. But I think he is fake.. I live in Norway.. My kik is HeSyHa.. If you don’t have kik, please respond this comment.. As fast as possible.


  367. V

    In this blog it said you have an LA “connection” but you didn’t leave a number…. I need that number. How can I contact you?

  368. mohit

    I am fed up from life. I want to be vempire. And want to go out from the place where i live forever. I want to live life like vempires so. And i know its true that vempires exist in this world. So please help me out. I really beg you to turn me into vempire…

    • ancient egyptians know how to turn a body into vampire first u will hav to die in egypt its ancient and forbidden i dont have permissions to tell the truth

  369. Anna

    I would like to know if there are any vampires out there that would conciser turning me and my fiance? (please read my story before you say no) Thank you.

    I want to live forever or at least till the world ends I guess. There are a million reasons I want to be turned one of the most important ones is that I want to study everything. I studied philosophy in college and I’m going to graduate school to get a PhD in philosophy but there is more i want to study actually when I say everything I mean it i could study every subject in the world, I also want to see the world and see it again and again. But there isn’t enough time in life to get a million PhD’s and you might say that’s a lame reason to become a vampire but its what I and my fiance love it’s what we live for. But there are other reasons why I want to be with the love of my life to live and be free, see we where robed and are till being robed of time by our family, yes I know I said I diffident have a family well not a real one anyway they are abusive and controlling and only up in till collage was I able to break free and study what I love and same with my fiance only up in till than was he being controlled and abused. That’s not to say we hate them we actually pity them. They delusional that they don’t even see what they do to hurt us is wrong. If we where vampires we could protect our self from them and not have to break the bubble they live in but let them live the rest of there human lives with us, then we can truly start to live ours. I would not miss them I don’t love them but I do feel obligated to them since they created me also I pity them, we (me and my fiance) do. I want we want to live and live and be free and strong and ageless and filled with knowledge of all the things that is out there to be learned. I know this is asking alot but we feel that we need this would one of you consider turning us? At least think about it. If you need more information we would be happy to tell you what you like to know.

    Thank you for listening to my story,

  370. I want to be a vampire really quick because I hate being a little human and I want to be if you can let me be a vampire. I would do any thing.

  371. Frost

    I’m not gonna lie I need a fresh start in life. I would want this to be my second chance to redeem myself. I want to be more than me. I want to be special and have a great gift. If you’re the one to end up being my master or just need a new loyal friend in your immortal state. Email this

  372. Dominique

    Who is a REAL Vampire because a lot of people are just fake

  373. marnae

    Can you email me. I would like to know your contact in L.A

  374. i wanna be a vampire at any how
    but how can it possible please suggest me

    • Hello welcome to (new-worldvampire kingdom.Do you want to be a vampire,still in human,haven talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten mines time to a human again, with out delaying in a good human posture.this is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture.if you are interested contact us on our mail, and you we have the knowledge of turning into vampire

  375. Unknown.

    You wanna know more about Vampire’s?
    I’m one. Luckily, I don’t do turnings. Sorry, I won’t turn an innocent. I’m here, if you need any info, about us, but I won’t trun anyone that, is unacceptable.
    Email me at
    Somehow, there is some Vampire’s, which is unlinke me, who would love to turn you.
    I would do anything, to be human again.
    I’m a 105 year old Vampire. I’m not the oldest one around.
    First thing of being a Vampire, do not believe anything, you read in Magazine’s, or on sites.
    Yes, we are weakened by the sun. We wear daylight rings, necklaces, or bracelets.
    Somehow, you do need to find a withc who’s willing to enchant it for you.
    It’s not easy being a Vampire.. Actually, the way how I see it, it’s miserable. Trust me. You don’t want to become one.
    Yeah, I get why you want to become one, because of the Mind control, super powers, and speed.
    That’s all fun and games, but not the point of all of this.
    Stop, with what your doing. Ok? If you guys keep making a biggy out of it, all of us Vampires, will end up wit a stake in our hearts. We’ve already fought so hard, to reunite.

    For any more information, email me.

    • claire

      did u get enchated by a wich do you know were one is if you do plz tell me were are u boy or girl i just want to know

    • vampires dont age i still dont know returning from hell when i dranked first human blood and i dont have such kinda bullshit like mind control and powers meet me and teach me haha if u dont i will drink ur blood 105 years old hahaha believe me i m starving i will tell u every thing about vampires then i will kill u slowly steadly

  376. bassey uket

    I want to be a vampire too

  377. Jazzmine

    please help me i wanna become a vampire please contact me on my email

  378. i would do anything to become a vampire i tried a lots of spells but they don’t work

  379. Jerneille Williams

    hi i still wanna be a vampire could you contact me at my email or kik ZJadeX…. please respond to this comment

  380. hey vampire u can have my blood ,,, bite me please my email is
    and vampires please bite me im sick of my life please bite me i hate morings i love the nite! 😀

  381. Alin

    Idiots,it doesn’t exist.

    • good meet me first i will drink ur blood biting u exactly in ur eyes then ur neck and then ur face ur blood i will make a feast where do u live 😀

  382. nancynick

    i want to become a vampire coz my whole life is to become a vampire,. I really want to become a vampire. My name is nancynick and am 14years old. Please i want to be a vampire……!!!!

    • Hello welcome to (new-worldvampire kingdom.Do you want to be a vampire,still in human,haven talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten mines time to a human again, with out delaying in a good human posture.this is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture.if you are interested contact us on our mail, and you we have the knowledge of turning into vampire

  383. Thomas Davis

    fine i will bite, where can i find a vampire or a witch of the wild ?

  384. prince prabhat

    i want a become a vimpaear bcoz i am so weak plz i did not live this life plz

    • Hello welcome to (new-worldvampire kingdom.Do you want to be a vampire,still in human,haven talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten mines time to a human again, with out delaying in a good human posture.this is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture.if you are interested contact us on our mail, and you we have the knowledge of turning into vampire

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      Hello Prince,

      Becoming a vampire will not make you any emotionally stronger. It’s an immortal commitment and means basically becoming a hermit to time itself. My boyfriend was turned a long time ago and knows the pain involved.

      Email me at ( if you have any other vampire-related questions!

      – Sam

  385. sirine

    are you guys kidding or what

  386. sam zeeiter

    already have side effects . Not full awakned but looking to be awakened for real , cause it’s agny can’t stand it . Idk if i’m becoming one or not . Already read this befor and made my life choice that’s y i’m here now . I’m talking seriously if this is somekind of joke i suggest do not advice me cause i’ve been to a lot also got my self trouble with real vampires

    • Cristian heres my email addres hope we can talk , i want to find a vampire and talk with him or her see where the conversation goes send me an email as soon as possible . Location Romania

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      What vampiric symptoms are you having? Please email me at ( as I have lots of experiencing determing whether you are actually becoming a vampire or just have latent psychic or medium abilities.

      – Samantha

  387. lucifer dark heart

    ok i will bite, i want to be a vampire but whats the catch, do i need to do years of service or prove myself to you and i cant find a wild witch anywhere but i think i have find one at the top of my street but she says shes not a witch but i know she is lying to me. but yes i want to be a vampire cause i sleep in the day any way haha

    • Hello welcome to (new-worldvampire kingdom.Do you want to be a vampire,still in human,haven talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten mines time to a human again, with out delaying in a good human posture.this is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture.if you are interested contact us on our mail, and you we have the knowledge of turning into vampire

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      Hi Lucifer, interesting name you got there. I hope you aren’t a real Luciferian as vampires tend to be Buddhists or Jainists.

      If you wish to become a vampire, you are likely going to need to work under a vampire as his assistant. This is a full time position, requires you to leave your family and travel at moments’ notice, live as a vagrant, basically completely abandon your previous identity and stay hidden. Are you good with languages? The more languages you know, the better, as only about 30/300 vampires around these days knows any English.

      – Samantha (

    • hahaha this isnt joke there are no things as witch i wanna meet that witch i wanna drink her blood also

  388. Ash

    If there are any vampires out there that need a blood donor or something like that, contact me at

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      What’s your blood type? My vampire bf is always looking for willing donors.

      – Samantha (

  389. Pls,i want to be a vampire,where can i find a vamp to change me.pls sum1 help me

  390. Ash

    Can someone plz send me some vampire blood? My email is I’m only 11 but this is my dream.

  391. corey wyatt st lawrence

    i have dreamed of being a vampire since the time i was three. i want it for sure now. please help me become a vampire?

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      Hi Corey,
      Why do you want to become a vampire? It’s a very difficult life, you know.
      My boyfriend was changed in to one a long time ago and wants you to know be careful what you wish for. Immortality is not all it’s cracked up to be.

      – Samantha (

  392. arif

    I want to become a vampire because .I like it it’s not only because you can fly, be strong and sexy …. IDK i want to become a vampire — i have 14 years every night im searching for a vampire but no results so please i know they are hiding somewhere …..

    • Ghost

      we don’t really have to hide to be honest. we’re right under your nose.

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      Hello Arif!

      My boyfriend is a vampire and wants you to know vampires cannot fly, but they can jump about a story high and run about twice as fast as humans. Figure that, huh?

      Also, he finds it flattering you think vampires are sexy, but wants you to also know they do not look like the modern interpretations. I’d compare it to how mermaid legends came from drunk sailors confusing a sea cow with a woman.

      HINT: Vampires lose their “male parts”, if you know what I mean.

      – Samantha L (

    • vampires cant fly we have a thirst of blood thats our food and nothing and if u want to be a vampire go to egypt where ******************* named city where u can meet a monster named ********* he can tell u the original legends what we do

      • return from hell after dying then u can b vampire jst after dying dont bury ur body leave it to egyptians they will do the rest 😀

  393. Anand

    Sir i want to become a vampire help me sir plze plze

  394. i real need to be a vempare i am 12 please i am tired of this place

  395. how much money is payed to become a vempare

  396. i wish to be a blood drinking vampire, where can i find a vampire to turn me into one?

  397. Tyler Austin

    I’m not sure if this is real or not but I’m 19 and I’m terrified of ageing of dying I am nothing with out my youth so, if his is real please help me.

  398. jasper

    you mean if you become a vampire you wont go to heaven

  399. jasper

    will u go to heaven u become a vampire

  400. jasper

    i seriously want to become a vampire i always dreamt of being one when i was young so pls pls and pls turn me into one

  401. jasper

    and if you think u are jst joking and playing around reply me

  402. jasper

    where can i get a vampire blood in ghana this is my adress inbox me

  403. jasper

    do u have to sell ur soul to the devil before u become a vampire

  404. jasper

    i want to be a vampire and not sell my soul to the devil i want to praise and worship GOD

  405. Huma

    How to become a real vampier❤😐😈

  406. glenton

    i am a vampire

  407. glenton

    i am a vampire

  408. Mbulelo

    Just wanna be a Vampire

  409. hamid

    i want to be a vampire bcz its so cool! please email me the process to become a vamp without a bite of another vamp bcz i can’t find a vamp…plZ reply

  410. Jade

    i wanted to become a vampire for a while now

    please help me become a vampire???

  411. karim

    i wanna be a vampire to live for ever and for feed on humans and to kill .

  412. vampirismclub

    me too i want to become a vampire .. please mote it be !!

  413. Aman

    I Assure U that I Have The Capacity to become A Vampire… Anybody Call Me 8553912420

  414. thuli

    Hello,been obsessed about vampires since I was a kid and surprisingly I still am and that obsession became somthing I really want….I want to be a vampire can that happen?if so plz plz help……South Africa

  415. thuli

    Hello,been obsessed with vampires since I was a kid nd surprisingly I still am ,nd would like to be a vampire did my research nd am happy with what I found and I want to be a vampire help plz,from a real vampire plz I don’t wanna die thank you……..South Africa

  416. abdulkeim

    i wanaa to be a vampire,but i couldn’t get the do i get the blood?

  417. i wanaa to be a awseam vampire,but i couldn’t get the do i get the blood?Plz help me?

  418. I want to become a vampire

  419. I want to be a vampire… I want to be change woorld. I want to make the world awesome… Can you make me vampire.. My email ashvanee22atgmail.(com)

  420. ELZA

    look I like to be a vampire cuz i watch the twilight saga and what i see i like it but the importen question is HOW TO BE A VAMPIRE ? u dont tell us :/ ?

  421. Piper Hart

    I believe that vampires are real and I wish that I could be one sometimes. I love mythical creatures and I no alot about them to. I would love to tell people all about them and vampires to and I also love the flame golden bird called the phoenix. I hope they are real but people say that it was an Eygupeshon roomer and it’s not real. I believe that the phoenix is real and I don’t care what people say about my believes in mythical creatures as long as I no that they are REAL and I no it.

    Thanks for reading!!! By an 13 yearold girl called Piper Hart !!!!!!!!

  422. Dotty

    It would be practiced perfect. Dotty Caspall

  423. Samantha

    Ok My personal opinion guys, I am one i didnt choose to be one I fell in love with him and he turned me my life has been miserable since then


  424. i am a vampire an all of this is great info but i did not come to you and this is how i live i sleep in a cofen drink blood and sleep a lot in school

  425. Abhishek

    Well! I,m going to drink blood. i want to also drink

  426. tawseeff mAjedd

    please help mee…..i want to become a vampire…please n please help am in a big problem…i would love to become a vampire

  427. bunny

    i waann 2 become vampire and licons

  428. Hadley

    I want to become a vampire.

  429. Me

    1.)How can I get sun protection ring
    2.) What abilities wIl I contaIn
    3.) What color wIll my eyes be
    4.) When can I use my abilities

  430. wilson

    Am Wilson by name, i turn to a vampire any time i want to. i become a
    vampire because of how people treat me, this world is a wicked world and
    not fair to any body. at the snack of my finger things are made happened.
    am now a powerful man and no one step on me without an apology goes free. i
    turn to human being also at any time i want to. and am one of the most
    dreaded man in my country. i become a vampire through the help of my friend
    who introduce me into a vampire kingdom by given me their can
    follow me on email wilsonvp32@gmail.or search me on face book through my
    email. if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly contact the vampire
    kingdom on their email

  431. Johnson

    by name Am Johnson, i become a vampire because of the wicked world i was to live, the world is not fair to any body.
    things are made to happened when ever i want it to.i turn to a vampire any time i want to.
    am now a powerful man and no one step on me and goes free except they apologies.
    i read the mind of people and their thought.
    i also turn to human at any time. and am one of the most respected man in my geography.
    my friend introduce me into a vampire hood by given me their email.
    am happy that my dream came through. if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly
    contact the vampire hood on their email

  432. I need to be a vampire know so how i can be

  433. always wish to be
    a vampire..I mean a
    good vampire
    without the Devil’s
    help…I wish
    someone can do it
    for me because I
    know that being a
    vampire has a Devil

  434. victoria lima

    please !!!! its not real its fake !!

  435. Beth Dawkins

    I am in the south west of the united kingdom and want to be turned into a vampire. Either email me at or kik me BeeDee98… Thank you

  436. Being a mortal is so fucking stupid.

  437. I Hate This Mortal Life, To Much Stress, I Want A Different Path

  438. Rohan ghishing

    wna become vampire ….please help

  439. silver

    I really wanna become vampire. Please help me out. Its just my only wish

  440. Molina Rose

    My Name her Molina Rose am from New York, Usa. 105 years old am here to testify how i became a vampire and i will love to tell the public that its like am leaving double life now,(Two Life or Two world) am very powerful and famous. people around me respect me and fear me. i can do anything possible and what is impossible in the sight of ordinarily man. the most important thing is that am leaving on this earth for the past 80 years as a vampire, i was 25 years old after drinking the blood of Dinna Van who was 125 years then. I know alot of people in the world who is wanting to become a vampire, you can contact my sire on because he got older blood for you to drink.

    With the help of been a vampire, you can do anything and become powerful, famous and recognize by the world. People will need your help and be scared of you. my life has change since i became a vampire.

    To become a vampire contact

    Note that serious people only and you must not play with the almighty Dinna Van because he got powers to voke you out, and make you mad or what ever he think of doing to you.

  441. sudip

    I went to became a vampire anyone can help me please help me please
    that’s my mobile no +919732755829

    that’s my email

  442. sherly k antony

    i am a vampire

  443. sherly k antony


  444. I wanna so much be a vempire si how i could

  445. Is that the only way to be turned into a vampire or is there a
    Different way to turn into a vampire?

  446. shiana sachdeva

    i want to have friendly talk with vampire bcz its good to have friends and i bored of selfish mean stubborn friends of my surrounding and duh! its always good to have some new friends

  447. Asaunte Brazier

    Is there a cure for vampirism?

  448. Akhilesh

    please send me your contact number on the above gmail account because I really really want to become a vampire

  449. Plz help me i am became a vampirema jann ti hu ki ya bhut muskil h but plz help me i am rep to u plz…

  450. jobert

    i want to become a vampir
    here’s my phone number. 09991128671

  451. jobert

    i want to become a vampire..
    just help me pls…09991128671. i want to revenge

  452. anamika

    Yes me to I love vampire boy

  453. jordan medley

    i want to be a vampire

  454. natasha

    yes me also want to be a hot cool fast strong vampire girl help me

  455. natasha

    quick i really want to be a vampire plzz help me and contact me on my e.mail aress

  456. Misha gupta

    I want to change my soul a vampire.well i need to talk ,,chat with me

  457. hassan

    hi i am 12 but i really want to be a vampire because i am tired of people bullying me all the time so thats why i want to be a vampire

  458. sandy

    *…Hi I have been reading this whole page and I really wanna be a vampire… Because I want 2 be free not be cept in a room for evEr and ever is a long time but please will u help me I really like really wanne be a blood sucker please… Its fun amazing and conpel people that is just awesome so plz but the prob is in turning 15 this year and want this for my birthday or before my birthday thanks …* and u can follow me on twitter @sandyvermaak822 if u want •

  459. I wish I can be a vampire I hate to be a human because I always fall sick easily I hate human body I hate sick can u teach me how to change myself into a vampire

    Sir plz plz plz make me a real Vampire plz help me
    em i tride to human life plz sir
    Email me on here

  460. Shailee

    Hey!!! Please….. Turn me…. I wanna be a vampire……
    A true vampire….. Please turn meee….

  461. hanya ashraf

    hey my name is hanya,, pls i wanna to be a real &good vampire pls i realyy want it i wanna to be a real vampire pls soon

    • If u want to become a vampire go to egypt and kill urself returning from hell dont bury ur body and first thing vampires are not good we r a nightmare to humans

  462. hanya ashraf

    pls if any one know any vampire pls tell mee i really wanna te be avampire pls help me pls reply me pls

    • Samantha Lyndquist

      Hello Hanya, you have a beautiful name.

      My boyfriend, an immortal vampire, wishes to know why you want to become one of his kind.

      – Samantha (

  463. kojak

    yes i wanna be a real vampire because i wanna leave for ever and im tired of being week
    my name is kojak my email address is

  464. Helena Dolph Jackson

    My names are . Helena Dolph Jackson,
    Am here to give my testimony of how i became a vampire.Long time ago,a friend of mine told me that Vampires are real and i doubted it
    at the first place,not until she confessed to me that she is one of them.She told me the reason she had to became a vampire,at first i was
    scared of her but later she made me understand that i need not to be scared and that becoming a vampire will only make me live longer than
    expected,become famous and be able to fight all my enemies which i later agreed to become,i never thought it was real not until recently.
    Am very proud to be one of them now,i have no reason to be scared to give my testimony to the world.In case you are interested,just contact
    the bellow

  465. Anahi

    I want to become a vampire..

  466. ily cooper

    i want to become a vampire because i have no life to live

  467. Myca

    U said if someone wanted to become a vampire read this site and then choice we’ll I did so how do I get this blood

  468. sidhant sihag

    I need to be a vampire or I am committing suicide. I have no reason to live

  469. andre

    I need you to change me please mail me at: im sooo ready and will do what iy takes

  470. MUSKAAN

    plz….help me too… become vampire…. m tiered wid ma lyf…. i juzz wann to become vampire…… so plz help me out……sir plz…..rply for this…

  471. MUSKAAN

    sir plz… me ……..i rlly tiered wid ma lyf……… i wann to enter in vampire’s world………… me out..

  472. L.A. connections , yes ? I’d be delighted to hear more . If you may , email me at your discretion.

  473. MR THOMAS

    If you want to become a member of vampire you can contact our temple email

  474. i would like to became a vanpire

  475. can any one tell me i want to become a vampire

  476. Hello friend out there my name is prillia am a vampire i was bone in califonia
    am 30years old i love beeing a vampire becaose i alwayse get what i want i have
    initiate allote of friends family member young and old ,if you have interest you want to be a vampire you are free i can initiate you and you will be one of us fame money any thing you want will definatly be yours contact to day and be initiated thanks

  477. Kimbreyana

    I want to be a vampire come to my house tonight

  478. Great post. I was checking continuously this blog and I am impressed!
    Extremely useful information specifically the last part :
    ) I care for such information a lot. I was looking for this certain information for a long time.
    Thank you and good luck.

  479. williams smith

    Many have ask this question how can I become a vampire? So if you really need to become a vampire in life is very easy not so hard that you think , How you can become a real vampire , you can become a real vampire with the help of wilfred jones who help me today become a real vampire so if you want to be a real vampire today in life you can contact him through +2348131021188

  480. James

    This is so dumb right now… Everyone trying to get interesting when all they know about vampires is what they have seen in tv shows. I truly wished all my life to be a vampire even if the truth was to be the weakest version like in Dracula having to hide from the sun, being vulnerable to silver, crosses, stake to heart and whatever else. I just always wished I could stay young forever and get rid of the pathetic human limits. My life is pointless and has always been since I can’t travel the whole world and even if I learn so much during my life, all will be wasted once I die. I hate every human habit, going to dance, go out and party, doing rituals and holidays just to feel close to each other. I feel alone and I don’t need all of this. But, my wish never came true and I don’t think it ever will be. This is all part of a big troll post since most of people here don’t even know how to type without mistakes on their keyboard. I have been in strange and dark places at night and yes sometimes you hear strange things but most likely it’s your fear and imagination that does the trick. People are just too bored and wish there was something more than their useless and shameful lives.

  481. Sarah raymond

    please send me an email, intrested and would love a change in my lifestyle as of right now, kinda boreing.

  482. Zoya

    I wanna become a vampire his can I im afraid of death so that’s why I wanna be a vampire please help me become one

  483. This is to inform the general public that Vampires are real.
    My name is James Clavin.,am an agent of vampire,am here to introduce our new world trend to you,a world of vampire where life get easier,we have
    made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich,you will be assured long life and prosperity,you shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness,stronger and also very fast,you will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk.In case you are wildly oppressed by some unscrupulous persons we can still help you fight them.Your protection is assured immediately you join.Just contact the bellow email if you are interested we are here to attend to you anytime you want us. Contact the bellow email for more details. Email: vampirescreed11 @ hotmail. com

  484. arnold sechaba

    I thnks ths is amaizin l wanna join .plz l wanna b a vampire th riper

  485. Welcome to ( New-World Vampire Kingdom).Do you want to be a vampire,still in human,having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten mines time to a human again, with out delaying in a good human posture. A world of vampire where life get easier,we have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich,you will be assured long life and prosperity,you shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness,stronger and also very fast,you will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, this is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture.if you are interested contact us on

  486. My names are LUIS FERAGO .
    Am here to give my testimony of how i became a vampire.Long time ago,a friend of mine told me that Vampires are real and i doubted it at the first place,not until she confessed to me that she is one of them.She told me the reason she had to became a vampire,at first i was scared of her but later she made me understand that i need not to be scared and that becoming a vampire will only make me live longer than expected,become famous and be able to fight all my enemies which i later agreed to become,i never thought it was real not until recently.
    Am very proud to be one of them now,i have no reason to be scared to give my testimony to the world.In case you are interested,just contact the bellow email.


  487. Aspire

    I want tobe a vampire,i’m 17 years old.and please send me one real vampire in my house.

  488. Elizabeth-Jane

    I really want to become a vampire…please help me

  489. Wow this worked but I love human blood



  491. Anthonet marcus

    I am Athonet marcus from the united state,i was been transformed to a vampire through the help of a vampire spell caster, it was just as easy as posible, at first i was thinking it going to take a while for my ( D.N.A.) to responed to the spell, all i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure i took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom,fame,influence,connections and even more that i can emergine.thanks to my dear friend Mr Scort who directed me to Mystic vampire spell home. pls if you wish to be like me contact the vampire mystic spell caster :

  492. karan

    I want to be a vempire. So plzz tell or suggested me. What I will do for this.

  493. I am a 15 year old vampire. My name is Madisen. I am looking for others like me. Are any of you like me? My email is please contact me.

  494. Anvi ahmed raza

    Plss turn me in to vampire I reaaly want to become a vampire my mom -dad have no money so I reaaly want to do something d
    for my family I m losser but when u turn me in to vampire I can do something for them soooo its my big request plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Turn me in to vampire ………………….

  495. Hi Everyone,This was how me and my BF become VAMPIRES i got a guy from the internet called Mr Marc who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and asked me to pay the sum of $250 to send me his blood which i did immediately and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into your body and in the next 30 minutes i turned into a VAMPIRE so if you interested in becoming a VAMPIRE kindly contact his email address today (JANEASHLEY333@GMAIL.COM)he also has a friend who is a warewolf just incase you want to be one okay…JANEASHLEY333@GMAIL.COM

  496. hafeez bajwa

    i read all this i want to become a vampire , please if you have contacts then help me sir it is all i just want to be a vampire ….

  497. greetings is any1 who z th vampire actually who going to tale how to being a vampire without drink other vampire blood or being bitten by it?

  498. Lucy

    I wanna be a vampire since I am little. But of course no one needs kids’vamps. Thats why I always told myself of waiting until i am around 30.

    Its pretty hopeless to become a real immortal, strong vamp.
    and by the time i accepted it that becoming a real vampire is for a lot people only a hype. even fiction of hollywood and some history freaks. Dracula etc.

    Well. I have traveled through the half world and there is still so much i wanna see and learn. But one life time isnt long enough to do so.

    I don*t wanna harm people. always save and protect. become whise and find myself.

    I try to see and learn as much as i can in the lifetime i have got.

    You guys should go on and do the same. It doesent make sence of waiting and dreaming for something which is never gonna be.

    there are no real vampires out in this world.
    Its sad but get over it.

  499. Rose

    I wanna becum a powerful vampire az earlier,i need ur help what i have to do for it ??? My Namez Roshi,called Rose….
    waiting for ur earlier response please…

  500. I want to be a vampire. Can someone help me?

  501. michael

    come to galaxy dr. 21323

  502. I want to be a real vampire how can I do ?

  503. akerkhoff

    That is too funny.

  504. shubham gautam

    How could I become vampire plzz guide me I am 17yr old boy

  505. sanuja

    sanjay ashen jay =Facebook

  506. sanuja

    how did u knew it?

  507. sanuja

    yes take a sit for 100 years!

  508. kelvin victor

    i can’t find your number

  509. xyz

    I desperately want to be a vampire. Not cuz its fun or for thrill. But for my need. Do contact me if der s a real vampire. As i truly respect dem if der is any.

  510. Hai Bin

    yes i’m ready to wanna be a vampire … or im ready to die….come and get me fuck …plz haha

  511. jon

    if any of you are actually vampires can you bite me I need to be a vampire I am board of a human life because you have no fun also is this fact true if you are a vampire is there such thing as a flechling do you have to drink human blood to become a real vampire. also if you are a vampire are you immortal also if a flechling is real can you fly

  512. sky

    Well I have been reading a lot about vamps and I really want to become one. I’m not one of those stuck up people who think that they would do it for fun. I know that it may bring consequences but I really want to do this and my friend does too. Help?

  513. Kevin emmanuel

    How can I become a vampire without been bitten.

  514. Kevin emmanuel

    How can I become a vampire without been bitten. I love vampires. Every time I close my eyes I see vampires. Every day I sleep I dream of vampires. I want to be immortal and live forever.

  515. Brennan Newton

    This is serious shit… I want to be a vampire and I don’t care who I have to kill to have it I will do anything… Even it mean the devil is in me!

  516. i want to be vampire because i love to be …can any one change me in to a vamipre ? please do it quickly..

  517. sevhen

    i want to become a vampire for real. can someone help me please.

  518. gyree mae

    Amm! Hi i want to be a vampire.

  519. Alexia

    I know what I want. I want to be a vampire. And iv thought about all of it. But iv made my mind. So If there is any vampire out there that will turn me. Or how ever you do it. I want to be one. If you want to contact me. And I’m not a faker I am a real person. I have made my mind. My email is

  520. Abi

    I want to be vampire super bad that it’s not funny!

  521. send me a real vampire im in the philippines.. I MEAN A REAL ONE I WOULD LIKE TO INTERVIEW AND OFFER SOME OF MY BLOOD

  522. kaelyn uzamaki

    Cool I want to become one I am obssesd

  523. cassidy

    I really want to be a vampire but this is so unrealistic.. all use people who make shizz like this up need to get a life or actually get some proper proof of the existence of vamps 🙂

  524. McThoze

    Me myself nd I,I wanna become a cool n popular vampire…

  525. Kyaw Thiha Naing

    Please help me i want to be a vampire it’s not a joke i really really want!!!!

  526. and i become a vampire so you help me to become me not a vampire
    real vampire
    my address is india punjab kapurthala sultanpur lodhi mewa singh wala
    jagjit singh is my name

  527. ...........

    I’m waiting….

  528. Teena

    HI, i want become vampire, please help me out,,,, requesting, .. hope u will help… waiting for ua reply.

  529. i want to be a vampire!!!!1111

  530. well i wana be hybrid the vampire then powerful hybrid is a normal human which became vampire bite after he bacame the half wolf n half vampire with blue colour n with eyes… he can get power of both vampire n wolf, he can run fast n fly too if its real vampire then i wana be hybrid n contact me on my email thanks..

  531. katie

    How is a easy free way to become a vampire

    • katie

      come find me and bite me i dont care if u do or dont i know ur out there iv sesn u a few time bad hiders for real for real.just cause these mf dont know yall r real i do so stop playing and just.bite me fuck jc penny in lake villa the ne that got took down aint noone stupid yall just got took out the bible when it was remade katie^^^^^

  532. Bad Wolf

    Hey m from South Africa n i dnt ve cash 2 burn but i wna become vampire,hw cn i got hooked up

  533. I want to be VA pls

  534. paige

    I want to be a vampire I have read everything and ready to pay any consequences There is please……. I would love to be a vampire…….

  535. Hahaha wanna meet true vampire meet me this is bullshit no one can become vampire nothing can make u vampires even if i bite u… u r wasting time meet me so i can enjoy ur blood too many days i havent dranked believe me i want to

  536. caitlin graves

    hi im caitlin and i was wondering how i can become a vampire

  537. I wanted to vampire and making vampire

  538. So, how do you go about finding a vampire? I know how the transition works but I need to find a vampire first

  539. I think this is folly. I do not believe that any vampire speaks about his life. the most you’d like in my life is to become a vampire. but these are the price fot litlle children. So If there’s anyone serious who wants talk about this let me told. I do not speak much English. Sorry for the mistakes.

  540. siyanda moshani

    How can i become a vampire

  541. sara bravo

    I am a great lover of vampires……
    Can you help me out to become one……

  542. I am a lover of vampires…..
    Can you help me out to be one of them……

  543. Make me a vampire plz.will my familiy find out?please help me to find my loveliy familis?

  544. Make me a vampire plz.will my familiy find out?pleace help me to find my familiy?

  545. patricio

    You have all failed to ask yourselves the real questions! can you endure losing mortal friends and family for an eternity,all those you come in contact with whom you hold close.they all perish,you do not.can you handle the losses or will it drive you into the fire or just insane? ask yourself can grief make you regret that decision?it almost always does.good luck on your quest……Forever young 🙂

  546. Anmol Manger

    I really wanna be a vampire I have been searching online how to be a vampire can I call a real vampire in my house in sikkim, india I can give u money I’m 14

  547. Patricio

    Almost forgot,feed only on the EVILDOERS!!!….Forever Young 🙂

  548. vampire

    I wanted to become a vampire. Any vampires are there contact me. Take a bite on my neck. Pls change my human life into a vampire. I love it 😃

  549. Patricio

    My comments must have spooked the moderator out of posting them???no foul language,no sexual content???I’m not surprised!You must be American?Freedom of speech?…huhuhuhuhu.DO NOT FEAR THE TRUTH! …..Forever young 😦

  550. Patricio

    My apologies moderator.

  551. shiana

    what are the positive and negative effects after becoming vampire ?

    if any vampire out there wants to be friend woth me my mail id is it will be nice talking with u!

  552. Caroline Lei Q. Balagtas

    I want to be a vampire because… i hate
    to be a human…and i really want to see
    real vampire to bite in my neck… every
    night i have to say… it every night like
    sorry because my english is like that
    because i’ m filipina… i hate to be human… plzzz… can u bite my neck… i want to see a dancing… this is my number… 09062886865… i live in… SAN PABLO MAGALANG PAMPANGA… IN PHILIPPINES… 😘😘😘

  553. Erfan

    hello everyone
    I want to be a vampire
    if anybody can help me how I can be a real vampire
    cotact me

  554. Erfan

    hello everyone
    I want to be a real vampire
    if anyone can help

  555. kathleen

    Hi Everyone,This was how me and my BF become VAMPIRES i got a guy from the internet called Mr Marc who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and asked me to pay for just to send me his blood which i did immediately and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into your body and in the next 30 minutes i turned into a VAMPIRE so if you interested in becoming a VAMPIRE kindly contact his email address today (JANEASHEY333@YAHOO.COM). he also has a friend who is a warewolf just incase you want to be one okay…(JANEASHEY333@YAHOO.COM).

  556. Yuki

    (in a boring way or not trusting) really then come to these address nepal, damauli,vyas-11,ward no.14

  557. monu decoster

    respected sir is vampire is in reality .

  558. lilian

    i want to be a vampire, plz. help

  559. tarun kheppar

    Hii i want to becm a vampiree plsss transfrm me into vampire dis s my wass no. 08397826615 plssssss plssss me i will wait 4 u plsss

  560. william

    I want to be one plz send the spell to my email I’m 15

  561. william

    I want to be one plz send the spell to my email williamnewbrough@gmail I want to be one plz

  562. Please could you make me a vampire I understand that your thirst makes you crazy but if you could make me one it would help me. you guys aren’t evil mother nature made you for a reason. my life is so depressing I live on lockdown my parents don’t give me any freedom. if I was a vampire I would be seeking companions but living forever and drinking blood is just something that I could live with but I want to be a vampire so please could you turn me

  563. Skyla Française

    I want to be a vampire it’s my one and only dream plz help me I get so bored in this life I don’t wanna live the way others do anymore plzz help me. :((

  564. kimberly

    I wanna be a vampire real badly I don’t have friends I love the dark. Can u please send me a vampire my name is Kimberly I live at 1224 west 11th street beaver falls penssylvania I am 20 years old.

  565. prince

    hey guys I want to be a vampire so pls help me 2 turn into a vampire thank u

  566. joshua

    how can i become a vampire and be able to walk in the sun and still live with my family? i dont want them to know im am a vampire tho. but i do want to become and be able to live forever

  567. Gabby

    I want to become a vampire can someone help me out

  568. KEN

    Hi Everyone,This was how me and my BF become VAMPIRES i got a guy from the internet called Mr Marc who was a VAMPIRE so i told him that me and my boyfriend would love to become VAMPIRES so he asked me of my Name ,Country, Age ,State , address and asked me to pay for just to send me his blood which i did immediately and in the next 3 days i got the blood sample through the DHL which me and my boyfriend took in the blood into your body and in the next 30 minutes i turned into a VAMPIRE so if you interested in becoming a VAMPIRE kindly contact his Yahoo Mail(HenrySmith869@YAHOO.COM) he also has a friend who is a warewolf just incase you want to be one,, Yahoo Mail(HenrySmith869@YAHOO.COM)

  569. Edward on twilight is hot and if you are a vampire you can run fast has enough strength and some of as are afraid of dieing!!!!!!!!!!!!

  570. Loops

    Are we allowed to live with our human families after becoming vampire ??

  571. sean

    I’m a vampire I look cool but I’m black not light skin like other vampires and that truu blood shit is stupid and that blood bank is stupid bc it might have aids or STDs

  572. I lke vampires a lot but i dnt want to be one because i lve my friends and family to start a new lfe with some human eaters

  573. reweweqwdas

    i want to become a real vampire in real life plzzzzz…..

  574. I wanna be a vampire please help me

  575. I wanna be a vampire please help me…
    Becoz i have no true fds nd family everyone always hrt me..

  576. IQs Barbie

    I think this is all fake . If this is true so there are so requests to become vampire but vampires are hidden right? So if they all become vampire how can they all were hidden ?

  577. Shefali_A

    I really want to be Vampire, So is some can help me do reply and if you can’t so don’t waste my time ….

  578. eashu

    i wnt to be a vampire plzz anybdy vampire listen me

  579. Vidya Sagar Mehar

    My name is vidya sagar and i want to become a vampire… its my dream relly…. plz turn me into a vampire…
    My email is

  580. AlongCameWolf

    Pleae send a real vampire to my house i live on the beagle in return to the vampire have my human blood Please i really want to be a vampire it my life long dream

  581. i want tochange vampire but how it possible this my email

  582. Estela aka shorty

    I have read everything actually twice and I still wanna be one I have known what it means trust me

  583. Estela

    Yes I fully understand all that I would be giving up still want to turn

  584. i want so i can scare my enimes/bully’s away so i can “stop being a depressed creep” as my bully’s say

  585. Rhea

    Nice article, enjoyed reading it.. good answers

  586. Cameron Bourne.

    I am a warlock and have been studying magik as well as old world alchemy but I have yet allot to learn. I want to become a vampyre and become immortal so I may continue my studies and grow my power and knowledge. I wish to come to learn the old world ways that were lost to us but in order to do that I need more time than one simple life time. So my answer to your purposed question is yes indeed. I wish to become an immortal vampyre as for half these problems you have previously listed merely are trivial. My email is I hope to hear from you soon my dear friend and hope you still have vampire blood I also would love to come to know any vampyres you may know so I can better understand and know them for my grimoire.

  587. My names are JUAN FERAGO .
    Am here to give my testimony of how i became a vampire.Long time ago,a friend of mine told me that Vampires are real and i doubted it at the first place,not until she confessed to me that she is one of them.She told me the reason she had to became a vampire,at first i was scared of her but later she made me understand that i need not to be scared and that becoming a vampire will only make me live longer than expected,become famous and be able to fight all my enemies which i later agreed to become,i never thought it was real not until recently.
    Am very proud to be one of them now,i have no reason to be scared to give my testimony to the world.In case you are interested,just contact the bellow email.

  588. Alex

    ok fine bet I wont get a response

  589. Cortes

    My name is Cortes and i want to inform you all that there are fake vampire out there. if you want to become a real vampire you can contact Wallace Graham, he is the one who turn me into a vampire and you can contact me for more info or contact Wallace Graham the vampire lord

  590. clarabaur

    I am very Greatful for everything he has done for me for making me a vampire, My own Story started in 2010 when i was seeking for how to become a vampire in south africa and i spent all the money i had and i even sell all my properties here in UK and i did not acheive it until i meet with Mr theodor, the man that later made me a vampire, This man gave me a reason to trust again. i have recover all My properties back. Thank you very much Mr theodor moore and i can not stop thanking you untill i tell the whole world how good you are and have been to me,you can contact Mr theodor via email:

  591. Biss McWell

    I love vampire stuff, If I was to become it I would agree on it becouse my life is fucking me up ryt now, I as soo weak I feel like just becoming a vampire. My only worry is that I don’t know if BLACK ass girls can also become vampires couse in most cases I’ve seen only WHITE’s as vampires .Any way nice article loved it #lol

  592. Shelby Bradley

    i want to become a vampire to plz plz plz plz plz plz
    i’ve wanted to be one scene i was little plzzzzzzzzzz

  593. Do you want to be a vampire? Contact for help.

  594. peter blinston

    my own problems started when i meet with mr fred, a man that promise to help me become a vampire dissapointed me and i lost almost $5000 dollars to him. After then i decided to try the last time because i really love to become vapire, That was when i meant Mr ghandourah hassan a man that later make me believe that not all are fake, he help me and today i am happy. i am now a powerful vampire, this is why i want to recommend Mr ghandourah hassan to my fellow friends that have been robbed of thier money.this is mr. ghandourah email;

    Leave a Reply

  595. Mukiibi

    i wan be avampire

  596. Hi I want to be a vampire

  597. Vampire Goddess

    I am going to tell you all these because we all want to live a wealthy, long lasting life and to become immortals I am a physic vampire and I only want to give guidelines to become a vampire with great skills, Though being a vampire has certain limitations, But it can also be a ton of fun. Your extra strengths and abilities can make you successful in almost every endeavor you participate in life and before you know it the money and acquaintances will come streaming in. You can build wealth and gain prestige and notoriety and attempt things you may never have even considered as a human. you will have more time to do alot, Beef up your education and learn all you ever wanted. Travel the world to see things most people only ever see on TV. This is going to be especially fun if you turn into a vampire. Clan vampires will show you the wonders of the world. Learn new languages, Travel, Go skydiving or scuba dive with sharks, You no longer need to be scared of nature or wildlife you will become the worlds strongest predator. Have fun with it and your life as a vampire can be more fulfilling than you ever dreamed of. Experience these and get excited. There’s a big world out there with lots to see and do and as a vampire once you have received the vampire Blood and Ring. Powers, Skills, Abilities, Mights you shall poses. The only way to have all these come through is contacting the hindu Goddess on the below e-mail:

  598. huldostone ose

    Hello everyone, in 2018 i wanted to become a vampire from one man in UK and he collected my money, and he did not make me a Vampire. In 2019 someone directed me to a vampire lord in Bulgaria and this man make me a vampire. I will advice anyone who want to become a vampire should contact Ghandourah hasan via email: the man who make me a Vampire.Mr ose.

  599. Jazmine

    I have had a messed up life. I’ve wanted things I can’t have, I’ve been bullied and I’ve been made fun of over nothing. I just want to be a vampire to get out of this town, be able to get what I want and have the life that I deserve.I guess what I’m saying is…please get a vampire to change me. I will do anything! I will go with them and clean their house, which I’m very good at, I will cook, I will do anything,okay? Just please send a vampire to me. Ask me any questions, I’ll answer honestly. Just please help me turn

  600. Mehtab

    I want to be a vampire …what should i do …where i find vampires…because its my deepest desire to be one

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