Tag Archives: Roy dies

“Excuse me, we’re feeling a little crispy up here!” – A Recap of True Blood’s Season 4 Finale “And When I Die”

So, I was thinking of making a life-sized sculpture of this image, and putting it in my living room as a coat rack.  (I’d only actually hang coats on the Bill side, of course.)

Greetings Fangbangers!  Can you believe another season of True Blood has already come and gone?  It seems like only yesterday that Sookie was off playing with the fairies . .  .

 . . . and Baby Vamp Jessica was still dating Hoyt . . .

 . . . and half the characters on this show were STILL ALIVE . . .

3/8 of the people in this picture no longer have beating hearts for Eric Northman to yank out and sip on . . .


But, of course, it wasn’t yesterday.  It was twelve weeks ago.  And A LOT has changed since then (most of it in the last hour of the season).


So, round up your favorite ghosts, tightly secure your demon headgear, and for, heaven sakes, LOCK YOUR DOOR, because it’s time for the FINAL True Blood recap of the season . . .

(Oh, and as always, special thanks to skarsgardfans.com for all the brilliant screencaps!)

I Guess He REALLY Didn’t Like Those Eggs .  . .

“PLEASE STOP!  I promise I’ll scramble them next time!” 

Lala hasn’t been himself, since he woke up this morning.  He keeps giving Jesus the stinkeye, and not eating his eggs.   Jesus thinks something is up with his lover, but he doesn’t want to pry, because that’s not what “good boyfriends” do . . .

“Are you mad, because I insisted on wearing my Demon Helmet, while we had sex?” 

Ever the peacemaker, Jesus apologizes to Lala for pressuring him to use his TRULY AWFUL “gift” of inconveniently opening his mouth whenever angry ghosts are passing by.  But still, Lala does not respond.  So, Jesus just sadly kisses him.  But when he does, he SMELLS SOMETHING ROTTEN .  . .

“Did you forget to brush your teeth again, this morning, Lala?  Because that sh*t is RANK!” 

It smells like WITCHIPOO!

“Dammit!  I knew I should have put on my Ghost Deodorant before crawling into Lafayette’s mouth.  So STUPID!”

Of course, since we already knew that Witchipoo possessed Lala, after last week’s episode, this was no surprise at all.  OH NO!  Witchipoo is in Lafayette’s body. I’m bored SHOCKED!  Lalapoo then stabs Jesus with his fork, and somehow manages to drag him into his house and tie him to a chair.  Is this the beginning of a fun, S&M Brujo Sex Game, perhaps?  I’m thinking not . . .

“If this is going to be a Sex Game, let me know.  Because I really want to go grab my hat.” 

But Jesus and Lalapoo aren’t the only ones who are having a rough morning . . .

Tara Forgets the Number One Rule of How to Stay Alive as a TV Character: NEVER Talk About Getting Old.

“Since I knew we were going to have a discussion about getting old, I thought I’d get into the mood, by wearing this ugly ass grandma nightgown.” 

Tara (who spent the night at Sookie’s, because I don’t even know if she has a home anymore) heads into the kitchen to find Sookie all distraught and weepy.  What else is new?


You see, Sookie has had this stain on her kitchen floor for years.  And she just can’t seem to get rid of it . . .

Yeah, that’s really gross.  Sorry about that.  I tried to help, by making it smaller . . . 

Sookie admits to Tara that she’s been feeling Granny’s presence lately.  And she’s not “feeing her” in the sweet spiritual way people usually say they “feel” their dead loved one’s presence.  Nope.  She’s feeling Granny in the creepy, “I keep seeing her dead body on the floor, and am worried she’s going to get up from there and start baking pecan pie” way.


Then, randomly, Sookie starts talking about how she wants to one day become an old lady sitting on the porch with her grandkids.  You know, because seeing a dead bloody old lady on your kitchen floor inspires nostalgia, or something.  Then,Tara says she hopes to be an old lady on that porch, right along side Sookie . . .

Yeah, you just pretty much signed your death warrant, right there, Tara.  (Or should I say, “Tarapoo.”)  You see . . . Sookie?  She’s the main character of the show.  She can talk about being old all she wants, and nothing is going to happen to her.  But YOU talk about getting old, and it’s pretty much a surefire trip to the grave or vampirism, for you.  And we all know how much you HATE those vampires!

“Whatchu talkin’ about, Recapper?” 

Speaking of graves (and dead people) . . .

Is Maxine Fortenberry Going to Adopt EVERYONE on This Show?

“Poor Tommy Boy!  I never did get to teach him the right way to wear my makeup.”

A word of warning, Kiddies!  This is what’s going to happen to you, if you’re a screw-up.  The only people who will end up attending your funeral are the two people you impersonated, and the one you had sex with, while you were impersonating one of them.  In all seriousness though, I’m kind of disappointed that Jess didn’t attend Tommy’s funeral, because those two were good buds, back in the day . . .

In fact, Jess was the only “friend” Tommy never screwed over probably because he REALLY wanted to get in her panties.

Maxine and Sam commiserate over how much they are going to miss Tommy, even though he kind of treated them both like crap, most of the time.  It’s interesting how tolerant Maxine was of Tommy, and all his flaws, when she was always so INTOLERANT of her own ridiculously well-behaved son, and HIS life choices.

“YEAH!  Take that, Mom!” 

Still, it was super sweet of Maxine to offer Sam the right to call her Mom, since he no longer has any family members to call his own.  Here’s hoping that the growth Maxine has undergone this season, will enable her to make amends with her own son in Season 5.  Because something tells me that man is going to need some SERIOUS motherly love, next season  . . .

“Motherly love?  Who needs motherly love?  I just want to start getting laid again, DAMMIT!” 

After the funeral, Sam and Luna start making out again What else is new?, and chatting about how wonderful their lives are, now that Greasypoo is dead.

“So, you’re a Skinwalker, right, Luna?  Would it be terribly awkward if I asked you to shapeshift into Natalie Portman?  I’ve really always wanted to bang her.” 

Then Luna, who clearly watches more television than Tara, warns Sam that if they keep acting cheesy and overly happy, the world will come along and poop on them again.  Well, at least she knows what she’s getting into . . .

Speaking of people who are constantly getting their ass kicked by life . . .

Why Jason Should Seriously Consider Investing in Body Armor . . .

“Well, this feels familiar.  But hey!  At least I’m not getting straddled and screwed by underage, inbred, and toothless werepanthers.  So . . . PROGRESS!” 

Jason decides to come clean to Hoyt about having sex with Jess.  And when Hoyt asks him “how,” he starts describing it rather graphically, by listing the various positions in which Jess and Jason got to know one another in the biblical sense.  You know, because THAT’S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR . . .


“Would you like me to draw you a diagram, Hoyt?  Because I could draw you a diagram.” 

Then, Hoyt starts kicking Jason’s ass, like . . . a lot . .  . and Jason just sits back and takes it.  Because, I guess that’s what friends are for too . . .

“If you were planning to have sex with my ex-girlfriend, the least you could have done was invited me over for a threesome.  That’s what your SISTER would do!” 



In a parting shot to Jason, that truly seems to hurt him more than the sucker punches and groin kicks ever will (Well, maybe not the groin kicks.  I hear those are TERRIBLE!), Hoyt tells his former(?) best friend that he will never find true love, because something inside of him is missing . . .

Oh, don’t you worry, Jason!  Whatever is missing inside of you, I will gladly go in there and fix it. 😉 

That night, Jessica heads to Jason’s house dressed as a Slutty Red Riding Hood.  (Did I forget to mention that it’s Halloween in Bon Temps?  Well, it is!)

“My what a big penis popsicle stick you have!” 


“The better to poke you with, my dear.”

She wants to screw!  So, they do!  And it’s GOOD!

Why do I suddenly feel like I’m watching a porno entitled “Little Red Riding Pussy?” 


After sex, Jessica wants to bolt, so she can go eat something.  And it’s a TOTAL role reversal, because Jason is adorably pouting, and wondering whether she wants to leave because, he’s not a good lay (AS IF?!), or because he is “missing something inside,” like Hoyt said he was.  Jessica comforts him by telling him that he has sexy hip bones (among other things).  It’s just that she’s not ready to be in a serious relationship yet, after what happened with Hoyt.  And, oh yeah, she still wants to EAT other people . . .

“Well, OK . . . as long as you brush your teeth, afterwards.” 

Jason tries to act like he’s cool with it.  But, honestly, I’m not sure he means it.  He definitely seems like he wants more from the relationship than just sex.  Because, when you think about it, aside from him being a huge Man Slut, back in Season 1, Jason is actually a REAL “Relationship Guy” . . . someone who always seems to really love the women he dates . . . even that Nutbar Crystal!

I never said he had good taste . . . 

To make matters even more awkward, the “new not-so-couple”, keep talking about Hoyt, in the context of their sex lives, which is actually kind of creepy  . . .

“Come on, people!  You know you want a piece of this!”

Shortly after Jessica leaves, there’s a knock at the door.  And poor Jason gets all giddy, because he thinks Jessica has changed her mind, and decided to spend the night.  But it’s DEFINITELY not Jessica at the door.  It’s THIS GUY. . .


That’s the preppiest f*&king vampire I’ve ever seen!

So, how does the HEAD of the Vampire-Hating Fellowship of the Sun end up becoming a fanger, himself?  I don’t know.  And we are probably going to have to wait until Season 5 to find out.  But am I the only one wondering whether this whole scene was just a Big Fat Tease?  After all, this IS a Halloween episode.  And it wouldn’t be hard for a guy like Steve Newlin to head over to some costume shop to purchase some realistic retractable teeth, in order to scare the  stuffing out of the man who screwed his wife back in Season 2.


Just a thought . . .

You Killed JESUS!  You Bastard!

“Seriously, Lalapoo, what kind of chair is this?  This is the most uncomfortable chair I have ever sat in!  Of all the chairs in this place, why did you have to tie me up in this ugly piece of crap?  It’s giving me a wedgie.  Plus, I’m in SCRUBS!  No one should have to die in scrubs .  . . SO UNFLATTERING!” 

Lalapoo is trying to convince Jesus to give up his Really Nifty Helmet Head Power.  But Jesus is not down with that.  He says you can’t trade magic like Pokemon cards . . .

Little does Jesus know that Lalapoo has a MASSIVE Pokemon card collection, back in the Moongoddess Emporium.  And that’s where he/she gets all her powers from!   Jesus doesn’t want Lala’s inner Witchipoo to hurt his boyfriend, so he starts doing that weird chanting thing again.  And then LALAPOO STABS HIM IN THE STOMACH!


Sorry, wrong Jesus.  Thanks for coming, though!

So, it turns out, you CAN trade magic powers like Pokemon cards.  Because now LALAPOO is wearing that ugly helmet.  But here’s the weird thing.  It suddenly MATCHES LALAPOO’S outfit?  Who knew Demon Helmets had such great fashion sense?

Pretty in Purple

Matching abilities aside, as far as Evil Head Gear goes, Demon Hat is, at best, a second place finisher, for me.  I mean, I don’t know about you, but my heart will always belong to the Ribcage Hat .  . .

Speaking of weird outfits . . .

Alert the Media – Sookie Actually Goes to Work (and spends the entire time hitting on Alcide)!

So, did it occur to you that Sookie hasn’t showed up at work this ENTIRE season?  It sure didn’t occur to Sam, who assumed she was just “going through some stuff” when she ditched her shifts for an ENTIRE WEEK!  Sookie reminds Sam that he sort of / kind of fired her.

And Sam tells her that he wasn’t himself that day.  He was Tommy.  So, he decides to give Sookie her job back, provided she wears Playboy Bunny ears for Halloween.  Sounds like a fair trade, right?   I mean, at least she didn’t have to wear something AWFUL, like those zombie costumes Terry and Arlene were wearing, right?  (Oh . . . wait . . . you’re telling me they CHOSE to look like that?  Never mind then . . .)


By the way, want to ensure your kid gets knocked up at an early age, Arlene?  Let her dress up like THAT for Halloweeen . . .

Sookie takes off her bunny ears FAST, when Alcide arrives at the bar to tell her, he’s not necessarily in love with her, but they should date anyway, because they are WAY less crazy than all the other wackadoos in this town.  At first, I thought that sounded like a really unromantic proposition.  Then, I remembered what Alcide’s ass looks like . . .

 . . . and his BEAUTIFULLY SEXY NIPPLES . . .

. . . and decided it was a great offer . . .

Sookie didn’t take it though.  Because she’s still all about BEEEEEELLL and ERRRRRIIIIC.  More on that later.  Anyway, Alcide can’t stay and hit on Sookie much longer.  He just got a call from one of his construction workers.  Apparently, a vampire glamoured him, dug a BIG FAT HOLE right in the middle of the CEMENT parking lot, and left.  I bet you know who was in that HOLE, right?


That’s right, boys and girls.  Big Bad King Russell is back in action!  Hide your newscasters!

The question is, which vampire was desperate enough to break him out, when so few people knew where he was buried in the first place?  Well . . . I have one idea.  And you’re not going to like it . . .

Pam is SUPER TIRED of Sookie’s Fairy Vag . . .(Wouldn’t YOU be, if you were her?)


You know, I’m so glad that Alan Ball decided not to kill Screaming Ginger this Season, like Charlaine Harris did in Book 4.  Because, if he had, Pam would have had no one to ride on her coffin . . .

Or hug Pam, while she freaked out over F*ckin Sookie (Yes, I’ve decided to call her that for the rest of the recap, once again) and her tendency to make all the male cast members on this show turn to mush (more on that later.)


I don’t mean to be a hater.  But Pam CRIED TOO MUCH, THIS SEASON.  That’s SO not Bad Ass . . . just sayin’.

Because, rest assured, Pam definitely needed a hug.  I just hope she didn’t take all that pent up anger and use it to shoot a rocket launcher at Sookie . . .

 .  . . to do something crazy, like free Russell Edgington.  Because Eric would REALLY never forgive her for that one . . .

While we are on the subject of murderers . . .

When Your SERIAL KILLER Ghost Boyfriend Tells You to Be Afraid . . .

 . . .  BE VERY AFRAID! 


(You’ve gotta admit, as far as psycho serial killers go, this one was kind of charming . . .)

Surprise!  All season Arlene’s been worried that her baby is an Evil Spawn possessed by Papa Vampire Killer, Rene . . .

So, you can imagine Arlene’s surprise, when Rene’s Ghost DOES come to see her, right after that whole SUPER ANNOYING Baby Storyline has ended.  Even more surprising, he’s being NICE!  He just wants to warn Arlene that her second husband might very well be just as big of a sociopath as her first one, so she should RUN . . . AWAY .  . . FAST . . .

“Wait . . . why am I hugging you?  You’re the one he’s talking about!” 

Actually, that’s not exactly what Ghost Rene said.   Ghost Rene simply said that the Ghosts of Terry’s past won’t stay buried forever.  I kind of take that meaning literally.  After all, Terry is a war veteran who cracked up, after serving his country.  He’s probably killed a LOT of people, who aren’t too happy about it.  What I’m saying is, I don’t think it was a coincidence that Arlene and Terry dressed up like zombies this year for Halloween .  . . I think it was meant to foreshadow a future storyline.


In other Ghosts of the Past News (perhaps not so ghostly . . . yet) Noel from Felicity Terry’s old war buddy, Patrick, is back in town to see Terry.  And he seems to be pretty darn hot.  How did he manage to stay so hot? up to something not-so-kosher . . .

Like stealing Felicity away from Ben, perhaps?

All Those Ghosts Together in One Place, and NO ONE Thought to Do The Thriller Dance?  FAIL!

That’s better!

Waitress / Resident Witch Holly is sparking a doobie, while talking to F*&kin Sookie about how the town feels weirder than usual tonight.  She’s saying all this while she’s dressed as a fairy . . . you know, because fairy’s AREN’T scary.  HAHA!

“I am SO high right now, I’m starting to think this outfit actually looks good on me.”

Then, Tara the Killjoy comes by to tell the girls that Jesus is not-so-much alive anymore.  And Lala, is not-so-much Lala, as he is Witchipoo.  (Talk about KILLING A GOOD BUZZ!)  So, the threesome race to the cemetery, while Holly dopily digs through her purse / Emergency Eitch Spell Making Kit (Buy them at CVS for $4.99), for something to combat possession . . . Or whatever it is you call it, when someone flies into your mouth.  Then, forces you to kill your boyfriend, and wear his weird hat.

“I only make constipated faces, because I care.” 

At the cemetery, Charlie’s Lala’s Angels arrive to find that Lalapoo has helpfully stripped the Viking Vampire and King Cockblock, and tied them to some vaguely phallic-looking object (a tree?).  Sound familiar?

And yet despite being silvered and in GREAT DANGER, King Cockblockand his New Boyfriend, Viking Vampire still manage to find time to flirt with one another . . .

Ah!  The fresh bloom of Old and Decrepit Love!  So sweet!

The group try to distract Lalapoo by saying silly things to him / her, like “Revenge won’t bring you peace,” and other such B.S. (SO UNTRUE!), while Holly tiptoes around circling the area in salt.  You know . . . because every good barbecue requires a nice heaping helping of salt.

“Shhhh!  Be very, very quiet . . . I’m hunting Lalapoo!” 

Oh, yeah, I said “barbecue,” didn’t I?  id I forget to mention that Lalapoo LIT THE NAKED VAMPIRES ON FIRE LIKE A BIG OLE WEINER-FILLED SHISH KABOB?  Well, he/she did!

“So, I know weiners are supposed to shrink in the “cold and wet?”  Does that mean that they ENLARGE in the “hot and dry?”  In that case, hey Sookie!  Get a load of my HOT ROD!” 

Then F*&kin Sookie does her little glow finger thing, and temporarily knocks  out Lalapoo, which only causes him/her to put on that nifty Demon Hat AGAIN . . . (Sheesh!  Boring!  A little variety in headgear wouldn’t hurt, Lalapoo!  Tim Gunn would NOT approve!)

“Ooooh, you’ve got to . . . let your body VOGUE to the mu-sic.” 

Now, as much as I didn’t want my Eric to become casserole, I’m actually kind of glad F*&kin Sookie’s Cure All Glow Finger’s Didn’t Work, this time.  I was getting SUPER tired of the writers always using her lightbulb hands to get out of the various messes they created for themselves his season.

Then, the girls started chanting, something that sounded suspiciously like, “Friends, Romans, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your Dead Ears.”  And in the most unintentionally hilarious scene in the entire episode, all the DEAD inhabitants of the cemetery, started WADDLING TOWARD LALAPOO, including, you guessed it, Sweet Old, Perpetual Muumuu-Wearing, Adele Stackhouse . . .

. . . and the oddly likeable (even though she really is the one who got us into this mess, in the first place), Antonia . . .

. . . who, after an entire season, FINALLY got to wash her face.  And you know what that means for Witchipoo, right?

So, first Antonia puts out the fire that’s been grilling our vampires.  And then Adele reaches into Lalapoo’s mouth, and removes the “poo” from it . . . the WITCHIPOO, that is . . .

Oh, that is gross! I mean, you just KNOW that, up in Heaven, Adele is BAKING PECAN PIES

So, Lala is now un-poo’ed, and writhing on the floor.  But, other than that, he’s OK . . . you know, other than being TRAUMATIZED FOR LIFE.  At this point in the story, I’m REALLY looking forward to something TRULY AWFUL happening to Witchipoo, to pay her back being such a HEINOUS ASSHOLE the entire season . . . something like THIS . . . (Sorry, I couldn’t find a version that was in English.  But I think you will get the idea . . .)

Instead, we got this ANNOYING ASS therapy session, courtesy of Grandma Stackhouse, in which we learned how SAD AND LONELY, POOR Witchipoo was; and how, now, she can be at peace with herself and her Ghost Friends, and blah, blah, blah . . .

Cry me a river, Toots! 

And then Marnie just got to WALK OFF INTO THE MOONLIGHT with her new see-through pals.  SERIOUSLY?


You got that right, Witchipoo!  You deserved WAY WORSE!

Cue F*&kin Sookie crying AGAIN, about how lonely SHE is, and how grandma can’t leave her again.  And will someone please call the WAAAAAAH-MBULANCE, for this one!   So, Grandma Stackhouse tells her kin “Shut the f*&ck up . . . You’re friend just HAD A WITCH YANKED OUT OF HIS MOUTH, WHO KILLED HIS BOYFRIEND.  HAVE SOME FRIGGIN RESPECT!


You know, because “we’re all alone in the end.” This is either the wisest, or most depressing piece of advice, I have ever heard.  I haven’t decided yet . . .

Then Eric and King Cockblock interrupt this lame touching moment to remind everybody that “Hey, we’re still here . . . naked .  . . and chargrilled . . . please HELP!”

Speaking of our Ambiguously Gay Vampire Duo . . .

Slumber Party at King Cockblock’s House!

“You HAD to get me a robe that matched, yours?  You mean to tell me, you didn’t have ONE single robe in your closet that didn’t look exactly like the one you are wearing?  You’re a KING, for crying out loud!” 

OK, now I like a good threesome as much as the next girl.  But I’ll be the first to admit that I HATED this scene, which began with Eric and Cockblock sucking Sookie’s arms AT THE SAME TIME!  (I guess she felt that, by having one suck before the other, she’d be PLAYING FAVORITES!  Heaven forbid!)  I hated how these two supposedly strong vampires, were looking at this Whiny FAIRY all moony and dopey eyed, as she gave them each her trademark Losing Game Show Contestant Speech, for the 85th time, since this series has started.

Here’s how it went down (at least, in my head):

“Eric you are great at sex.  Bill you are great at . . . playing Wii.  You both did a fairly adequate job of being my boyfriend.  But, unfortunately, you are both out.  Thanks for playing, ‘Let’s Get into Sookie’s Pants.’  Better luck next time!”

The only mildly funny part, was when Bill offered Sookie to Eric, “out of the goodness of his heart,” clearly expecting Eric to do the same thing.  Instead, Eric grabs Sookie’s arm, drags her toward the door like an excited toddler, and says, more or less, “COOLl!   YIPPEE!  I WIN!”

But he didn’t win.  He lost.  Bill lost.  They all LOST . . . Then, Sookie cried . . . AGAIN . . .

I’ve decided that, next season, I’m going to play a drinking game, where I do a shot every time someone on this show cries.  (Two for F*&kin Sookie).  Coincidentally, I have a feeling I’m going to need to have my stomach pumped A LOT next summer. 

In completely unrelated news . . .

Andy Must REALLY Like Fairies . . .

Sorry for the TOTAL lack of transition.  I just had no where else to put this completely random scene.  You see, last week Andy had sex with a real fairy.  This week he propositioned a FAKE Fairy (Holly), to be his girlfriend.  You know, because he is lonely, and two days sober . . . and stuff.   (Now, if that’s not a TOTAL catch, I don’t know what is . . .)

 I’m just glad SOMEONE chose to f*&k a fairy that wasn’t F*&kin Sookie . . .

Anywhoo, on to my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE scene of the evening . . .

“Hi, Nan and Gay Storm Troopers . . . Bye Nan, and Gay Storm Troopers.”


Yeah, so, after Cockblock and Viking are rejected by Sookie, they go to Cockblock’s office to make out discuss business.  Then, Nan shows up with her, (as Eric calls them) Gay Storm Troopers.

(In case this hasn’t already been made TOTALLY clear, I LOVE ERIC!  He had ALL the best one liners of the finale.  Save the one about the Fairy Vagina . . . and well . . . the one that Cockblock is about to make, in a few minutes.)

Anywhoo . . . Nan has, apparently, been sent by the American Vampire League to KILL Eric and Cockblock for Conduct Unbecoming a Fanger. . .

 She gets to do this, even though she’s already been fired by the AVL for, you know, sucking at her job and stuff . . .   But Nan has plan that will allow Eric and Bill to live.

They can join her in her little Mutiny against the AVL.  (Hmmm . . . maybe SHE was the one who orchestrated Russell’s “release” from cement?)  Correction:  They MUST join in the mutiny, or Fairy Sookie is VERY, VERY DEAD.  “Come on, I see the way you both look at her like, puppy dogs,” says Nan.   (And you have to admit.  Girlfriend has a point.)

Unfortunately, for Nan, Eric and Cockblock don’t see it that way.  Eric takes off all THREE Gay Storm Troopers heads, so fast, you would think he was just opening three bottles of soda (which is kind of what it looks like).  And I just wish I had an animated GIF for it, because it was the MOST AWESOME THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE.

So, remember when I told you that Cockblock had a great one-liner in this episode?  (Well, aside from his “Eric as brain-damaged” line, which, admittedly, was pretty funny too.)  Here it is . . .

And you know when he said it?  Right after he did THIS, that’s when . . .


I bet you didn’t see that one coming, did you?  Oh wait. . . you did?  Never mind then . . .

Let us not forget ERIC’S additional awesome one-liner to finish the scene.  (It almost makes me forget how goofy he looked wearing Bill’s robe and mooning over Sookie . . . almost.)


Speaking of b*tches . . .

Say Goodbye to . . . well, EVERYONE!

Poor Lala certainly isn’t one of them.  (But don’t worry, I’ll get to them later.)  He’s in Sookie’s bed, inconsolate over the loss of Jesus.  But since it’s Halloween Jesus is able to pop in, and give him a sweet goodbye, reminding Lala that it’s not his fault that he’s dead.    Well, actually, if only Lala knew how to keep his mouth shut, literally, Jesus might still be alive.  But hey, let’s not be picky, all right?  The boy is hurting here.

Ever the pragmatist, Jesus tells Lala that he’s actually HAPPY that his life ended the way that it did.  Because now he never has to end up old and hanging out with F*&kin Sookie on that damn porch!, dying of cancer, and suffering from bed sores.  At first, I thought Jesus was just being nice to Lala, by saying all this.   I mean NO ONE wants to die in their late twenties, from a psychopath’s stab wound, all because of a stupid ugly helmet, right?

Then I remembered that Jesus was a hospital orderly at an old age home / mental institution.   He watched people rust out and fade away for a living.  So, the notion of getting old must have scared the beejeezus out of Jesus.  And in that sense, maybe he really DOESN’T mind dying young . . .  I hope not, for his sake, at least.

And yes, I’ll admit that even MY cold, cold heart was touched when Jesus told Lafayette that, because he is a medium, and Jesus is a ghost, in some sense, they will always be together . . .

All together now . . . AWWWW! 

OK.  Well, now that you’re feeling all warm and fuzzy in side, I’m going to go ahead and DESTROY that feeling.  You know why?  Because, after all that F*&KIN Sookie has been through in her life, she STILL DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO LOCK HER DOOR.  And that’s why THIS happens . . .


Did you catch all that?  Here’s what happened, Trailer Trash Debbie WALKED RIGHT INTO SOOKIE’S KITCHEN, AND SHOT AT HER.  Then,  Tara rushed in front of the bullet, Secret Service Style, and kind of lost her head (Too Soon?).  Then Sookie straddles Debbie, yanks the gun from her, and SHOOTS HER POINT BLANK IN THE FACE!

So, to recap my recap . . . Jesus is dead . . . definitely .  . . as are the Gay Storm Troopers, Nan, Trailer Trash Debbie and Witchipoo . . . along with Rene and all those lame ghosts in the cemetery who wouldn’t do the Thriller Dance for me.  Russell Edgington is now UNDEAD, and so is Steve Newlin  . . . MAYBE.

Tara may also be dead . . . or . . . undead, depending on who hears Sookie’s Sounds-Like-A-Drowning-Cat screams for help (Heaven forbid she call 911, like a NORMAL person): Lala the Ghost Sucker, who sometimes sucks up Witch Doctors, Sookie’s vampire non-boyfriends, or . . . NOBODY.

Sorry, Tarapoo!  Maybe next time if there is a next time you will learn not to talk to Sookie about visiting her on the porch when you get old .  . .

And that was the Season 4 True Blood Finale, in a nutshell.  So . . . let’s talk about it.  Did you think it was Fangtastic?  Or did it SUCK?  Sound off in the comment section below.

Oh, and since I suspect I won’t be seeing some of you for awhile unless you watch The Vampire Diaries.  You really should watch The Vampire Diaries.  Please watch The Vampire Diaries, or I will have to bite you! I wanted to thank all of my fabulously fun, and brilliant readers and commenters for making this one heck of an awesome Summer TV Viewing Season.  I couldn’t have done this without you!

Until next time . . .



Filed under True Blood

Eat Your Heart Out, Eric Northman! (Or someone else’s . . . your choice) – A Recap of True Blood’s “Soul of Fire”

PAM: “Damn, there were A LOT of dead bodies in this episode!  Bon Temps just became an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet!” 

ERIC:  “And, best yet, there’s Witchipoo Creme Pie for Dessert!”

BILL:  “I don’t know . . . the last time I ate a batsh*t crazy sociopath, I had heartburn for a WEEK!”

Greetings Fangbangers!  We’ve got just one episode left, before True Blood‘s fourth season flies off to that Big Ole’ Blood Bank in the sky.  And if this week’s installment was any indication,  our Bon Temps buddies are going to go out with a BANG .  . .

. . .  a whimper . . .

. . . and a whole lotta sucking (but in a good way, of course) . . .


But that’s NEXT WEEK.  In the meantime, we have plenty to talk about, THIS WEEK . . . like, for example whether Jesus got his Darth Vader helmet at Brujos R’ Us .  . . whether an Inpenetrable Force Field could double as a microwave .  . . and, perhaps, most importantly, whether the heart of Witchipoo’s Wacky Minion really does taste like chicken.    So, fire up your rocket launcher, hold your glow finger high, and, for heaven sakes, CLOSE YOUR MOUTH, Lafayette . .  . because it’s time for your weekly recap . . .

(As always, special thanks to skarsgardfans.com for the spectacular screencaps you see here.)

Vampire RAGE = PMS (Who knew?)

You know, I never noticed this before, but King Cockblock has a little Butt Wiggle in his walk.  Think he picked that up in the Cofederate Army?  (Don’t ask, don’t tell . . . anyone?)

When we last left our Undead Matrix Cover Band, they were walking in slow motion toward the Moon Goddess Emporium (or, as I like to call it Hogwarts for Psychos), armed and ready to kick some Witchipoo ASS!  Well, it must have been REALLY slow motion, because an ENTIRE WEEK has passed, and they are still making the trip!  As the crew continue their LONNNNNNG journey, they attempt to inspire eachother with maxims like, “Let’s blow up this dipshit,” and “This is what PMS used to feel like.”

Then Jason appears, and lays a heavy guilt trip on them for having the audacity to explode a place with “F*ckin’ Sookie” inside of it.

“Coincidentally F*ckin’ Sookie was the name of a garage band I played for in high school.” 

After all, “F*kin’ Sookie has been so very kind to King Cockblock and No-Longer Amnesia Eric . . . doing things for them like screwing their brains out in the shower, screwing their brains out in the dirt, screwing their brains out in Narnia letting them drink her blood when they needed to heal, and lending her their home when they needed a place to screw someone’s brains out hide from their enemies, and/or work out their Amnesia Issues.

King Cockblock and No-Longer Amnesia Eric eventually agree that these were, in fact, very nice things for F*ckin’ Sookie to do.  And so they eventually decide that they will not blow her up, after all.  But they will let her blow them later.    Who said vampires didn’t have working hearts?

Once that’s done, Jason has a little chat with Baby Vamp Jessica.  He can’t understand WHY ON EARTH she’d be pissed at him.  I mean, it’s not like he had sex with her, and then told her he wanted to forget doing it, or anything . . . oh wait . . . he did.

“If it makes you feel any better, I forget the names of most of the girls I sleep with, anyway!” 

Meanwhile, inside Hogwarts for Psychos . . .

 Lose Weight Fast, By Puking Up Your Friends

Because it sure as heck beats exercising . . . 

Just like our vampires spent the entire week walking about a meter, our reluctant coven spent the week whining about how they wanted to go home.  Witchipoo’s Wacky Minion quotes some old song, by telling the group that “they can check out if they want to, but they can never leave.”  Quoting this line had the effect of making me want to yank Wacky Minion by his hair, and toss him around the room like a javelin.  Some pop culture references are cute, and some are just obnoxious.  It is up to you to know the difference . . .

Hotel California?  Seriously?  How OLD are YOU? 

Then Witchipoo ACTUALLY gives the coven permission to leave.  (How kind of her!)  She even goes as far as to offer her “friends” a weapon with which to try and defeat the vampires, upon exiting the premises . . .

But when one of the witches actually makes a run for it, Witchipoo telekenetically raises the stake and plunges it directly into the woman’s heart, killing her almost instantly.  “Marnie?” The woman gasps, shocked that her former friend would go so far as to MURDER her, as a result of their ideological differences .  . .

“I know you’re Team Jacob, and I’m Team Edward, but that’s no reason to KILL ME!” 

In protest of the Witch Homicide, Antonia pukes herself out of Witchipoo, and starts yelling at her for killing one of their own.

“Oof!  I’m never eating Ancient Spanish Chick AGAIN!”

“Evil has BLOSSOMED in you,” says Antonia in that awesome accent of hers  .  . .

Antonia is SO done playing Witchipoo Games!  She wants to blow this popsicle stand, STAT!  Then, Witchipoo does this spell to force Antonia back in her body, leaving Antonia with no other recourse against Witchipoo, than to give her a really nasty case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome .  .  .

But worry not, kiddies, Jesus has an idea!

He pretends that the dead witch still has a pulse.  This gives Jesus and Lala the opportunity to drag Dead Witch into the bathroom, and use her in some weird spell to bring Antonia back out of Witchipoo’s body.  And you just KNOW Demon Head / Poor Man’s Darth Vader Hat is going to be involved in this one.

“I’m baaaaaaaack!”

While Jesus is preparing himself for a bad case of Hat Head, F*ckin’ Sookie and Holly are outside, trying to convince Witchipoo to “negotiate” with the vampires.

They do this, by basically blowing smoke up her ass (and we all know how good Sookie is at blowing things), and telling her what a “nice person” she is.

Yes, Caroline.  I thought that was funny too! 

Eventually, Witchipoo DOES agree to negotiate.  But she brings Sookie with her (“The vampires seem to like you,” she says), and sends her very own ZOMBIE vampires out ahead of her, to beat the sh*t out of OUR vampires make sure the coast is clear . . .

 Meanwhile, over in Thank You Lord, for Ending this Annoying “V” Storyline, Anything You Could Possibly Come Up with MUST Be an Improvement Over That Nonsense  the Forest of Andy Bellefleur’s Subconscious . . .

Float Like a Butterfly, F*&k Like a Fairy . . . .

Was it as good for you, as it was for Tinkerbell?

Andy is wandering home from his forced intervention at Fort Bellefleur when he comes across a white light . . .

Don’t worry, it’s not THAT white light!  It’s the white light that comes from Freaks with Glow Fingers, like F*ckin’ Sookie, a.k.a. fairies . . .

“I’m my own night light!” 

As it turns out, the Fairy’s name is Moron  Maurella.  She shoots Andy down with her magic glow fingers . . .

Then she straddles him, makes his finger glow, and screws the stuffing out of him, but not until after he promises to “protect her.”  (Men will say anything to get laid these days, won’t they?)  Andy arrives home many hours later, and tells Arlene his Fairy Sex Story.  Arlene, of course, thinks he’s crazy and/or tripping on V.   But hey, what does she know.  This is the woman who thought her murderous dead ex-husband was reborn inside her baby . . . No accounting for sanity THERE!

Coincidentally, rumor has it that this is our Super Villain, in Season 5 . . .  (Just kidding . . . or am I? ;))

In other secondary storyline news . . .

Bye Bye, Greasypoo!

“I may not have a SUPER SEXY ASS like Alcide, but I still want to make little hairy babies with you, Trailer Trash Debbie.”

Greasypoo is still trying to put the moves on Trailer Trash Debbie, who, to her credit, seems to be rejecting his advances.  (I guess she’s not as blind as I thought.)

I’ve shown it once before, but it bears repeating . . . and repeating . . . and repeating. 

Of course, the fact that she’s SITTING IN BED WITH HIM WEARING SLINKY LINGERIE doesn’t exactly help her cause . . .

“Hey!  For your information, this is the classiest outfit I own.  I even wore it to a wedding, just last week.” 

As it turns out, Greasypoo has kidnapped the kid he raised with Luna (a.k.a. Emma), and wants to run away with Debbie so that the pair could raise it together.  Honestly, I think that’s kind of weird.  I mean, who meets someone, and, two days later, wants to run away and start birthing babies with them?  A Wackadoo Greasypoo, that’s who!

Speaking of Wackadoos, Sam’s busy going all Dirty Harry (maybe more like Joe Pesci) on one of Greasypoo’s loyal pack members at the autobody shop that Greasypoo owns . . .

“You think I’m funny?  Do I amuse you?” 

He’s doing this, of course, because he wants to find Greasypoo and kill him, in order to avenge Tommy Boy’s death.  I also think, secretly, he gets off on waving guns in people’s faces .  . .

Ahhh, memories! 

Then Luna rushes in, demanding to know what Greasypoo did with her daughter.

Conveniently enough, Emma calls her mom right at that moment.  And Alcide recognizes the telephone number as his OWN.  GREASYPOO IS IN ALCIDE’S HOUSE WITH LUNA’S KID!  Now that’s just CRAZY!

Sam, Alcide and Luna storm Alcide’s house.  And on Sam’s instruction, Luna takes her daughter outside.  And that’s when the Greasypoo REALLY hits the fan . . .

At first, Greasypoo and Sam fight like “REAL MEN,” i.e. without weapons, and in human form.  Sam may be little, but he sure is scrappy!  And he’s got vengeance on his side.  The spry shifter eventually straddles and incapacitates Greasypoo (KINKY!).  “Live with that,” taunts Sam.  Then Greasypoo cheats by starting to shift.  He also picks up a gun.  This sounds like a job for SUPER ALCIDE . . .

“Grrrr . . . Me .  . . Alcide . . . You . . . Dead Man.” 

Alcide strangles Greasypoo until he becomes Corpseypoo.  Trailer Trash Debbie then rushes to his side, and tries to make amends.  But Alcide isn’t hearing it.  He starts to do this weird little chant that book readers know as the “Werewolf Abjure.”  It may sound like your typical breakup talk, but it isn’t.  It’s a BIG DEAL.  When you abjure someone in the werewolf religion, you and your fellow pack members LITERALLY pretend they are invisible for the rest of eternity.  Talk about getting closure in a breakup!

“No wait!  I thought abjure had something to do with Alcide’s ABS!  Take it back!  Take it back!” 

Unfortunately, I didn’t catch ALL of the Abjure chant, but I did pick up the good stuff, like this:  “I will see you no longer.  I will share flesh with you no longer.”

“Haha!  He said ‘share flesh’ as a euphemism for SEX!  (And yes . . . I AM twelve.)” 

Then the scene gets a little sad, when Sam walks out of the house, and Emma asks him where her daddy is.  We didn’t get to hear his response.  I’m guessing Sam said something like, “in that Big Ole Dog Pound in the Sky.”  Don’t worry Emma!  At least, you will always have Cat Barbie and Dog Barbie to keep you company!

Did you ever notice how much Cat Barbie looks like Trailer Trash Debbie?  Weird . . . 

Everybody Loves F*ckin’ Sookie (well . . . except Pam . . . and Jessica . . . and Witchipoo . . . and all those fans who would jump through the screen and MURDER HER if Eric actually committed suicide, on her behalf)

Though the zombie vampire sheriffs make a valiant effort to kill the Matrix Cover Band, they are ultimately unsuccessful.  The MALE vampire sheriff gets de-hearted rather quickly.  And the female gets gang banged by Eric, Bill and Sookie is incapacitated nearly as quickly.  And yet, she is STILL spouting out her loyalties toward “Antonia Ladadeda Blahblahblah” or whatever the f*&k her name is.  Friggin ZOMBIE!

We interrupt this Hallmark Moment to bring you a message from Witchipoo.  Actually, it’s less of a “message” and more of a statement.  Witchypoo gets the Zombie Sheriff back on her feet only to TOSS HER INTO THE FORCEFIELD AND TURN HER INTO BLOODY TIE DYE . . .

“Oooh, that blood clot looks kind of like a bear . . . and that one looks like a lion . . . and that one looks like Kanye West.”

Here are the terms of Marnie’s “Negotiation.”  Sookie will be released from Hogwarts for Psychos, if Bill and Eric off themselves.

Seriously?  That’s the stupidest “offer” I’ve ever heard.  I know . . . I know it’s supposed to be all sweet, and romantic, and honorable, and blah, blah, blah that these two big powerful men would be willing to give up their lives for F*&kin’ Sookie, and all.  But COME ON!  I mean, who would run Fangtasia?  Who would become the NEW reigning King Cockblock?  Who would save vampire kind from Witchipoo?  Who would TELL THE TWO DEAD VAMPIRES WHETHER WITCHIPOO HELD UP HER END OF THE BARGAIN?

Yeah, so apparently, having sex with a fairy doesn’t just make vampires HIGH, it also makes them UNBELIEVABLY STUPID, because both Bill and Eric take the deal.  “I’ll shoot Eric, and then Pam will shoot me,” Bill says, almost boredly.  (Wait?  Don’t you need wooden bullets to shoot vampires?  Why would the Matrix Cover Band carry guns with WOODEN BULLETS to fight witches?)

Of course, Sookie is making THIS FACE . . .

 . . . which makes me EVEN MORE ANNOYED.   Because why the heck would you sacrifice so much for someone who makes faces like that . . .

No offense, Dawson Leery . . .

 . . . or Will Schuester!

So, Eric gets on his knees, just like he did when he was giving Sookie pleasure  about to be given the Truth Death by Vampire Bill, THE FIRST TIME, earlier this season.

And then Eric gives Sookie this calm, loving, look that almost breaks my heart, and makes me forget what a moron he’s being  . . .


I said ALMOST . . .

Aside from it being patently ridiculous that BOTH King Cockblock and Eric would ACTUALLY DO THIS FOR SOOKIE, my main problem with this scene was that it included no inherent danger.  I mean, we all KNEW unfortunately King Cockblock wasn’t going to CROAK, and neither was Eric.  So, really, it was just a matter of time, before SOMEONE stepped in to help.

That someone is Pam.  She shoots a rocket launcher right at the Force Field, and almost blows up Sookie.  (I’d be lying, if I said that doesn’t make me laugh, just a little bit . . .)

“Thar she blows!” 

After the explosion, Witchipoo takes Sookie, and rushes back inside.  I guess that is her way of saying negotiations are over . . .

Then, Eric makes Pam cry for having the AUDACITY to try to save her Maker’s life, over the life of Some Waitress . . .

Now, based on the message boards, I know that a lot of you were REALLY pissed at our man, Eric, for going off on Pam, like he did.  After all, she was just doing what she was “raised” to do, right?  Protect her Maker?  And you would think that Eric, of all people, would understand how difficult it is to watch your Maker, who you love more than life itself, commit suicide, for what you see as NO GOOD REASON AT ALL . . .


And yet, let me play Devil’s Advocate here, for just a moment.  What if Bill and Eric weren’t planning to sacrifice themselves, after all?  As I said, a mere ordinary bullet from a gun, wouldn’t be enough to kill a vampire.  So, what if Bill and Eric had planned to FAKE their own deaths, to get Witchipoo to let down her defenses and release Sookie?  Then, they would simply kill her, when she was most vulnerable.  King Cockblock and Eric, of course, wouldn’t have told their progeny about this, because they would have wanted their reactions to the “deaths” to be real.

“Come back, King Cockblock!  Who will keep me from getting laid now . . . Hoyt?”

However, if THIS was the case, Pam not only disobeyed her Maker’s wishes, she also SINGLEHANDEDLY RUINED the plan.  Now, if that’s not a good reason for a scolding, I don’t know what is!

Admittedly, King Cockblock is a bit more understanding of HIS progeny’s angry reaction to HIS suicide attempt.  “Don’t you EVER do that to me again,” scolds Jess.

And King Cockblock just nods silently, and pulls her in for a big long hug.  All together now . . . “Awwwwww!”

Oh, but before you get too comfortable, SOMETHING VERY BAD HAPPENS TO JASON!  He gets barbecued in the Force Field . . .

Man!  You can tell Jess must love that boy A LOT!  Because she keeps looking at him lovingly and stroking his face, even though he currently looks like spaghetti with teeth . . .  Then, Jess feeds him her blood for a second time.  And he heals.  And it’s all lovey dovey reunions, and hearts and flowers between them again.  “Even without your blood, I can’t stop thinking about you naked,” admits Jason.  That’s funny!  Even without Jessica’s blood, I can’t stop thinking about JASON naked, either!”

You know what all this means, don’t you?  MORE PICKUP TRUCK F*&KS!  🙂

Can I get a HELL YEAH!

Sorry Hoyt!

 Blood Puddle, Blood Puddle on the Floor, Who’s the Deadest One of All?


Ding, Dong, the Witch is DEAD!  (Which old witch?  The WICKED WITCH)  Ding, dong, the Wicked Witch is DEADDDDD!

You know how in Snow White, the Wicked Queen talks to a creepy mirror with eyeballs . .  . and it tells her that Snow White is the fairest one of all, which TOTALLY pisses off the Queen, who probably used to be REALLY hot, back in the day?  Well, Witchipoo doesn’t own a mirror  (Obviously!  Have you SEEN some of those outfits she wears!)  So she has to improvise, by looking at her reflection in . . . wait for it . . . SOME DEAD WITCH’S BLOOD!

SERIOUSLY!  And the Blood Puddle pretty much tells her (1) the vampires are still outside Hogwarts for Psychos; and (2) she’s going to die.  So, Witchipoo tells the witches they will ALL die, if they don’t hold hands and play Ring Around the Rosey with her.  They do.   And outside, this starts to happen .  . .

You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out.  You put your right foot in, and you shake it all about . . . 

Watch the VIDEO!  It’s HILARIOUS!  I just wish I could embed it here . . .

Who knew vampires were such awesome DANCERS, right?  Oh wait .  . . I DID!

Now, it’s time for Jason to rescue JESS 🙂 . . . and Bill 😦 . . . by keeping them from Hokey Pokeying right into the Force Field of DOOM!

“What am I?  Chopped liver?  I want to be rescued too!” 

Inside the Not-So-Secret Secret Circle of Hogwarts for Psychos, F*ckin’ Sookie HEARS Jason’s distress, and uses her glow fingers to break apart the circle AND stop all that Random Vampire Dancing.

Damon may approve, but Witchipoo, most certainly DOES NOT!  She puts Sookie in a Burning Ring of Fire.  (She fell in to a Burning Ring of Fire.  She went down, down, down, and the flames crept higher . . . and it burns, burns, burns, the Ring of Firrrrrre . . . the Ring of fFre.  Dammit!  Now I have that song stuck in my head . . . and so do YOU! ;))

Somewhere in a nearby rest room, Jesus is drinking Dead Witch’s blood (which is not a very Jesus thing to do), and calling upon his Evil Darth Vader-like family spirits to help him (which also isn’t a very Jesus thing to do), and cutting his wrists (which also isn’t . . . never mind).

“Why oh why, did I have baked beans and Poor Man’s Darth Vader for breakfast.”

“Lala?  Does my Inner Evil Demon make me look fat?”

“Hey Jesus!  You have a little something on your face . . .”

Once Jesus is wearing his Supposed to Be Scary Looking, But is Actually Makes Me Giggle Mask, THINGS start happening . . . like the deactivation of the Forcefield of DOOOOM, and the regurgitation of Antonia (for good, this time), and the de-conflagration of F*ckin’ Sookie.  I gotta say, that’s one busy Stupid Mask.  It just goes to show you, never doubt a guy who’s named after Jesus, even if his (grandfather IS a goatlicker).

Never . . . gets .  . . old.  (For me, anyway!) 

In a flash, the vamps have stormed Hogwarts for Psychos, and F*ckin Sookie tells them not to kill the other witches, because they are innocent.  Then that MORON minion says that if the vampires want to kill Witchipoo, they will have to go through HIM first.  So, Eric does, by pulling out Wacky Minion’s heart .  . . and drinking it . . . like a juicebox. (Remind you of anyone?)


In a word . . . AWESOME!

Then, King Cockblock shoots Witchipoo in the head, and she dies . . . And after all the Big Dramatic, Razzle Dazzle, Hocus Pocus, Force Field- Dancing, Heart-Eating, Darth Vader-Hat Wearing, Fairy-Sexing, Glow-Fingering, Excitement of the episode, it was a bit anticlimactic, actually.  I mean, one bullet . . . done.  And then everybody just went home . .  .

That’s IT? 

Actually, it’s not.  Because in the final scene of the episode, Lala is in bed with Jesus, trying to convince him that he did the right thing by, indirectly murdering his friend, while wearing a funny hat.  Then, they both go to sleep.  And, not a minute later, flying Ghost Marnie is floating over Lala’s head.  And, after all he’s been through, with this WORST MAGICAL POWER EVER, he’s stupid enough to ACTUALLY OPEN HIS MOUTH AND LET HER IN?

I don’t know.  Maybe he was just REALLY HUNGRY?  Fighting evil can do that to a Vessel for Possession by Any Angry Ghost Who Happens to Be in the Vicinity.

Tune in next week, when we, once again, get to see Nelsan Ellis, flex his acting chops, and play the role of YET ANOTHER Crazy Lady . . .  Also, next week: Bondage Eric, more of that Funky Mask, and Little Red Riding Hood just might kill us all!

Remember, Fangbangers!  It’s the season finale!  So ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN (and probably will).  See you then!


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Filed under True Blood